The Escape

How long does it take to prepare tourture equipment? Not very long I'm guessing, so I've got to get outta here as fast as possible! I'm In some kind of dungeon. The rest of the cells had rusty bars but Mine didn't. Looks like they fixed it up just for me. The dungeon was dark but my natural night vision was helpful as always.

I started walking down the hall. I tried walking on my feet to get used to the feeling. The air was a bit moist and I could hear droplets of water hit the floor. I imagine what kind of vile actions could have happened here in the past. Tourture and more tourture.


I got to the end of the hallway and found a stone staircase that went up. Guess this is the way out. I climbed up the stairs carefully, the cold stone was kind of soothing on my feet. I reached a heavy duty wooden door at the top of the staircase. The door had a lock on it and when I tried to open it I found that it was locked. I snapped my fingers "Damn it." I said in defeat.

It looked like some kind of old fashioned lock, one that needed a big key. If If just had a piece of metal I could easily pick the lock. "Hmmm." I started tapping my tail on the floor trying to think of what I could do. "Hmm, My tail?" I got it! My tail is hard and flexible enough to use as a makeshift lockpick! I grabbed the tip of my tail and stuck it in the key hole. I fidget my tail around and after a few clicks the door opened with an ominous creak.

I took a look at what was on the other side of the door and saw another long stone hallway, but this one was lit up by torches and was just a long narrow hallway with a single door at the end. I walked through the hallway slowly, I'm more than sure they have some kind of trap system here. After slowly crawling my way to the door I started to hear some strange noises coming from the other side.

It sounded like mechanical pumping and steam pressure being released. I opened the door slowly. Anything could be on the other side of this door. I hype myself up and opened the door. I was amazed by what I saw inside. A giant assembly line! I got closer to look at what was being made.

There were workers moving carts filled with glow-shrooms and other ingredients to one side of the assembly line and dumping them into a funnel that was connected to another machine. This machine had a little window that let you see inside. inside you could see the ingredients getting sliced up and crushed. This made some glowing purple pulp that got fed into another machine via a tube. That machine had fire underneath it and was boiling the pulp turning it into something that was a little viscous. This was the cause of the steam pressure sound. The potion got fed into an extruder which dumped the fluid into glass bottles and closed it with a cork. The bottles were given a label and sorted onto a crate which was then sealed by the workers and moved else were with what looked like pallet jacks.

I used my newly acquired sneak skill and got closer to the conveyor belt. I waited till the cost was clear and stole one of the newly finished bottles. I ran and hid behind some crates undetected. I took a look at the bottle, it was warm and softly glowing purple. I took a look at the label and read what it said(Gelato's Miraculous Recovery Potion). Recovery potion? I need that right now. I'm still covered in bruises and that gash the phoenix gave me.

I popped open the bottle and took a whiff. It was odorless. I took a small sip and was delighted by the taste! It tasted like warm vanilla milk with a hint of butter! My wounds started to heal very quickly. The Cut that ran down my side shrunk and faded away, not leaving even a single scar! I felt my chipped ear tingle, it had completely grown back! I Assumed it got damaged in that one fight with the cat-girl. At first I thought it was a permanent battle scar but now it looks like it wasn't after all.

The potion not only healed me it also eased my mind and gave me an energy boost. There's no way a potion this powerful is not expensive. An idea popped into my head, how about a little revenge? There was a sack nearby, I waited till no one was looking and stuffed it full of potions. I think I got about 10 potions until it was full. If I could resale these I bet I could make some good starting money in this world! I stuffed the sack of potions with some straw they were using to pad the crates, this will keep them from making noise.

Suddenly a door on the other side of the room opened. It was both of those men. They were carrying a sack full of metallic sounding objects. I say I got about 3 minutes until they find out I'm gone. I didn't waste time and snuck by them. I went through the door they came from and was led to another stare way that led to a door… this is some pretty repetitive architecture.

I opened the door and was surprised to see it lead to the main hall of some mansion. It was midnight so it was crawling with guards, all of them were high level. I kept my sneak skill active and snuck past them. They were pretty oblivious so it was a little easy. The front door was a no-go, it was covered by six guards. My best bet is a window, preferably a bedroom window. I walked up the stairs quickly, quietly and carefully. I went into the first unlocked door I came across.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw that this room was a servant sleeping quarters. There were people sleeping on bunk beds on both sides with some space in the middle to walk though. There was a window at the end of the room that was open to ventilate the room, there's my chance! I quietly tiptoed and walked down the aisle. I got up to the window and looked down.

There was a bush that could break my fall. I jumped out and landed on it. Just as I did I could hear guards yelling and Ringing an alarm! Crap they must have found out I escaped! I ran towards a stone wall and climbed over it. I ran as fast as I could, this area was full of large mansions and estates. This is most likely the rich area just think of how many rare objects there are.

Now's not the time to gawk at houses I could rob. I need to get outta here as fast as possible, there is a full moon tonight so the streets are very illuminated. I ran until I reached a familiar street, I could hunker down here till morning. Ah that's right! I almost forgot about that voice I heard back there. Who were they? They said that they wouldn't be able to talk to me for a few hours. Or… I imagined that and I'm losing my mind. Eatherway I need to find a place to rest.

The ground isn't safe so I'll need to sleep on a rooftop. I climbed a building and put my bag down. I kicked back and looked at the night sky. Ever since I got to this world I couldn't stop admiring the night sky. It's so calming and peaceful I could get lost in it's beauty. I may have been a bank robber in my past life but I also had dreams about exploring the unknown, space included. I feel like everything I've been doing up to this point has been nothing but filler, no one knows what will happen next in my life 'cep probably god. I got shivers down my spine.

I fell asleep looking at the moon.