Surface Adventure part 2

After dealing with the blue rat and having eaten half my bodyweight in cheese I set out to find what i was looking for. I skittered up the street sealthly. There was the occasional night time walker or drunken man but I stayed out of their way.

After walking around through the maze-like city for a while I ran into a pub. There were only a few customers inside but it looks like they were having a blast. It reminded me of how much fun it was having a couple of beers with my pals. I decided to walk away before I got sentimental.

I Walked up the street continuing my objective. The streets were dimly lit and a little wet. I sniffed the air and I finally got the faint smell of Limestone. I followed the scent and it got stronger and stronger until I found a large building with limestone pillars.

"Ah ha! I knew there had to be a bank somewhere around here." I said. I have no plans at the moment but I just wanted to confirm that banks were a thing in this world. It had guards inside and out. They were in what looked like steel armor and carrying around steel swords and bows.

"I Definitely don't want to rush in without some kind of plan." I said to myself. I analyzed one of the guards to make a guess as to how strong they were.

Species: Human Lv.25

Class: Warrior


Str:240 Dex:234 Con:230 Int:25 Wis:15 Cha:50

Skills:(Swordsmanship Lv.7) (Air Slash Lv.4) (Endurance Lv.4) (Block Lv.4) (Dodge Lv.4) (Fire Resistance Lv.3) (Water Resistance Lv.2) (Air Resistance Lv.4) (Earth Resistance Lv.1)

My eyes almost popped out of my head!

This was no doubt a seasoned fighter.All of the guards were in the same range of strength. If they have this many strong guards here then that obviously means they must have some serious cash here!

I Left the area quietly. I really don't want to get their attention. If I did they might rip me to shreds! "I'm outta here!"

It was getting late and I didn't want to be considered MIA so I hightailed it back to the meeting place. I retraced all my steps and ended up back at the alley Boss was waiting at. Him and four other rats were waiting for me.

"Have you seen the last one?" he asked impatiently. The other rats were carrying gems and pouches full of gold coins! Was I supposed to bring something back?

"No, I haven seen, heard, or smelled another Black Rat." I responded back. Right as I said that I heard a small high pitched voice that sounded like it was in distress coming closer and closer.

"Incoming!" Said a rat that was being chased by four humans! It was carrying a large red gem in it's mouth.

"Of Course..." I said unamused. The humans stopped the opening at the alleyway and stared down our pack. They were unarmed and after analysing them I saw that they were pretty weak but could still give us some trouble with their large size. And then I realized something.

"Wait, you can talk now?!" I was surprised. But that's not what's important right now. The humans were talking between each other. It seemed like they were a bit hesitant to fight.

We were staring at each other like two rival gangs that ran into one another. The tension was getting strong. Until they charged at us.

Looks like it's a rumble they want. I had to come up with a plan,And quickly!

"Make two groups and take on the two humans at the back. I'll fight the two at the front! Charge!" like some kind of commander i charred with my army. But the boss didn't, he just stood there.

"Aren't you gonna help us!?" I yelled.

"If I bail you out every time you get in trouble you won't gain experience." He explained.


As we closed the distance I drew my dagger. They looked startled by this. I haven't had a good chance to try out this dagger so I don't know how sharp it is. I tried drawing the attention of two of the humans by making myself an easy target. They took the bait and started to throw kicks and stomps at me.

I dodged the attacks with a few close calls. I Slashed the back of one of the human's legs only intending to cut his leg. So I was surprised when the dagger chopped the leg clean off like a hot knife through butter. There was no shortage of blood as the human fell to the ground screaming while he held his newly acquired stump.

The other human was shocked at the sight of his comrade losing his leg. I used this opportunity to cut both of the other human's legs. He fell to the ground as well.

The other rats were almost just about done as well, climbing the humans and attacking viciously. So I decided to hurry up and finish the job.

I cleaved the heads of both of the humas clean off silencing their screams. The other rats finished off their prey that was covered in bites and lacerations.

(Humans have been defeated)

(Exp has been gained)

(Level has been increased from Lv.1 to Lv.3)

(Gained 10 stat points)

(Gained 2 skill points)

"Right on!" I celebrated. We left a pretty big mess, I feel sorry for the guy that has to clean this up. Now time to address the elephant in the room.

"You, what do you have to say for yourself?" I used my tail to point to the rat that spoke earlier. The only way I recognized them was from a notch in their left ear.

"Me?" They asked.

"No, the piece of cheese behind you- YES YOU!" I yelled.

"You could have got us killed!" I yelled again. Geez I sound like some kind of lame dad.

"I'm sorry ok. That rock was just so shiny and I thought they wouldn't notice me taking it." They explained.

"Alright! Next time we come here you're sticking with me. Now let's go before we attract any more attention." Just as i said that six knight looking fellows came running to the late rescue.

They had full steel armor and had long steel swords as well as decently high levels but not as high as those elite bank guards. Still if we tried to fight them we would get decimated. They are probably here because of the men screaming. Such a naive mistake, how could I have screwed up so badly!

"Of course. You know at times like these, there is only one thing left to do."

"Run Like hell!"