The Dark Below

I felt like I was covered in something cold, it was hard to move through. I almost thought I was dreaming until I took a small breath. My nose didn't sucked up air, it was water! I was panicking, not wanting to drown! I paddled my way up to the surface as fast as I could!

I broke the surface and coughed out the water I had inhaled. I tried to open my eyes but the water irritated them so I wasn't able to open them. I swam blindly in all directions hoping to find some solid ground and I did. I crawled on to solid ground, my fur was heavy from the amount of water it had soaked up. At first I tried to dry myself off by squeezing the water out but then I remembered "Oh yeah, i'm a rat i can just shake it off." I shook myself dry and rubbed my eyes clean.

I opened my eyes to see… not very much. It was way darker and I could only see a couple feet in front of me, even with my night vision! Just why is it so dark down here!? I remembered the whole situation with the hero. "That fucking brat! He probably got everything handed to him in life!" I exhaled softly, I have more important things to deal with right now. Like how I'm going to get back to the surface.

But I did add the hero and his Harem to my mental hit list.

"I don't know how I'm going to do it but someday I will get my revenge on everyone! That goddess, The Hero, And You Jackal, don't think you're safe Just Because I died! I'll break the laws of reality if I have to!" Sounds almost like a joke.

But first things first i need to find some shelter to sleep. I'm surprised I even had the strength to swim. I found a small nook alongside a wall that looked big enough for me to fit in. I squeezed myself in and got myself in a relatively comfortable position. I was so tired I went to sleep instantly.

"I'm not leaving you!" said lamb. The alarm was still ringing loudly and you could hear Agents running around. "You aren't! I'll catch up with you later, just go!"I said. "Rat, If you die I'll kill you." She said with a tear in her eye. "Me, Die? You must be living in a fantasy!" I kissed her goodbye and locked the door behind her.

"Come get me you motherfuckers!" I said as I fired some gunshots into the air to get their attention.

"Argh, fuck!" I leaned against the hallway wall. I think that last shot hit me in the liver. "M-must...Ignore...pain! Got to reach...the exit!" I was getting woozy from the blood loss. I stumbled down the hallway using the wall as a crutch. I was right at the exit when it swung open with a lot of force. There were a bunch of agents waiting for me on the other side. The one that kicked down the door was holding a shotgun. "Get on the fucking ground!"



"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was pounding and I was breathing extremely fast. I started touching my face to make sure I was still in one piece. "Was that just...a dream?" Maybe The trauma of getting killed was worse than I thought.

I quickly recomposed myself. But ever since that day I've always had a thought at the back of my head, what happens if I die again? Is it game over for real's this time? "Is hell real? Heh heh, I know I don't have a chance of getting into heaven. Not with the life I had." I muttered to myself.

Welp, time to stop pitying myself cus I'm hungry! Let's see what we can find down here, I doubt it'll be any better than goblin meat. I got out of my little hole in the wall and sniffed the air to see if there were any threats. Now that I lost my dagger I've got to go back to biting and whipping.

It was so dark that I had to rely on everything BUT my vision. I traveled as quietly as possible because I know that anything that lives in complete darkness has a keen set of ears. I really want to get out of this dark zone, no telling what kind of monsters thrive in the dark. I Shivered at the thought.

I started walking hoping I would find some way back closer to the surface. I was walking for quite a while until I finally saw something. It was glowing a soft purple. I approached it cautiously, It could be a trap. As I got closer its form got apparent, it was a bunch of mushrooms! I carefully walked up to them and used my sniff skill that I almost forgot I had. I took a big whiff of the mushrooms, they smelled a bit earthy and moist.

(Glow-shrooms: Edible,Healing)

Oh! Not only can I eat them but they'll heal me as well! Looks like my luck is finally turning around! I took a bite of one of the mushrooms. It wasn't bad per say but it tasted exactly like a white mushroom from earth. Now if only i had some garlic and cheese to pair these with. My mouth watered at the thought. As I kept eating, my cuts felt like they were starting to ease up.

I ate all but one of the mushrooms as they glowed quite brightly. I thought of using one as a light source. I took it with me and held it in my tail. Now I could actually see a few feet more which will be very helpful. I continued on my journey.

I was humming to myself as I walked down the caverns. Not much was happening. But then I felt something, it was like a small rumble coming from the ground. I put my ear to the ground and I could hear the noise getting closer and closer! I jumped out of the way as something came out of the ground! As the dust settled i saw its form. It was long and shiny and had tons of legs. It was a giant Centipede!

(Diggerpede: large subterranean burrowing insect monster.)