A slimy opponent

"So Lamb, how are you going to spend your cut of the loot?" I asked her. She thought for a second.

"Um, I will probably pay off my younger sister's college debt. And maybe use what's left over to start a small business." she said timidly. If i didn't know any better i wouldn't think this girl is a Serial bank robber.

"Ha! That's lame i would spend it on bitches and cocaina foo!" Chimp said as he busted in the room holding a box of beers. He placed the box down on a table and took out a beer.

"Oye, Rat! Pass me the bottle opener foo!" Chimp said Excitedly. I threw the opener at Chimp and he caught it and opened a beer in one swift motion.

Jackal walked in the room with some blueprints and placed them on the table, rolling them out using some beer bottles to hold the edges down.

"What about you Jackal, what would you spend your cut on?" asked Lamb.

"Pay off my Medical bills,"Jackal said enthusiastically.

"What about you Rat?" Said Jackal.

"Me? Well is suppose i would-"

I felt something hitting me repeatedly in the face. I open my eyes to see that rat hitting me in the face with its tail to wake me up. That was probably pay back for yesterday. So this ain't a bad dream?

"Alright everyone awake?" Said the big rat. Everyone got around him. Out of curiosity I analysed him.

Species: Black Bruiser Rat Lv.12


Str:58 Dex:40 Con:66 Int:6 Wis:19 Cha:15

Skills: (Sniff Lv.4) (Evasion Lv.2) (Agility Lv.2) (Charge Tackle Lv.1)

(Sharp claws Lv.4) (Steel bite Lv.3) (Sharp tail Lv.4) (Steel fur Lv.4) (Foul Mouth Lv.3) (Night vision Lv.5) (Limited intelligence)


What!? This guy is strong and he's not even the biggest rat here. I'm nothing compared to this guy! Maybe I should look at my stats again.


Species:Black Rat Lv.1




Str:3 Dex:4 Con:2 Int:11 Wis:15 Cha:1

Skill points:1

Skills:(Status Viewer) (analysis) (Iron bite Lv.1) (Tail whip Lv.1) (Night vision Lv.1) (Foul mouth Lv.1)


I can't look Deeper into his skills. The screen says his level is too high for me to do so, I'll just look at mine then. (Status viewer: a skill all "Otherworlders" and "Reincarnations" are born with. Allows one to view their own stats.) I keep seeing those words. What's an Otherworlder? (info not available) ok what's a Reincarnator? (Someone who Died and was chosen by a god to be reincarnated into this world.)

Ok Now let's check the other skills (Iron Bite: Makes the user's teeth harder and sharper.), (Tail whip: Allows user to crack their tail like a whip with a small chance to stun enemies that are weaker than the user.), (Night vision: allows the user to see in the dark.) (Foul Mouth: Every bite related attack has a small chance to cause a minor disease.)

Ok i'm done reading, and just in time the Bruiser started talking.

"Ok everyone follow me and stay in a group if anyone tries to leave i'll make you wish you didn't.'' The Bruiser spoke in a serious tone. We all huddled around him and followed him out of the rat den.

We walked for quite a while but the bruiser didn't look lost. He's probably explored these sewers hundreds of times. We all walked for a while until we found what we were looking for. A slime! I used my analysis skill on the slime to learn about it.

Species: Green Slime Lv.3


Str:5 Dex:2 Con:6 Int:1 Wis:1 Cha:1

Skills:(regeneration) (Acid Shot)

It's stronger and bigger and if i'm right that thing has a ranged attack!

"Ok everyone! Charge and attack!" commanded the bruiser. Like a hive mind, all of the rats attacked in a swarm except for me. I wanted to see how it went down. The bruiser looked at me with anger.

"Everyone!" The bruiser yelled as he smacked me with his tail. It stung only a bit but that's probably because he was holding back.

"Ok ok i get it."I said as I ran to join the fray. As the pack grew closer the slime became aware of us and fired a ball of acid at us, some of the rats dodged out of the way but one unlucky rat got hit dead on! I saw as it squirmed and screeched as it's skin sizzled and melted until it suddenly stopped moving. The smell was absolutely rancid. I almost threw up.

I was the only one that stopped to check it to see if it was ok. I Checked its stats to make sure.

Species:Black Rat



Jesus! Just one hit from acid and we're dead! I saw as the pack all jumped on the slime and started scratching and biting at the slime. I decided to avenge my fallen brother and jumped on the slime too.

It was like fighting a giant water balloon! I tried biting it but it was sour, more sour than anything I've ever tasted! After a couple more seconds of scratching and biting. I saw a yellow glowing rock inside it. A weak Spot!

I stuck my head in and tried fishing for it. I tried to open my eyes but that was a huge mistake. It felt like I got pepper sprayed and stung like a motherfucker! but I was still fishing for that stone. After a few more blind iron bites I felt something hard. I knew this was the stone and crushed it in between my jaws.

After that I felt the slime stop moving. I pulled my head out to see that it lost its light green color and turned a dark green. Some blue screens filled my vision.

(Green Slime has been defeated)

(Exp was gained)

(Level has increased from Lv.1 to Lv.2)

(Skill (Iron bite) has risen from Lv.1 to Lv.2)

Wow! All of that for killing one slime, I could get used to this.

"Ok everyone, eat as much as you can and we'll take the rest to the pack." said the bruiser as he walked up to us. I took a bite from the slime because I was starving and found that it was the same thing they fed us when we were born.

"What about the dead one?" i asked

"Leave him, weak rats dying only makes the pack stronger.only the strong survive." He said coldly. I was disturbed at how easily a rat will ignore his dead brother. To take my mind off it, I took one more look at my stats.


Species:Black Rat Lv.2




Str:3 Dex:4 Con:2 Int:11 Wis:15 Cha:1

Stat Points:5

Skill points:2

Skills:(Status Viewer) (analysis) (Iron bite Lv.2) (Tail whip Lv.1) (Night vision Lv.1) (Foul mouth Lv.1)
