Giving Old Slim a Visit

It was midnight. I walked down an old alleyway that had a bunch of bums loitering around. They won't hurt me, they know who I am. Feeling the urge I took out a cigarette, lit it, and placed it in my mouth sucking up the sweet nicotine. I kept walking, stepping over some trash along the way till I reached a large metal door embedded in a red brick wall.

I walked up to the door. I knocked 2 times, paused, knocked 3 times and paused, and then knocked 6 times. A slit in the door opened up and two eyes with black pupils came into view.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the news favorite rodent cosplayer!" Said Slim in a tired and snarky voice. He's one of if not the best arms dealers around. You want a Machine gun? he'll get you a Machine Gun. you want a tank? for the right price he'll get you a tank.

"I'm not here to have some small talk Slim, you know why I'm here." I took a puff of my cigarette and blew it into the air. Slim gave me a look of disapproval.

"I don't care about your bad habits but do that somewhere else buddy! Ya know I'm asthmatic." he said scornfully. I took one big puff of my cig, flicked it on the ground, and stomped it out. "Happy?" I said annoyed.

"Now we can do business. So what will it be this time?" said Slim. I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Slim through the silt in the metal door. "I'll need four M249 machine guns with 4,000 rounds of ammo, four ballistics vests and helmets with level IV plates,20 grenades, and 20 pounds of Thermite and C4."

Slim's eyes were wide open with disbelief. "Would ya like some nukes with that too?" he joked. "Can you get it or not!?" I pressured him. "Sure can, I just feel sorry for the small army you're planning on fighting. What are you doing this time?" asked Slim. "I'm hitting the 555." I answered.

"You're crazy! It's never even been considered as remotely possible to remove even a single cent from that vault illegally! Look buddy I know you've pulled off some jobs that'll give you your own place in history, but you'll need more than just these weapons to pull that off." he urged.

"Oh slim, trust me this is just one of the final pieces of the puzzle. The gang and I got quite the plan. Just make sure to keep up with the news later this month." I told him. He looked at me with skepticism. "I mean seriously, I've looked over it out of curiosity before. I've seen a whole new level of security; State of the art security systems , Round the clock security patrol, not to mention the 70 ton vault door! Seriously, they could teach me a thing or two about paranoia!"

"I doubt that, I Mean I don't even know what you fully look like Despite knowing each other for over 20 year! Don't worry Slim we got this, I know how much you love having me around." I reassured him.

"Ha ha ha, I'm more worried about losing a high paying customer than anything else!" He laughed. " Hey, thanks for the small talk. I'll pick up the order at the usual place. Take care." I said. "Oh, one more thing…'Don't let the door hit you on the way out'." He said as he shut the viewing hatch on his door.

I know what that phrase was code for. I made my way outside the alley, past all the homeless people. Once I got outside I saw two men in black suits and ties standing near my car. They were both physically imposing, their muscles were extremely impressive and almost unnatural. " Looks like someone's mamas made their kids eat all their veggies! What's an important looking pair of dudes doing in this part of town at this hour of the night?" I got their attention.

"Is that him?" said one of the men in a deep voice. "Definitely." responded the other one in the same fashion. "Are you let's see here-" the man pulled out a piece of paper from his suit and read something on it. "-Mr.Twist?" he asked.

"Heh heh, Can't believe they're still using that name. Yes, I'm Oliver twist! What do you want? Ya'll don't look like cops, are you private investigators or something? You managed to track me down but didn't even find my real name!?" I don't know whether to be impressed or worried. I touched my right pocket to find that it was empty. Shit! Must've left my gun inside the car, which is across the street!

"Look 'Mr.twist' we're about to give you the offer of a lifetime. We represent a growing company In the Bio-engineering and Pharmaceuticals field. It's Called Gen-Tec and it's growing rapidly. I say it's more than worth your time." Said the man with a firm undertone. "So this 'Gen-Tec'-" I casually started to walk closer to my car. "Why exactly do they need me specifically? If it's test subjects they want, then there's a bunch of them down that alley."

I walked closer towards my car, I was now halfway across the street. "Well 'They' want you specifically because 'They' seem to think you're the perfect candidate for their newest project. Of course you will be handsomely compensated for your contribution to science." Said the man.

"And this 'Project' what exactly is it?" I asked. "That information is strictly classified. Your questions can be answered IF and only IF you take the offer we are giving you." The man explained. I got close to my car and casually leaned against the door. "Sounds interesting guys but-" I reached inside my car's open window and quickly grabbed my pistol. "Here's my answer."

I tried to pull my gun out but I was stopped by the man who was somehow fast enough to grab my hand and keep me from shooting them. I struggled to free myself of his grip but he was insanely strong! "So I take it that's a no? Shame." He grabbed my pistol and actually cursed the barrel like a soda can. "Hey! What the fuck!?" I yelled.

He wrapped something around my arm that looked like some kind of bracelet. "What the hell is this for?" I asked. "So we won't lose track of you, good luck taking it off without cutting off your hand. It's indestructible." he let go of me. I immediately punched him in the face but he didn't even flinch! "We'll see you around." They were about to leave when I got his attention.

"Hey! That was a custom made M1911! You better pay me back!" I yelled. The man reluctantly gave me a stack of bills that totaled $5,000. They both got in a black van and sped off. I looked at the bracelet they gave me, it was black and had a red light blinking on it.

"Fuck me." I whispered under my breath.