
A Novice Swordsman with leather plate-mail and an iron sword, a Novice Fire mage with black robes, and a Novice Archer with leather armor and a wooden bow. Versus 1 Bruiser and 8 black rats. Who do you think has the advantage?

"Humans! Boss, I think we should run!" Before I could finish explaining, Boss Charged right to the swordsman. The swordsman shouted something in a language I couldn't understand. He separated from his trio and decided to fight Boss 1 on 1.

As for us we had the fire mage and the archer to deal with. I saw how the boss and the swordsman fought,the boss used his tail like a flexible sword to block and deal attacks. But the swordsman was able to keep up and hit the boss a few times.

Me and the boys had ourselves a handful. The archer seemed to be inaccurate with her bow, and it didn't help that we were running around all over the place. But every time we tried to get closer the fire mage would use some flamethrower attack to push us back. She also had a fireball attack, though it was quite slow. I bet it does a lot of damage.

The archer aimed her bow at me, she yelled something and the fire mage set her arrow on fire! She fired the arrow but I easily dodged it out of the way. I smirked at the archer, but I shouldn't have gotten cocky.

The arrow made some noise like it was charging up! I knew something was wrong and leaped out of the way as the arrow blew up in a ball of flames! I wasn't able to negate the damage and got hit by the fire. My side stung and throbbed with pain. I checked my HP (HP 14/40). 25 damage! good thing I had Iron fur! one of the poor rats didn't get the memo and was hit dead on. He's now just a burnt smear on the stone wall.

That does it! At first I was holding back because these kids looked young, about highschool age. But now I'M MAD!!! I Picked up A heavy loose brick with my tail and flung it at the mage's head. She wasn't expecting a rat to throw a brick, so it cleanly struck her on the side of her head! I was always a good shot even in my past life.

"Bullseye!" I cheered. The mage fell to the floor, I didn't get a notification saying I killed her so she's just knocked out. Well that was easier than I expected!? I took this opportunity to analyse the humans.

Species: Human Lv.12

Class: Fire Mage


Str:27 Dex:29 Con:14 Int:37 Wis:24 Cha:16

skills: (Fire magic Lv.3) (FireBall Lv.2) (Fire Bomb Lv.3) (Fire Shield Lv.1 )


Species: Human Lv.9

Class: Ranger


Str:21 Dex:27 Con:17 Int:20 Wis:15 Cha:11

skills: (Archery Lv.2) ( Accuracy Lv.1) (Penetration Lv.1)


The swordsman saw his ally fall unconscious so he broke up his fight with the boss and ran to his ally. One of the rats tried to attack him.

"No you Dumb-ass!" I tried to warn him but it was too late. The swordsman swung his sword and cut the rat in half! The Swordsman picked up his ally and the ranger said something to the Swordsman. The swordsman argued with the ranger for a second. They came to some agreement and the swordsman ran away With the mage in his hands leaving the Ranger to fight us on her own.

"What's wrong too much for ya ta handle!?" I Flung a rock at the Swordsman, but the Ranger took out a dagger and cut the rock in half mid air. The blade was made of a blueish metal and looked razor sharp. I analysed it, something tells me this ain't a normal dagger.

(Mythril Dagger: Made of a legendary metal that doesn't Chip and Cuts through the thickest armor.)

Legendary!? Oh no, I'm feeling a little greedy. But first that girl. I saw that the boss was extremely hurt from his fight with the swordsmen so I came up with a plan.

"Boss you stay in the back-line and fling rocks like I've been doing to distract her, I'll use my sneakiness to flank her and try to get the drop on her." The boss nodded and agreed with my plan.

Boss and the others started flinging rocks at the girl and she started blocking and dodging. I used this opportunity to run around her. I slowly advanced so as to not get her attention. I took a step every time someone threw a rock.

"One step at a time." That's what Jackal used to say. Remembering his betrayal and the pain of my burning injuries fueled my adrenaline. I was now completely behind her. I aimed myself at her neck and Jumped!

I landed on her back and started climbing. She felt me movie around and started panicking. I got up to the back of her neck and bit. The girl screamed and grabbed me. She threw me to the ground with all her might. I felt my body hit the ground and for the first time in a while I felt like death was near.

I opened my eyes to face my killer but my vision was blurry. At that moment I expected to die by getting stomped on, But it never came. My vision cleared up and I saw that the girl was completely paralyzed. She was as still as a statue. I checked her stats and saw the culprit.

Status: Infected (Lock joint: A Disease That Causes paralysis in its victims. Can be acquired from ingesting goblin's blood.)

Eating that Goblin's meat ended up saving my life! I Checked to see that I only had 4 HP left! Does (Foul mouth) protect me from diseases? Anyways now for the task at hand, Dispatching this Girl.

"Good Job Um, Talky. Looks like we bagged a big one!" The boss was pleased with my performance. I looked at the girl, she was as still as a statue but somehow I still saw emotions behind those eyes. The rats pushed her over.

"Come on Talky, we won this because of you. you should get the honor of finishing it off." The boss beckoned me to come closer to the girl's neck. I was Really desturbed. I admit, I have killed people before but this time it's different. At that time I was in heated gun fights and it was either me or them. But this time my opponent can't fight back, She's paralizsed and at my mercy.

"Go on then. Bite it's neck and finish it off." Boss said impatiently. All the rats were gathered around me anticipating my next move. I looked one more time at the girl's face and saw a single tear flowing down her face. I'm so sorry, I'll try to make this quick. I wrapped my teeth around her neck. I Took a deep breath and then

…I Bit.

(Ranger has been defeated)