Smash and Grab

"So? Are you ready?" Asked Davy. We were both in a car that he stole a few minutes ago outside the jewelry store. It was early morning so there were no people inside and there was only one security guard at the store right now. "Yeah yeah yeah I know how to rob a jewelry store." I said. "You'll loot the gems while I break the glass, then we'll make a break for it on foot to Lacker who's waiting for us down the street in the getaway car. Once we're in the getaway car just buckle up and Let the kid do his job ok?" He explained. "Yeah, let's do this!" I said like an excited child. "Just remember to put that Gen-tec tracker somewhere the cops will see it." He reminded me.

"Ok, masks on,"He said. We both put on our masks, Davys was an octopus and mine was of course a rat. Davy revved the car. "Okay at the count of 3. 1...2...3!" Davy stepped on the accelerator as hard as he could. The tires screeched as the car struggled to get traction. The car sped off, It's target was the jewelry store's front door. As we got closer the lone secured guard noticed us and dove out of the way. We crashed right into the store and the alarm went off, broken glass went everywhere! We both got out of the car and ran to the display cases as fast as we could.

Davy took out a sledge hammer and started smashing the cases! I took out a duffel bag and started scooping out pieces of jewelry into the bag. We both had gloves on so as to not leave any evidence pointing to us. Davy smashed display cases while I looted the precious stones inside, that way we'll save time with the little amount of people we have for this job. The security guard stood up and pointed his taser at me. "Get on the ground or I'll be forced to taze you!!!" He yelled. I just ignored him and kept on looting.

He fired his taser but I was unaffected. Non-lethal weapons are so easy to counter, all you have to do is wear thick clothes! And ever since this state banned security guards from carrying firearms petty crime's been going up exponentially! Man... politicians really hate their citizens don't they!? Welp, that just makes life easier for guys like me! The security guard saw that I was unaffected and pulled out his baton. He ran at me but Davy knocked him out with a strike to the head with his sledgehammer. "Are you almost done!?" asked Davy. The alarm was still sounding off. "Yeah, this bag can't carry any more! Oh one more thing!" I took out the tracker and placed it on the unconscious guard. "There! Let's bust!" I yelled. The main entrance was blocked so Davy thought quickly and broke one of the side windows.

We ran out of the store and started sprinting to Lacker's location. "We have 20 seconds till the police arrive!" Let's hope we're long gone by then!" Said Davy. As we went around the corner we saw Lacker, the getaway car was on and ready for our escape! "I call shotgun!" I yelled to Davy. "God damn it Rat! I freaking hate you!" yelled Davy in frustration. He got to the car and both quickly took our seats.

Lacker hit the gas so fast we almost didn't even have time to properly close the doors. "Do you think you were followed!?" He asked with urgency. "Nope, I knocked out the only guard there." Davy responded. "Yep, mission's done and we got a good haul to go with it!" I cheered. "Let's not celebrate too early, we still need to head to the second getaway car." Said Davy. We kept driving towards the location of the second car, but it looked like fate had other plans.

A police car came out of nowhere and started tailing us. It was probably trying to scan our plates. "Shit! We need to get outta here! This car is probably marked as stolen by now! If it calls for backup we're screwed!" Yelled Davy. I pulled out a handgun. "Call for backup? I'll make sure that doesn't happen." I said. "No Rat, that glass is bulletproof! A small pistol won't pierce it!" Said Davy. "I'm not aiming for the cops,"I said. I rolled down the window, I aimed my pistol at the car and fired! The main radio antenna on top of the car was hit by the bullet knocking out it's communications. The police car turned on it's emergency lights and siren. I aimed at the megaphone that was making the siren noise and shot it, cutting out the siren.

"Whoa! Nice shooting! How did you get that good!?" asked Lacker in Amazement. "Practice." I answered. "Keep your eye on the road!" yelled Davy. I Shot at the tire's but it looks like they're bullet-proof! "Sorry kiddo, looks like you're going to have to lose the cops on your own!" I said. "Don't worry I got this." He said with determination.

Lacker took a sharp u-turn! "Whoa what are you doing!? we're going straight towards the cops!" Yelled Davy. "Watch this!" He yelled back. Lacker drifted the car in the middle of the street. We were hanging on for our lives! Lacker hit a large light pole and caused it to fall. The cops didn't have time to react and the pole landed on top of their car cruising the roof! They tried moving but they were completely stuck! "Nice moves kiddo!" I complimented Lacker.

We drove off and went to the location of the second car. It was in an abandoned parking garage. We all ditched the car. I handed the jewels to Davy, he has the connections necessary to sell the stones. "See yah later." I said to Davy as I walked away. "You're not coming with us?"He asked, he was a bit disappointed. I pulled out a cigarette and placed it in my mouth "Nah, I'm not as energetic as I used to be. I need to lay down." I said as I lit the cigarette. "You're not even over 35 yet! And you know those will kill you right?" Said Davy. I busted out laughing. "Ha ha! At this rate I'll be lucky if I live long enough to develop cancer. See yah!" I waved goodbye. I got in my car that I had parked Down the road earlier. As I was Driving there was only one thought in my mind.

"Man, I could really go for some cheddar Bagels!"