
I felt something poking me. It keeps nipping at my back paws and pulling on them. My head was throbbing and I felt like I'd eaten more than five times my body weight. Opened my eyes to see a crow poking me with its beak.

"Ohjesuswhatthefuck!?" I got startled pretty good. "Get outta here I'm not dead yet!" I yelled at the crow as it flew away.I looked around me and my stomach sank when I saw where I was.

About 700 feet off the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I somehow made my way up a giant bridge that connected the castle to the city around it. I was at the top of one of the columns of the bridge. I tried my best not to panic but could slowly feel some vertigo coming on. It was midday and the sun was right above me.

Do you ever ask yourself "how did I get here?" BECAUSE I AM!!!

I calmed down and started to try to remember what happened last night. It's all fuzzy, I need to concentrate as hard as I can. I Remember getting mad as hell then the rest is fuzzy.

I busted into a club, started Eating some food, bit someone, got set on fire, fought a dude, set him and the building on fire, and killed a bunch more people while making my escape… Not one of my craziest nights but definitely a top 10.

But… How exactly did I make it on top of a bridge? Ok, so a bunch of adventurers started chasing after me and after a long chase I thought it was a good idea to hide by climbing a bridge. I don't know what I was thinking. It felt like a good idea at the time.

Now for the real challenge... getting down.

I carefully climbed down the bridge, thinking with every move I made. Thank god the winds are not strong or else this would be way harder. I could see for miles around! After that agonizing ordeal I made it to the bottom without going splat. I was so happy to be on solid ground I hugged the floor!

I looked around and saw lots of people, mostly common folk. "Tsk, I'm too exposed around here." I said to myself. I'll need to stay in the shadows as I walk, This is an area with a lot of foot traffic. I've noticed that my statistics have gone up but I'll need to find somewhere safe before I tweak anything.

I walked up the street while staying in dark areas so people wouldn't see me. I eventually found a dark alley with no people nearby, an excellent place to rest and work on my stats. I hid behind some crates and started going to work.

I see that I am now level 20, just how many people did i Fucking Kill last night!? My health points went from 185 to 235, stamina points from 100 to 125, and magic is still at 0. I got 75 more stat points and 5 skill points plus the 2 I was saving up.I saw that Some of my skills had leveled up.

First I'll spend my stat points, I'll spend them all on strength, dexterity, and constitution. I'll give them all +25 and that'll leave me with 0 stat points. Now for my skill points.

I know what I want to get, it's a skill that costs 5 points. (Multilingual:Obtain the knowledge to read, write, and speak any language native to the world of Althera. Requirements: Must be a Reincarnation or Otherworlder)

Yep this is definitely a must have. It's a skill that doesn't level up like 'Status Viewer' so it must be good right off the bat. After I finished it all up my stats looked like this, it even showed a before and after.


Species:Black Scavenger Rat Lv.15->20




Str:51->76 Dex:67->92 Con:48->73 Int:30 Wis:29 Cha:13

Stat Points:75->0

Skill points:7->2

Skills:(Status Viewer) (Multilingual) (analysis Lv.2->3) (Sniff Lv.1->2) (Accuracy Lv.3->4) (Swiftness Lv.1) (Steel fur Lv.1->2) (Evasion Lv.1->2) (Steel bite Lv.1->2) (Sharp tail Lv.1->2) (Night vision Lv.2) (Foul mouth Lv.2->3)


The moment I finished confirming everything I could finally understand the conversations around me! People talking about daily life have never sounded better! "Finally! I can finally understand What people say!" I yelled full of excitement.

I was careless and some kid passing by heard me speak out loud. He was staring at me with eyes wide open. "What!? Haven't you ever heard a rat speak?"I asked the kid. He just kept staring at me. "BOO! Scram before I bite you, you little brat!" I yelled. The kid ran away terrified. "Heh heh." I chuckled.

I've noticed that some people have pets like birds, cats, dogs, and even rats. But the thing is they usually have them dressed in equipment and clothes. If I could find a store where I could swipe one of those it would help me a bunch with blending in.

Now, if I could just find something to cover myself I could make myself look like I'm someone's pet and roam the streets uninterrupted. I looked inside a barrel and found an old potato sack and some twine. I managed to fashion

a makeshift robe out of the two. It wasn't much but it'll probably keep me alive for the most part. I set off to find the 'pet store', reading signs and avoiding people as I traveled. I was almost tempted to ask for directions but that's obviously a very bad idea. Then I stumbled on something very peculiare.

It was a wanted poster for rats.

(Bounty: Black Rats have been spotted playing the city recently. Rat tails can be turned in at the Adventurers guild hall for gold. Beware of their sickly bite. If you spot any black Rats please report to your nearest guard or guild member as quickly as possible.)

Shit! I guess I was too Damn Loud. There was another section at the bottom of the flyer.

(Be Advised if you spot any rats with a notch in their right ear please bring it in alive for a larger reward.)

Wait… I touched my right ear and I felt that there was a chunk missing! How did I not notice this before! It's like SOMEONE forgot an important Detail. Shit, now people will be actively looking for me! I'm going to have to hurry up on this clothes search.

In the distance I heard shouting."Hey, that's a black rat! someone catch it!"
