Wanted: Alive part 1

"So, Do you know why I called you here?" Said the merchant. "You need me to catch something I assume? I mean, why else would someone as Rich as you require the services of a beast tamer?" Responded the tamer. Both of the men were sitting in the main lobby of the merchant's mansion.

"Well yes, I require your services to find and catch a certain black rat. Of course you will be compensated handsomely for work." Said the merchant. "Just a rat!? And what's so special about this rat?" Said the Tamer who's interest just rose quite a lot.

"This is not 'just a rat'. That rat was so crafty and cunning it managed to escape from the famous Hero and his party. The only thing they managed to bring back was a dagger it was using as a weapon." explained the merchant.

"Excuse me, Using a weapon!?" Said the tamer nearly choking on some water he was drinking. "Yes? Why is that more surprising than escaping from the Hero? Can't some monsters use weapons?" Asked the merchant. "The Hero got too strong too quickly, he could easily underestimate a low level monster. Also while some monsters like goblins can use weapons, rats have never been observed to use weapons." said the Tamer.

"Ah, so you're saying we might have a unique case on our hands?" Asked the merchant? "Most certainly, getting a chance to study this rodent could be a valuable opportunity… I'll take the job, I Don't care how much you pay me." Said the Tamer.

"Deal." said the merchant


"Where did it run off too!?" Said an adventure. "Don't know! It's gotta be somewhere around here, I saw it run this way!" Two adventurers were in an alley looking for a rat. They searched and searched but couldn't seem to find the sneaky rodent. They had forgotten an important rule, always look up!

I Was latched on to the side of a building high above the two adventures. I jumped off, using this opportunity as efficiently as possible. I Landed on the neck of one adventurer and bit his jugular as hard as I could. As he collapsed I jumped on the other one and did the same thing. They both choked to death on their own blood.

(Swordsmen has been defeated)

(Scout has been defeated)

(EXP has been gained)

(Level has increased from Lv.20 to Lv.23)

"Wow, I got so much EXP from those two. They must have been strong, but extremely stupid. I mean seriously it was also almost too easy." I ranted. They had decent gear but all of it was too big and heavy for me.

I sighed. I need to find some kind of shelter in this damn city! Going back to the red-light district is a definite no. They're most likely on high alert and will be keeping an eye out for black rats. I can't stay in an area with high foot traffic or else I might run into more adventurers, ones that might not be pushovers.

I heard something trying to sneak up on me, something that walks on four legs. I turn around to see a big dog wearing clothes and armor staring me down. The moment it saw me it howled loudly towards the sky and bolted towards me at a high speed, I dearly had any time to get any information on it.

(Dire-hound LV.28)

That was all I could get before I had to jump out of the way. The dog quickly reacted to my evasion by hitting me with it's claw. It missed my eye but got me square on the cheek, it started bleeding a bit. Shit this mutt has had some kind of training, it's not just some Dumb ceature. The dog howed once more and that's when it did something that made me realise I'm screwed.

The dog started using magic! It opened its mouth and started forming a yellow speaker in it's mouth. It kept growing larger and as it did it started crackling like the sound of static electricity. "Oh God! Oh Fuck!" I started to panic. In sheer desperation I picked up a small stone with my paws and threw it at the dog.

It hit the dog right on the nose, the dog whimpered. This caused the dog to stop it's spell and rub its nose with it's paws. The dog looked at me with a seriously pissed face. It started growling loudly and bared it's sharp teeth.

"Oh… shit"


"Bye ma'am thank you for your patronage. I hope your family enjoys the fruit." The fruit seller was waving goodbye to a woman that just bought some of his produce. The flea market at which the vendor was at was a popular place to look for different kinds of wares and produce. Business was going better than usual today and he was in high spirits.

"INCOMING!!!" The fruit seller herd a voice coming from up the street. He saw a Rat being chased by a dog and saw people diving out of the way to avoid them.

The Dog started forming a ball of lightning. The rat scurried towards his direction. "Oh no." was the only thing the fruit seller could say as the dog launched the ball of lightning towards the rat. The rat jumped out of the way and the ball hit his produce instead splattering all of it, covering everything in sight including himself in fruit juice. The fruit seller wiped his face to get the juice off his eyes. "Fucking tuesdays." He said.

The seller decided to get a drink at the pub because he was not paid enough to care.


This mutt wont give me an inch to breathe! I kept running through the street avoiding people and lighting ball attacks that the dog just kept throwing wildly at me. The amount of collateral damage was insane! Innocent people were getting hurt. I may only have little to no morals but hurting people who can't fight back is a big no no for me.

One of the dog's attacks landed too close to me and sent me flying into a stand. It was one used to sell spices and herds. Ah ha! I grabbed a bag That was half full of chili powder. When the dog tried to jump on me I wrapped the bag around its face. I choked it with the spices inside the bag. If it used its magic it would only choke faster. I held on tightly as the dog thrashed around. It had vomited inside the bag and I could feel it getting weaker.

The dog collapsed to the ground, having taken its last painful breath.

(Dire-hound has been defeated)

(EXP has been gained)

(Level has increased from Lv.23 to Lv.24)

"Oh, Looks like I'm too late to save it." someone spoke to me. I looked to see a man in cloths that looked somewhat similar to pet*r pan's.

"No matter, he was one of my weaker tracking animals." The man whistled and held out his arm. A large orange bird flew in and landed on his arm.

"Now, How about we give you a real challenge!"