All Tied Up

"So… this is the Rat huh?" said a strange gruff voice. Ugh, how many times is this gonna happen to me? Am I upside down? I opened my eyes and saw that I am. I'm inside some jail cell and still tied up in the caterpillar's cocoon, my mouth is still covered in silk and I won't be able to talk. That beast tamer must've given me to them while I was out. I struggled to free myself but to no avail. This cocoon is made of some strong stuff. "Oh? Looks like it's awake."said the voice from before.

I looked over in that direction and saw a very short elderly man in very fancy clothes. Next to him was a normal sized man in casual clothes with a sword. "So this is the monster that killed my little sister?" said the man. Huh? Little sister?...Wait, that human girl I killed a while back? "Can you believe it? I organized a Rat extermination raid with the Hero participating and it still somehow managed to avoid capture. I'm glad this rat is strong because it means my daughter didn't die from some trash monster." said the old man.

Wait, you caused that!? You're the reason my rat family's dead…what do you want written on your tombstone? The young one opened my celled door and walked up to me, staring me in the eyes. "One would wonder what goes on inside a monster's head. Are you just thinking of your next meal? Perhaps you're thinking about where your family is. Or maybe just maybe there isn't a single thought behind those eyes?" Said The young man. No, I'm thinking about the amount of ways I can disfigure your face. "Mmph!" I muffled. "What? Are you calling for your pack? They aren't coming to save you yah know?" he said coldly. No I was just calling you a slur. The man slugged me in the face. "MMPH!!!" I cried. Ok that was a good hit. I looked at him with fury and fire in my eyes. "Hmmp, maybe you are sentient after all." He punched me again. I hope that one leaves a mark so I have something to remember you by!

"That means you'll feel and remember every bit of this!!!" Yelled the young man with grief. The man started punching me in the stomach over and over again. It wasn't agony but it sure as hell wasn't nice. Ohh, I'm gonna feel this tonight. "MMPH!!!" I yelled.

"You're going to kill it too quickly. Let's go prepare some instruments before we continue. I want to savor this." said the old man. The man stopped Beating me. "Yeah you're right. Take a breather rat. You'll need it for what we have in store for you later."said the man. As they both went away and locked the cell door. I started thinking through my options.

Now i can stay here and endure a life time of torture or… I could use up my evolution and see where that takes me...

Definitely the evolution.

Ok, let's see here. Wow, I have more than one option now! I could evolve into a Bruiser or a... Ratling? To summarize, the Busier path is just a continuation of the regular old Rat monster evolution line, but Ratling seems like something else entirely! (Ratling: a small humanoid Rat creature. [Requirements: +11 intelligence) Humanoid!? That could help me a lot in the long run, instead of being a bottom feeder rat I could actually blend in with society! A big must, I'll take it!

(Option confirmed please standby.)

Immediately I felt itchy, but the thing was that the feeling kept growing more intense. My skin felt like it had millions of ants crawling underneath. If I wasn't tied up I'd scratch my skin raw. Then came the heat. I felt like I was burning up! My whole body felt like it was getting stretched, it was agony! My bones felt like they were inflating and my skin felt like it was getting tighter! My head was growing to accommodate my larger body, this was painful as well. This went on for what felt like several minutes until finally-

(Evolution complete)

(Requirements Reached: Classes Unlocked)

(Ability to use magic has been unlocked[Gained an affinity for dark magic])

(Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha have all increased by +20)

(Acquired the skill: Sneak: Stealth is greatly increased)

With my evolution complete I had enough strength to bust out of this silk cocoon. I ripped open the cocoon and fell on the ground face first. The first thing i noticed was my paws, it looks like I had grown thumbs which is a big upgrade. I wish I had a mirror or something but I could tell my face was still rat shaped just by touching it. If I had to guess I'd say I'm about hip height to an average human. I tried walking on two feet. It was easier to do but iI had to walk hunched over. Guess I still have to mostly walk on four legs. Overall I'm very satisfied with how this came out.

(God Damn, finally!) I heard an echo of a voice nearby. I ripped the silk covering my mouth off. "Who the hell is that?" I asked. (Look I have no time to explain things right now, they could be back any second! just think of me as your guardian angel.) "Ok what's the plan?" I asked. (I can give you 3 seconds of increased strength, use It to bend the cell bars. I won't be able to talk to you for a few hours after that so you're going to have to find your own way out.) Said the voice. "Ok that sounds like the best option right now." I responded.

(At the count of 3 get ready this might sting a bit.) It said, "Right!" I readied myself grabbing the bars. (1...2...3!) Suddenly my arms started to glow a soft red and felt like they were getting tased. I didn't skip a beat and I started praying the bars apart. To my surprise I was strong enough to move the bars just barely. The time ran out but I had made enough room to squeeze through.

Time to get outta here!