"Look,Davy, I need your help man!" I was calling someone on a burner phone. "Rat, why do you always call me at the worst Possible time!?" He said sternly. "And you STILL owe me one from that time in Fresno, remember!?" He yelled. "Yah I know,I know and you know I'll pay you back...Eventually."I whispered that last part.

"Look I just need your help with some kind of device that some goons strapped to my arm." I explained to him. "Wait… Is it a tracker?" he asked. "I Think." I responded. "If it's a tracker it could have a microphone too ya Dingus!" he yelled, worried. " Way ahead of you, I already wrapped the thing in duct tape. They won't hear a word we say." I reassured him.

"Phew, you had me worried there. So this device, who placed it on you? Can you get it off?" he asked. "I tried everything to get it off, it just won't budge! They said the only way I could get it off was by cutting off my arm… Davy, I need my arm,"I said. "Ok well what did the guy that attacked you look like?" he asked

"Buff. Like really fucking jacked, I don't think even steroids could get you that big. One of them crushed my pistol like a can." I explained "Mhm continue." he said "They had black suits and red ties… Umm they said they were from some company called Gen-Tec." I said. "Hold on, did I hear that correctly Gen-Tec?" He asked.

"Yeah that's right, Gen-Tec, what do you make of it?" I asked "well it's a company I've been observing recently. As their name suggests they work with genetic technology, mainly treatments for cancer or genetic diseases." He explained with a worried undertone. "So what does that have to do with the men that attacked me?" I asked. "Well, rumor has it that they don't just work in medical fields. They have been rumored to kidnap people, mainly the homeless, to use in experimental genetic enhancement treatments." Davy sighed.

"Hmm. I forgot to add they were giving me 'an offer of a lifetime' " I added. Davy sounded like he almost fell off his chair. "WHAT!? Did you take it!?" he urged. "Stop yelling, I can hear you alright. No! I didn't, that's the main reason they put a tracker on me." I said. "Good. there's no telling what they would do to you. Especially If the rumors are true." He said relieved

"Now about that tracker… come to 312 oily boulevard my van is stationed there. Cover it in aluminum foil to block the GPS signal before you do. I don't want to be run out of another state." he warned me. I did just that and rode my car over to his location.

It was very late at night and his van was packed in a wide open parking lot. I walked up to it and knocked on the sliding door. "Hey Davy, it's me Rat!" I yelled. "Oh yeah? And how do I know you're not an imposter?"He said smugly. I sighed. "All hail Davy Jones, the most influential villain in cinematography of the 21th century." I said with lethargy.

I heard the door click and open with a sliding motion. "Rat my man, how have you been!" he said gleefully "Well your mood's changed." I pointed out. "Well that's mostly because I'm in slugging distance now." He said nervously. "Anyways, come inside, the GPS signal won't reach inside. I'll be able to examine that tracker more closely." He said

I went inside and saw the inside of the van covered in electronics and monitors. "Ok, now let's see that arm," said Davy. I took the duct tape and aluminum foil off the Tracker and Threw it aside. "Hmm,looks like a heavy duty Magnetic lock. If I can reverse the magnet's polarity it'll come off pretty easily." He said.

I heard a knock at the door followed by the Davy Jones phrase. The Door opened to reveal a young looking man that was carrying coffee. "Hey boss, I got those coffees you sent me out to get. One Nitro cold brew with white mocha, One cappuccino with extra cream and whipped cream, And i Just got myself an americano." The kid handed me and Davy our coffees. "Thanks, Lacker," said Davy. "Oh is this the kid you were talking about the other day? The one you made your 'apprentice'?" I asked. "Yep, this is Lacker Short for lackey and hacker… And slacker." he whispered that last part. "I mostly send him on errands nowadays but he's a gosh darn devil behind the Wheel and keyboard." Praised Davy. Lacker Looked a bit flustered.

"Ah where are my manners? Rat this is Lacker, Lacker this is rat." He introduced us. I shook the kid's hand, he had a strong grip. "Hi Sir, 's pleasure to meet ya!" Lacker said enthusiastically. "Sir? Ha ha! Kid, I'm only a little under middle aged!" I said . I had a small thought about my impending mortality.


"Ok, I see you two are in the middle of something so I'm going to sit up in the passenger seat and leave you alone." said Lacker. After he left Davy started looking for something until he pulled out a small pencil looking thing. "Here it is!" he cheered. Here bite on this for a Sec." He said as he put a piece of rubber in my mouth. He touched the pencil up to the tracker and pressed a button on the side.

Instantly I felt myself go limp as I felt an intense amount of electricity shoot throughout my whole body. I bit on the piece of rubber as hard as humanly possible. The Tracker opened up and fell on the ground. Davy saw this and stopped his attack. "AAGH! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled in pure rage. "Hey it was the only option, and I knew you weren't gonna go through with it if I told you." he explained. I opened the van door and walked around the parking lot. I went up to a light pole and punched it, relieving all of my anger in a single blow. I Ieft a tiny dent in the metal pole and my knuckles were left bruised. I got back into the van after regaining my composure.

"Almost lost my cool." I said. "No worries." Davy said a little scared. He picked up the tracker and started looking at it. "It still works… wow i can't believe these nincompoops! They engraved the patent number on the underside!" He exclaimed. "So what does this mean for us?" I asked "well we could just throw it away in some ditch or… We could do what some people on the internet like to call 'doing a little trolling'. " he said with malicious intent.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" I was intrigued. "Ok, so there's this brand name jewelry store downtown." he said "Yeah?" I saw where he was going with this. "Lets rob it! 'Smash and Grab' style, as flashy as possible. Then we'll 'drop' the Tracker and leave it in the store as the only piece of evidence. The police will find it and look into it, cause let's face it, when rich boys get affected they will keep nagging till they get what they want. They'll quickly find out it Belongs to Gen-Tec and start an investigation on them. It probably won't lead to a conviction but it will distract them for quite a bit." he explained

"Hmm, It's loud, obnoxious, and the payoff Is huge. I love it, let's do it!" hell yeah time for another job! "And the money from the jewels will be more than enough to pay me back! I need to set stuff up, come back tomorrow and I'll give you the plan in full detail." He said.

As I got out of the van I could see the sun coming up from the horizon. Looks like it's only the break of Dawn.