Fire and Blood

"All right, Adventurers, you better listen up and listen well because I'm only going to say this once."said the Expedition leader. In Front of the leader were many adventurers and mercenaries hired to participate in this expedition.

" This is the plan of attack. The Mages will begin the attack by launching fire bombs at the Rat Hive, that should bring their attention to the Mages and that's when Melee Fighters will step in and hack those rodents to bits. Archers and mages will stay in the back providing supporting fire. You'll keep dwindling their numbers down until you get the attention of the Rat Warriors and the Rat King, and that's when you'll step back and Retreat temporarily. The Hero's party will then go in and eliminate them." explained the leader. The plan was simple on paper but in action a lot of things could happen.

"Don't worry about the Elite Rats, my party is more than capable of taking down those beasts." Said the hero. He and his party were impatient for action.

"Thank you Mr.hero, Anyone have any questions?... Great, oh and one more thing. Do not and i can't stress this enough, get bit by a rat. Some of you may already know this but Black Rat specifically have a skill called Foul Mouth. This skill gives the rats the power to infect you with some kind of disease, But that's not all the skill will also activate the symptoms of said disease instantly. It can be something from a mild cold to complete organ failure, but your best bet is to avoid getting bit at all. OK Adventurers see you on the battlefield." The leader closed their speech.


I know what this smell is, I have a history with it. The smell of burning flesh. Just what the hell is happening at the main pack!? I ran as fast as my legs allowed me. Until I finally reached the pack.

It was complete pandemonium. Rats were running around everywhere, some were covered in burns and cuts. The Rat king and his guards were trying to keep order but their words fell on deaft ears. I looked at where all of this panic was coming from. Humans, and lots of them!

They are attacking our hideout!

I was starting to get filled with anger, but I have to keep a level head right now. The humas front line consisted of large men with swords and shields. They were plowing through us like sickles in a wheat field! Their back line was full of different types of mages and archers.

The smaller rats stood no chance, the only rats keeping them back were the bruisers but even they were getting wiped one by one. The rats had no coordination! All they were doing was trying to overwhelm them with numbers but once they bunched up the mages would do area of effect attacks wiping out large groups in single attacks!

Nothing beats human strategy.

I Caught something at the corner of my eye. A severely wounded bruiser and a single scavenger trying to move them. It was Boss and The Scav with the notched ear! I ran towards them.

"C'mon Boss we gotta get outta here!" Said The Scav desperately. They were trying their hardest to move Boss who was twice their size.I caught up to them. Boss was covered in blood and deep cuts, his breathing shallow and weak.

"Boss! Oh my god! What happened to you!?" I said worried. I was surprised he was still alive. He gave me no response.

"They attacked us shortly after we got here. The rest joined the fray; they are probably dead already. Boss joined too but he got slashed lots of times and ran away. I found him here, collapsed." The Scav said sadly. Boss suddenly woke up but he wasn't strong enough to pick himself up.

"T-talky Is that youuuuu?" Said Boss weakly.

"Yeah it's me Boss, Don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here." I Said trying to push him too.

"Don't Bother… I'm not making it out of this one." Said Boss. What!? Oh come on he can't do this to me.

"No, don't jinx yourself like that!" I said

"I tried my best but those humans are strong. Talky, I have one wish, Could you do it for me?" Said Boss

"S-sure Boss, I'll do it!"I said.

"Kill me." he said bluntly.

"What?" I asked.

"I want you to kill me, I don't want to give those humas the satisfaction." his breathing was getting weaker.

"I...I understand,"I said. I sheathed my dagger with my tail.

"Thank you." he said.

I raised my dagger over my head. I took a deep breath. I was shaking a little. Is this…hesitation? As a Human I almost never hesitated to do something, be it robbing a store or killing someone i rarely ever thought twice about it. But this? This Rat is the closest thing to a father figure I've ever had. I Brought down the dagger separating his head and body.

(Rat Bruiser has been defeated)

(Exp has been gained)

(Level has been increased from Lv.13 to Lv.15)

(Gained 30 stat points)

(Gained 2 skill points)

"AHHHHHH!" I Couldn't help but scream. I was Beyond furious. I Need to calm down and think. There is no way we can beat those humans. So I'll do what I'm best at. Run away and live to fight another day.

The Rat warriors look like they've had enough of their botheren getting slaughtered. They were starting their attack. They were fast and approaching the humans at brake speeds. The humans were actually retreating.

"What? Why are they running away?" Said the Scav.

"I doubt it." I said. The Humans were making room for something to passby, Or maybe it was someone?

A young looking man in light blue metal armor came out from the crowd. He looked like some kind of hero. He was followed By a girl with Cat ears, another human with white hair, and a girl in green clothes with pointy ears.

"No, I think they're bringing out their secret weapon." I said. The rat warriors aimed their attack at the hero. The hero drew a large silver sword.

1...2...3...4...5...6 In less than the blink of an eye the hero sliced each one in half. The Rat king tried attacking him but the hero killed him just as easily.

In less than a minute our last line of defense fell. The humans had won. The gold and jewels that we worked hard to stash were now theirs.

"God damn." was all i could say.Now's not the time to mourn, we've got to run!

I saw the Hero pull out a small round blue gem from out of his pocket. It shined brightly despite there being no light for it to reflect. The Hero rose the gem up high and a wave of light surrounded the hideout.

"What in the world is he doing?" The Scav Asked me. All of the sudden I noticed something weird. My fur was glowing A Bright blue! I'm standing out like a sore thumb!

The hero and his party all turned to look directly at me. Their gaze burnt through me and a massive shiver went down my spine. Did they just mark me!?

"Oh Shit."