Mistakes Were Made

Soft... so soft… I opened my eyes and awoke from my deep sleep,I felt refreshed and gave a big stretch. I was on a large bed in a room that was well decorated. I had two females sleeping at each of my sides, Both of them along with myself were nude! They looked like they were sleeping soundly. One of them had orange fox features and another one had fluffy wolf features. I got up slowly so as to not wake them up. I crawled out of bed and saw my clothes on the ground. I picked them up and put them on. As I was fixing the last button on my shirt I noticed Ruffy sitting in the corner, his eyes were soulless and staring at nothing.

"Are you sad you didn't get any? Once we get your body back, I promise we'll come back." I tried to cheer him up.

(Why?) He asked (Why would you do that? Why, just why?) He mumbled. "Oh quit making it such a big deal. Aren't you s'post to be a god or something!?" I asked. (Even gods have their limits! Do you have ANY Idea how many other places you visited!?)He Said. "Don't know, I lost count after the fourth one or so." I answered. (So did I! For God's sake I think you even did it with a crossdresser at one point!) He yelled disgusted. "Dont care, looked female enough." I mumbled. (What the actual hell is wrong with you!?) He asked rhetorically. "You want me to give you a list?" I answered.

He facepalmed. (When you ran out of money you stole some from other patrons, Even though they didn't see you they'll be looking for you. In Fact I think we should leave the city altogether. At least until the heat dies down. There's a forest south of the city. It'll be a good place to set up a camp and train.) he explained. "So, what's the catch? there's always a catch." I said. (The city of Carlux is known for its strong defenses and overall safety. You need an I.D card to enter or leave and It's safe to assume you don't have one. You could get one at a guild hall for a small fee, but making yourself a registered citizen is extremely dangerous for you. They check If you're a murderer, useing magic, and you got quite the head count.)He explained.

"Got me there, so what's your plan?"I asked. (The city walls are impossible to break through if you're trying to get into the city. But escaping the city is a whole nother story. We'll go to a gear shop and buy some more equipment that we'll use in our escape. How much Gold do you have now?" he asked me.

I fumbled around my money pouch. "About 5,000 gold." I answered. (That's way more than I expected!) He cheered. "Yeah the guys I stole from were loaded with cash. I got a knack for sniffing out rich dudes." I bragged. (You still got those two potions right? We'll definitely need them.) He said. "Yup got them right here." I said as I showed the potions to him. (Good. For my plan to work, we'lI need them.But first let's get out of here...It smells like wet fur.) He said.

"Thank you for letting us serve you! Please come again!" Said the girl at the reception desk as she waved us goodbye.

"So where do you want to get some gear? The old shop?" I asked Ruffy. (No for this we need to head to a place with quality goods. I would rather not buy them at a second hand shop. Some were in the main market district would be perfect. While we were walking down the street I noticed something strange. Everyone was staring at me. "Hey Ruffy what's wrong I thought you said I could blend right in!?" I asked. (You should be able to, but… I think people are a bit weary of you. It might be your eyes, the bright red glow may be a bit intimidating for some common folk. Just slightly close your eyes for now. I'll keep an eye out for you.) He reassured me.

We kept walking, as we got closer to the shopping district it got more and more crowded. I was almost tempted to travel by rooftop again but this time the population was way denser, I'll definitely become suspicious then.

After walking down the street and ignoring a few more glares. We made it to a shop that sells gear for adventurers. The Shop had a neon sign that read [Jack's gear shop]. "What do you think about this place?" I asked Ruffy. (Looks good.) He responded with a thumbs up, But he had no hands so it was more like a tails up.

I walked inside the store. It looked like some kind of gift shop. There were a bunch of tools and items for sale, most of which looked of decent quality.

"So what are we looking for?" I asked Ruffy. (We'll need a grappling hook with some rope, some smoke bombs and Flash bombs, and a hooded Robe to hide your Face.) He listened.

The shopkeeper was sitting behind the counter reading a newspaper, not really paying attention to me. I found where they kept the bombs, a box of 6 Impact smoke bombs was 500 gold and the same was true for flash bangs. I took one of each, I almost dropped one of the boxes. (Be careful those aren't toys!) Scolded Ruffy. "Yeah yeah." I said as I rolled my eyes. I walked to a different section of the store and found some rope with a large metal hook at the end. The price tag listed it at 1,500 gold so I took it too.

I headed over to the clothing aisle and looked over all their stuff. Most of it was too expensive for my price range. There was however a brown hooded robe that came with a belt with little pouches to keep things in. It was perfect. It was priced at 2,250 so I had enough money to buy it.

I took everything I had and the man rang me up. He looked generally uninterested in me, All of the items i bought could be potentially used in a robbery yet he didn't care. He wasn't even surprised about my appearance. (I think this guy mastered the art of minding his own business!) Remarked Ruffy. There was a 5% sales tax so My total came out to be 4,987. I was left with only 13 damn pieces of gold, that's enough to buy a loaf of bread. I put on all the stuff I bought. "Come again or whatever." said the man as he went back to reading his paper.

As I was walking out of the door I accidentally bumped into someone, they were shorter than me and carrying some boxes full of stuff and it spilled everywhere. "Oh Shoot! That was my fault!" Said the person. They sounded like a teenage boy. I got down and started helping them pick up the stuff he dropped. "Nah you're good." I forgave them. I took a better look at their face and my heart skipped a beat.

This boy was a Mouse-kin!

Oh… Shit. I remember the feelings I felt back at that bar; they were exactly the same, Pure hatred. But this time it felt way stronger, was it because I was in closer proximity? I looked over to Ruffy for an explanation, But what I saw shook me to my core. It was a look I had never seen on him before, he had the eye's of someone with killing intent.

(I...I will never for..give him!!! And that includes his People too!!!) Ruffy Yelled in a fiery rage. As his rage grew, so did mine! I have to calm him down somehow! "H-hey Ru-ffy c-calm down man!" I begged him. (Never...Never, NEVER FORGIVE!!!) He was foaming at the mouth!!! It was like he turned into a wild animal! My own hatred was growing too much, it was starting to physically hurt! I tried getting away from the mouse but I couldn't move, I could only shake and tremble. "Uh, sir? Who are you talking to? Are you ok?" Asked the Mouse-kin. Just hearing his voice was agony!

I Placed my hand on their shoulder but the thing was that I didn't mean to do that! It was like my body moved on it's own! "Sir? Please let go of me!?" He pleaded. I squeezed their shoulders harder diggin my claws into their skin. "OW OW OW!!! SIR YOU'RE HURTING ME!!!" Yelled the mouse in distress. He started to cry, he was standing still in fear.! Why can't I stop my own fucking body!? "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing to my assistant!" Yelled the shopkeeper. (Yesss, thatsss the Expression I want to see! I Want to see your tears, I want to see your pain!!! I want to see… YOUR BLOOD.) That was Ruffy's voice but it sounded like an echo inside my own head!

My other hand started moving on it's own! I knew its intentions, it's reaching for my dagger! "R-runnn...Awayyy.) It managed to mutter those words but my voice sounded a little like Ruffy's! What the hell is that about?!

The little mouse-kin broke away from my grip and started running "Help! Help me!!! A crazy mouseling wants to murder ME!!!" He screamed trying to get people's attention. My body chased after him, I tried to reistis as much as I could but my body was moving completely on its own! It was like Being a passenger in your own car! I quickly caught up to the Mouse-kin and wrapped my arm around his neck to keep him from escaping.

People In streets were running away or calling for help. "Somebody help!!! That man is trying to kill that kid!!!" Screamed one woman. "He's got a knife!" Pointed out one man. I held my dagger over the kids chest. "P-please I Don't want to die!!!" Begged the Mouse-kin.

SHIT!!! I need to take back control quickly! If I kill this kid out with so many people Watching I'll be wanted for murder! "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a second!) My mouth moved on it's own! "NO PLEASE!!!" Beg the mouse kin with tears in his eyes while he flailed around trying to free itself from my grip. I Held the dagger up high. The Little mouse started squirming for his life!

I thrusted the knife down with all my might.

"Ice lance!" yelled a distant female's voice.