
Do you ever have those moments in life where you ask yourself "what the hell is going on?!"

I'm not going to go into too much detail of my birth but just know that I was wide awake throughout the process and yes I am traumatized, I think I came out almost full grown. My mind was scattered and there were many things happening.

I looked at my hands and saw that they were now paws, I was covered in black fur. There were multiple giant rats around me; they had red glowing eyes with white pupils so I guess it was safe to assume I had some too.

It looked like they were tending to the Newborns and that included me. They were giving us some green jelly that smelled sweet.

I looked behind me to see a giant rat, she was about 10 times larger than me. That must be my new mom. At first I was hesitant to try this jelly substance but after seeing other rats eating it I manned up and took a bite, it was a bit sour and sweet, kinda like candy.

Hmm, man up... wait am i still a dude! After a quick check I was relieved to see that I still was and thanked god.

Wait god, I was so caught up in the moment that I almost forgot! That "Goddess" is the reason I'm in this mess! Well I don't see a simple rat killing a god so I'm just going to focus on myself… for now.

After finishing my meal me and a group of 8 other rats were being led by a big rat that was smaller than mom but still larger than us. As we were walking I looked around and saw that we were probably in some underground stone covered sewer, typical for rats. It smelled damp but not like a sewer is supposed to, maybe it was an abandoned area. It was a bit of a challenge to walk on four legs after a lifetime of walking on two but I got the hang of it.

After walking for a while we reached a large open area. Inside there were hundreds of thousands of black rats of varying sizes. I couldn't hear squeaks, only voices. The giant rat led us to an empty spot.

"You stay here and rest. Tomorrow we train to look for food and protect the pack." The giant rat spoke with a rough voice. I was taken aback to hear a giant rat talk but maybe i could understand him because i'm a rat too.

"Yeah um, how exactly are we going to train?" I said curiously. Hearing a different voice come out of my own mouth was a little jarring. I sound like a rat that just ate a cough drop.

"Oh, you're smart enough to speak, that's quite rare for newborns like you. Anyways you'll see tomorrow how we train." he said ominously. Why did he have to be so vague?

After that the big rat walked off and left us alone to sleep. All my siblings fell asleep but i can't seem to get comfy, maybe it was a mix of my tail being too long or my fur being itchy. I wish there was some cloth around or at least something that will tell me more about being a rat.

All of a sudden a blue floating screen appeared in front of me! I was a bit shocked and woke up one of the rats.

"Do you see this?!" I said. I pointed to the blue screen and the rat looked at where I pointed. He looked a bit annoyed and shook his head and went back to sleep. Maybe only I can see it?

I tapped on the blue screen and some text showed up.


Species:Black Rat Lv.1




Str:3 Dex:4 Con:2 Int:11 Wis:15 Cha:1

Skill points:1

Skills:(Status Viewer) (Iron bite Lv.1) (Tail whip Lv.1) (Night vision Lv.1) (Foul mouth Lv.1)


Huh!? Is this some kind of Status screen that you usually see in RPG games? I got closer and tapped on the species tag.

Black Rat: A common rat monster commonly found in urban or underground areas. They are weak individually but a force to be reckoned with if found in a large swarm.

So I'm only a common pawn. And I only have ten hit points, I'll assume that if it reaches zero I'll die. Looks like i cant use magic and my stamina is more then half way full maybe that's why i'm having trouble sleeping. I think my stats are low but I have nothing to compare it to.

I have one skill point: what can I spend it on? A Small wall of text appeared and had a list of skills ranging from things like sharper claws or thicker fur but the thing that caught my eye was a skill called (analysis) it's requirements were to have 10+ intelligence and wisdom and To Be an "otherworlder" or a "Reincarnation" it allows its users to analyse Materials or Living things.

I took it almost instantly. After that I took a look at one of my rat brethren and used the skill on them.

Species: Black Rat Lv.1


Str:3 Dex:4 Con:2 Int:1 Wis:1 Cha:1

skills: (Iron bite Lv.1) (Tail whip Lv.1) (Night vision Lv.1) (Limited intelligence)


That was all the info it gave me. It wasn't a lot but it was just enough to compare to myself. It seems we're the same physically but mentally I'm stronger. Maybe it's because I was a human before? And what's with the skill limited intelligence? (Limited Intelligence: Int points can't be greater than 10) Huh, interesting.

Anyways, all this reading made me tired. I need to rest before making my next move. I'll analyze that big rat first chance i get tomorrow. As i fell asleep i hoped this was all a bad dream.