The Grinding Chase

"Go go go!" I yelled. Boss jumped into the manhole first and it wasn't enough to hurt him. He broke the fall of each rat by catching them one by one. I was the last one in to make sure that everyone got into the hole.

We started running as fast as our short legs could allow us. The knights dropped in one by one too swords out and sounding angry. Boss was in the lead and I was in the back to make sure no one got lost.

The knights despite wearing heavy looking armor were gaining on us! We just keep running and running. I didn't know what else to do except run. Even if i tried to fight them i doubt i'll be able to kill more than one.

These guys are persistent, why won't they just give up! I mean we did just murder 4 humans but that's besides the point. The rats were still carrying their loot and weren't looking too keen on abandoning it.

I was surprised that I could run this fast for so long. Back when I was human I could barely run a mile before my joints started to hurt.

I've noticed a lot of things since I've become a rat, mainly to do with my senses. I can hear better and clearer and my sense of smell has been strengthened. But with every good there is bad, for one my vision is really near-sighted but I'm able to see really good in the dark. My whiskers are really good for feeling the change in air and temperature around me but It hurts like hell if I pull on them even a little bit. My buck teeth are really good for cutting and biting but I constantly feel the urge to chew on something hard like a bone or piece of wood. But I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of it.

I need to come up with a plan, something that will give my pack the best chance to get away. Being selfless ain't a new thing for me but it is a rare thing. After running for a bit longer we came to a fork in the road,and that's when I came up with the worst idea ever.

"I'll draw their attention away from the main pack. It'll be much easier to lose them by myself. I'll catch up with you later by following your scent!" I said hastily. The rats nodded in unison. Not the free thinking type?

I teased the knights by doing a little dance and went in the opposite tunnel of the pack. They all fell for it and went after me. I'm glad they did because if they decided to split up it would have been bad. But now my own chance at survival has been lowered. One rat vs. six heavily armored knights? If i weren't about to get diced i would laugh, I started running even faster.

One of the knights was forming something in his off-hand; it looked like a small cluster of green glowing dirt shards. He launched the dirt at me at a high speed, I was barely able to doge out of the way. And then the other knights started doing the same thing but each had a different material like water, air, or fire. I was surprised at how well I was able to dodge this onslaught. I Still got nicked here and there but I was still going strong.

And then I saw it, a flood gate! Just what I need to give these knights a good flush. The Gate was large and I could tell it was heavy by just looking at it. There was only a single chain holding the gate shut. Running towards the chain I grabbed onto it and pulled out my dagger.

The knights oblivious as to what I was about to do got closer. Sliced the chain below me and got pulled up along with it. The flood gate opened and the knights barely had any time to react as they were flushed away by the huge wave that was made. I was safely near the roof as I was still holding on to the chain. I saw as the knights trashed around in the water helplessly.

"Need some help Boys? I'Noah guy!" I joked. They all sank under the water as their armor filled up with water.

(Knights have been defeated)

(Exp has been gained)

(Level has been increased from Lv.3 to Lv.13)

(Gained 100 stat points)

(Gained 10 skill points)

(Iron Fur has been increased from Lv.3 to Lv.5(Max))

(Dodge has been increased from Lv.4 to Lv.5(Max))

Wow I can't believe they died from that. I should use my points while I wait for the Water level to lower. I have 110 points that I haven't used and 15 skill points I've saved up. After browsing for a while I ended up with this decision (Str:+25 Dex:+35 Con+25 Int:+10 Wis:+10 Cha:+5). As for my skills I upgrade (Iron fur) to (Steel fur) and (Dodge) to (Evasion) which each cost 5 points. I need a new skill and all of this running gave me an idea, I browsed the list and saw the skill (Swiftness: Boost the users speed

But significantly drains SP). It cost me the rest of my skill points but I need it badly. After confirming everything I ended up with this.


Species:Black Scavenger Rat Lv.13




Str:51 Dex:67 Con:48 Int:30 Wis:29 Cha:13

Stat Points:0

Skill points:0

Skills:(Status Viewer) (analysis Lv.2) (Accuracy Lv.3) (Swiftness Lv.1) (Steel fur Lv.1) (Evasion Lv.1) (Steel bite Lv.1) (Sharp tail Lv.1) (Night vision Lv.2) (Foul mouth Lv.2)


After the water level lower I backtracked until I ended up back at the split where I broke away from my pack. I picked up their scent and started following it. They were probably way ahead of me and probably already at the Mega pack.

After walking for quite a while I felt like I was very close to the main pack. I caught a different scent, something that I haven't smelled in a while. I took a big whiff of the air to confirm my suspicions.

"Is something burning?"