Game of Cat and Rat

Every instinct in my body has gone ballistic. My breathing was getting faster and faster. My heart was beating so hard I could hear it over the chaos. My head was spinning and my throat felt clogged.

"Why are you glowing?!" The scav asked me. I was barely able to hear what they said. I was trembling with anxiety and fear. Not even at the moment of my first death did I feel this much fear."Are you ok?"

"R-run." I managed to stutter. They just stood there confused. I don't know what it was, but the Hero emitted some kind of aura that was extremely overwhelming. His level was too high for me to analyse him, I couldn't even imagine a scenario in which I somehow won. I'm not sure I could even run from him, but I got to let the scav get away at least. "Go! Save yourself ya dumb rat!"

They finally listened to me. I saw as they skittered away leaving me behind.

"Now then-"I said. My adrenaline was pumping. I Unsheathed my dagger clearly showing my willingness to resist. It was still covered in dried human blood but still glowed light blue. "Let's scrap!"

I saw the hero say something to the cat-girl. She smiled from ear to ear and pulled out a massive spear. It's tip was made of some kind of black metal. She started to walk up to me saying something at me in a playful tone

"Y-you want some of this!?" I responded. She paused and looked at me for a second with an amused looking face. If rats could sweat I would be drenched right now. She was standing a few feet away from me, her feline eyes staring right through me.

You know, I would be enjoying this if I weren't about to die horribly.

She dashed towards me and swung her spear at me in a large sweeping motion. I barely managed to jump over the attack and keep my legs intact. Her spear came back around and she tried to Stab my face twice. I move my head to avoid the attacks, practically giving me a close shave. I touched my face to realise that my whiskers were cut short.

"Grrr! You're just messing with me aren't ya!" I yelled. She giggled. I was starting to lose my composure. I started to look around in a panic trying to find anything that could help me right now. I saw a single tunnel that wasn't guarded by humans. I looked back at the cat-girl and saw her tilting her head towards the exit. Is she giving me the go ahead to run?

No. She's giving me a head start, that Vicious Molly wants to chase me! Does she think I'm some kind of toy! I was grinding my teeth in anger. Screw It! I'm out of options and patience.

I took one step towards the tunnel. The cat-girl took one as well. I stepped and she did the same. I started going faster and she copied me. "Grrr."

I started running as fast as I could and she started running alongside me still smiling. She was easily able to Keep up with my speed. She jabbed her spear at me a few times while running but I blocked them with the dagger.

Every time our blades clashed I could feel the vibration through my whole body. She was starting to stab faster and I was starting to get overwhelmed. I got nicked a few times in my front arms and sides. They were shallow cuts so I knew she was doing it for fun.

"Ouch!" I winched. She was giggling. Then I started to feel a cold breeze. But were underground where could that be coming from? I looked back to see that the tunnel's floor was quickly freezing over like a lake! Just as the ice was about to reach me I jumped to avoid getting frozen to the floor. I landed on the ice and slipped, the cat-girl slipped as well and got mad. I looked to where the ice came from and I saw the white haired human using some ice skates to glide through the tunnel.

The cat-girl said something to the ice-girl in an angry sounding tone. They started to argue back and forth. This is my chance to get away! I slowly tried to skitter away using the ice to pick up speed. I was getting pretty far, it was hard to get a grip on the ice but once I started going in one direction it was getting easier.

The ice girl noticed me trying to get away and she held out her hand. A white glowing circle appeared and spun around rapidly. A long icicle came out of her hand and was propelled towards me. I tried to jump out of the way but I slipped.

I held out the dagger to block the icicle but the force was too strong and the dagger was knocked out of my tail! The dagger slid on the ice towards the cat-girl and she picked it up. "Hey! I stole that first, you can't just take it back!" I yelled.

I looked back to see that the tunnel floor was gone! I peered down the hole and all I could see was an endless pitch black. That's it, I'm cornered, there's no were else to run.

I hadn't noticed before because of the adrenaline pumping through but, I'm tired as hell! I could pass out at any moment. (SP:9/100) "yup, I'm screwed."

I was thinking out my actions when I heard something heavy coming down the tunnel. *Clink* *Clank* *Clink* was all I could hear coming down the tunnel. I soon figured out what the noise was, It was the hero. The two girls paused to look at him with admiration in their eyes. "Oh, come on!"

The hero had no trouble walking on the ice, it was almost supernatural. He had his sword drawn out and had the pointy-eared girl in a green dress following him. The hero took one look at me and his expression changed.

It was uncanny seeing him go from killing intent to a concerned face. I got a massage (Cation. you have just been analysed.) "Oh no I've been found out."He knows I'm a human, or alest was one. The hero put away his sword and ordered his harem to stand back. "Oh no, here it comes."I said annoyed. The hero came closer and bent a knee. "What's this, are you giving me some kind of pity? I don't want it! Argh, what's the point not like you can understand me anyways." The hero looked at me with an unamused face.

"Yes, I can understand you." Said the hero. "Wha-? How!?" I said surprised. "I got a skill that lets me speak any language," he explained. "Look, I know how hard it must have been for you. You probably died painfully and now you're a rat. So how about yo-" I interrupted the hero "No." "What?" He said, confused. "I'm not joining your little 'Dream team' not after you kill what little family i had." The hero looked remorseful "Look. I know what happened but that was just a misunderstanding." "Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding!? Is that all my family was too you?" i took one step towards the ledge

"Ok calm down, I know you don't like being a rat but I'm sure you can enjoy life just as well." I took one more step. "Nah, death seems better right now then having to listen to your annoying ass for another second." I took another step towards the pitch black void, one more step would do it. "Oh and Hero, one more thing. If I somehow live. You better sleep with one eye open, cus Im comin to get cha!"

Before I took my final step I gave the hero a certain gesture that involved using only one of my fingers. As I took my final step they hero dived to catch me and succeed. "You shouldn't have done that." I said. I bit his hand which caused him to let go of me. "I hope you get Hepatitis!" I said as I fell.

I took a deep breath and let the void cover me.