Little Green men

After dragging the slime back home the bruiser let us have some free time. The huge Pack was very active. There were rats going in all directions. I looked around to see what other types of rats I could find.

Aside from Black rats there were also rats called Scavenger Rats. they were about twice my size, i found one standing still and analysed it.

Species: Black Scavenger Rat Lv.9


Str:20 Dex:22 Con:19 Int:3 Wis:9 Cha:15

Skills: (Sniff Lv.2) (Iron bite Lv.4) (Sharp tail Lv.1) (Dodge Lv.3) (Jump Lv.2) (Night vision Lv.3) (Limited intelligence)


I saw him walk off and went after him.

"Hey Um,what do you do around here?" I asked. The Scav stopped and looked at me.

"I look for food, usually mushrooms and shiny things." The rat said proudly.

"Why do you look for shiny things?"I asked. The rat thought for a moment.

"I don't know. But the Rat king likes it when we give him "Shinnies". He makes a big pile and rests on top of it." he said.

"And where is the king?" I asked. The Scav pointed to the center of the sea of rats and walked off. I looked to where it pointed and saw a circle of Absolutely massive rats, and in the center there was, the fattest rat I've ever seen, I thought he was about to drop the hottest EDM album of 2015!

He was standing on top of a massive pile of what looks like gold coins and jewels! They were covered in dust and dirt so that's possibly why I didn't see the shimmering earlier.

I got closer to the circle and tried to analyse them. Key word is "Tried", Because all the screen told me was. (Level Too high for analysis) I got closer to take a look at these massive rats. They were probably as big as my mom. They were covered in scars, probably from all the battles they have endured. But the thing that caught my eye was the fact that they had two rat tails! I got closer to them until one of them spoke to me.

"Unless you are leaving something shiny, go away young one." His voice was deep and intimidating. I decided not to test my luck and walked away.

After looking around for a bit more I went back to the meating spot and waited for everyone to come back. While I waited I decided to look at my stat and skill points.

I had 5 stat points and 2 skill points. I tapped on the stat point tag. (using 1 stat point Increases one Stat of your choice by 1, if not spent after a while stat points Spend themselves automatically.) Interesting.

After fiddling with the menu a bit I decided on these. ( Str+1, Dex+2, Con+1, And Int+1) after that I confirmed the decision. Now it's time for the skill points, I looked at the wall of skills and saw one that I really liked.

(Dodging: Allow the user to passively predict attacks to move out of the way. The higher the Level the better you can predict attacks.)

This skill costs 2 points, i hate to put all my eggs in one basket but maybe this is a good investment. After waiting around for a bit the group came together.

"Ok pack this time we're going to a different area to hunt for Different Pray. Follow me and stay close unless you want to turn into a puddle of melted flesh!" The bruiser sounded excited. It's not him risking his life after all.

After marching through the sewers for a while my paws were starting to get sore. I decided to take my mind off it by doing a shanty.

"Rats, we're rats; we're the rats! We pray at night; We stalk at night; we're that rats!" I sang in a very nostalgic tone. The Bruiser rat looked at me with an annoyed face.

"You're the giant rat that makes all of the rules!" I sang at the top of my lungs. The Bruiser had enough of my shenanigans. He picked me up with one hand and dropped me hard. I felt all of the air in my lungs leave instantly.

"What did we learn?" Asked the bruiser. He had a small smirk on his face.

"You don't like singing," I said weakly. I felt like I just got hit by a car!

"Mmhmm."Noded the Bruiser. And he continued marching with the pack.

I picked myself up and dusted the dirt from my fur. I checked my HP to see that it decreased by 2. Thanks asshole, those 2 points could be life or death.

I checked the other rats stats and saw that they were at level 2 as well. Perhaps fighting in a pack allowed everyone to gain exp?

After walking for a little longer we ran into a pack of goblins. 4 goblins led by 1 hobgoblin.

"Everyone Fight the goblins 2 on 1,I'll take care of the Big one!"The bruiser yelled as we charged. The goblins were armed with big clubs! We crashed into the goblins like a wave hitting a stone. Me and another rat paired up to fight one of the goblins, as did the rest.

As for The bruiser and the hobgoblin it was like seeing two kaijin duke it out, Trading blow after blow! But I couldn't focus on them. I had my own Fight to deal with.

I saw the goblin about to swing his club at me and something subconsciously told me in what direction to dodge. I jumped out of the way and he missed just barely. The other rat saw this as an opportunity and jumped on its back and started biting. The goblin was about to hit the rat on his back with it's club but I wasn't going to let that happen.

I used my tail and aimed at his hand, I struck his hand which caused him to drop his weapon. I kicked his club out of the way, this distracted him and I used that to my advantage and jumped on him. The Goblin tried to pull me off. I used my long tail to wrap it around his shoulder.

I started Biting at its neck, with every bite Purple blood gushed out and some of it got in my mouth. It Tasted like Old milk with a hint of iron. After A few more bites the goblin Died and me and my partner went to help the other rats. I tried a new move I thought of, i Used my tail as a sling and used it to throw a rock at one of the goblins. I missed a couple of times but quickly got the hang of it, I spun around and used momentum to hit harder.

I Used my new move to Hurl rocks at the head of goblins. After using my new moves to help my brethren they were able to dispatch the goblins. I got some notifications

(Goblins have been defeated)

(Exp was gained)

(Level has increased from Lv.2 to Lv.5)

(Gained 18 stat points)

(Gained 3 skill points)

(Iron Bite has increased from Lv.2 to Lv.4)

(Tail whip has increased from Lv.1 to Lv.3

(Dodge has increased from Lv.1 to Lv.2)

"Hell yeah!" I couldn't help but cheer out loud. All that was left was Bruiser and the Hobgoblin, Bruiser quickly finished it off using his tail to decapitate it!

"Nice fight pack, no casualties today! We got some food and exp, eat up and we'll drag these back to the pack." He sounded proud.

I took a bite of goblin meat, it tasted like wet beef jerky and not the good kind. While I ate I decided to work on my stats, 18 points is a lot to work with. After thinking for a while, I decided to go with these stats ( Str:+4, Dex:+5, Con:+5, Int:+2, and cha:+2). As for my skill points I saw a skill that could help me now and in the long run.

(Accuracy: Increases user's ability to hit opponents with ranged attacks.)

This could really help me with my rock sling move, It only costs a single skill point too so that leaves me with more options. Now I need something for defence. After browsing for a while I found just what I wanted.

(Iron fur: Increases users Defense Via Stronger fur)

It costs two points but it will help me a lot if I ever get hit. I took a look at my stats one more time.


Species:Black Rat Lv.5




Str:8 Dex:11 Con:8 Int:14 Wis:15 Cha:3

Stat Points:0

Skill points:0

Skills:(Status Viewer) (analysis Lv.1) (Accuracy Lv.1) (Iron fur Lv.1) (Dodge Lv.2) (Iron bite Lv.4) (Tail whip Lv.3) (Night vision Lv.1) (Foul mouth Lv.1)


"Alright everyone let's take this food back to the Pack, once we get there we'll get some sleep-" Bruiser was interrupted. Something fast passed over our heads. Bruiser ducked out of the way just barely.

What was that! It fell and stuck itself in the ground. It was a long and pointed wooden projectile. An Arrow! But who shot it! I looked to where it came from and saw some tall figures one. More goblins?!

