Wanted: Dead or Alive part 1

It was like something had taken over my body. My arms, my legs, and my mouth I couldn't control any of them! I was about to plunge my dagger into this poor mouse-boy's heart but all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw an icicle flying right towards me! It shocked me so much it was like snapping out of a lucid dream! I got control back and finally managed to let go of the mouse-boy! I dodge the icicle and It smashed into the building behind me, piercing the stone wall! That Thing had some serious power behind it! "So you managed to dodge that? No matter, there's more where that came from." I recognized that voice!

I Looked to the person that spoke and my worst fear came true. It was that Ice Mage, the one from the hero's party! I Figure they're still here. Shit this is the last thing it needed! Out of the corner of my eye I saw a red blur pass by! It was the Cat-girl! She quickly picked up the mouse-boy and moved him far away from me. "There, there you're safe now." She comforted him. "You Vile criminal! How could you try to hurt a child!" She Yelled at me with fury. I was speechless. What do I do!? Run? Fight? "hey..Ruffy." I whispered. (...) I heard no response and he was nowhere to be seen. "Ruffy?" I called for him one more time. (...) still nothing. "Ruffy this an't time for fucking games!" I hear nothing but silence from him.

"Cease your chanting villain! Alta, take that child to a hospital. I'll deal with this scum myself!" She ordered. "Suit yourself, I doubt he'll last 30 seconds against you but if he's still kicking by the time I come back let me have a turn, I have a thing for hunting- I mean fighting rodents ." She said, The mouse-boy looked at her with worry. "Don't worry, you're safe with me!" she told the mouse-boy. She carried him in her arms and sped off!

"Now where were we? Shall we begin?"She said. Her eyes looked with a cold gaze. "Uh… before we start killing each other can I say one thing in my defense?" I asked. She sighed "Very well, I shall give you that one privilege."She said. "Would you believe me if I said a god somehow possessed my body and tried to make me kill that boy?" I asked her.

There was a long pause. "Do you really think I'm stupid!? It just sounds like you're trying to blame your actions on someone else," She said. "But it's true," I responded. Oh who am I kidding this can only go one way, and she was still distracted from my question so I used this as an opportunity to quickly take a smoke bomb from one of my side pouches and throw it at her! She held out her hand and a wall of ice appeared in front of her! The bomb exploded and gray smoke started going everywhere

"Typical. You criminals are all the same, you overestimate your selves too much." She waved her hand again and made some icy wind that blew all the smoke away. "Why don't we have a change of scenery?" She stomped her foot on the ground and the floor started freezing over! It's exactly the same as that time in the sewers! I jumped over the ice as it went under me, When I landed the floor was extremely slippery! She clicked her heels together and an ice blade came out of the soles of each of her boots!

"You know, I'm feeling rather generous today so I'll give you one chance to turn yourself in without being beaten within an inch of your life!" She offered. I thought about it for a second. "Fuck...you." I responded. The ice mage looked a little excited. "So be it." She started ice skating towards me at full speed! I remember seeing Olympic ice skaters on T.V once, she was moving exactly like that. She shifted her weight from side to side, greatly increasing her speed with each shift! I ready my dagger, but what do I do!? Do I dodge or do I attack!? She was getting closer and closer, she started to form some ice in her hands! Watching her legs skate at such a high speed was almost mesmerizing! Wait… that's it!

"Get ready for some frostbite!" She yelled. As she was about to attack me I dove in between her legs and I felt like I managed to cut one of them as I did! Good thing I'm small or else that wouldn't have worked. She looked back at me with bewilderment. "Nice move, but did you really think that would work?" She said as she pointed at my dagger. I looked at my Dagger and saw that it was broken and covered in frost! "That tiny thing isn't even strong enough to pierce my ice barrier let alone cut me." She said, "Crap…" I thought to myself. I have one more trick up my sleeve but it's going to really suck. I took out a bomb from my other pocket. "More smoke? You know I can just blow it away right-" I covered my eyes and threw the bomb down with enough force to trigger it.

Instantly an extremely loud explosion happens a few feet away from me. The sound was painfully piercing and filled my ears with ringing. I uncovered my eyes to see the Ice mage on the floor rubbing her eyes and shouting something. Of Course i couldn't hear what she was saying. Now is my chance to run away!

I ran a few ways away from the mage putting some distance between us. She definitely won't leave me alone after that trick. I went into a dark alley and decided to rest up for a bit. I was unhurt for the most part but fighting for control of my body really wore me out!

I heard a yawn. (What's up, And why are you sweating? What did you get yourself into this time!?)It was Ruffy! He's finally back! "ME!? You're the one who went all bloodthirsty the moment we ran into some mouse-boy coming out of the store and you went all 'I want so see your blood' and shit! What are you, some kind of edge lord?" I asked. He looked at me with confusion. (what? Oh… OHHH. I know why that may have happened!) He said like he figured something out. "So!? Why did it happen, you owe me that much!?" I yelled looking for some kind of explanation.

(OK, so I already told you about how I was betrayed by the mouse god right?) He asked "Right." I confirmed. (Well what I didn't tell you is how much I still hold a grudge because of that! Just the sight of those Little fuckers is enough for me to lose my mind and stop at nothing to kill as many as I can. Usually it's by possessing the nearest rat, which was you.) he explained. "Oh well that a good explanation, but fuck's wrong with you!? you could have had me fucking killed!"

(Ok, ok i take full responsibility for what you did. But please tell me how the situation's going so far?) he asked. I explained the whole story about how the hero's party members started fighting with me, how the hero is a human summoned from a different world, and how I met the hero before. He was sitting still lost in thought. ( But that doesn't make sense, why would this kingdom summon a Hero in a time of peace? Hey Rat when you were summoned by that goddess did she say anything about some kind of calamity coming to this world or something?) he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Wait, now that you mention it I do remember her saying something about 'defeating the demon lord' but she skimmed over things really quickly." I said. Ruffy started scratching his chin with his tail. (No but… he's dead. I saw it with my own eyes. His very soul was shattered. Even his 7 demon generals got erased. 'He' can't come back… can he?) He stared at me for an awkward amount of time. "Why are you asking me? you're the expert in this type of thing." I said.

He took a deep breath. (We'll worry about that when the time's up. Right now you need to survive the next 24 hours. You'll need to be focused and ready, that cat-girl you mentioned will have no trouble hunting you down soon. The best course of action is to leave the city. These people are on a totally different level compared to you.)As Ruffy was laying out his plan. Something occurred to me. "Oh that's right, I completely forgot that I haven't spent my points." I added. Ruffy paused and looked at me. (What!?)He Yelled angrily. "Well I've been doing so many different things that I forgot to do it." I said. Ruffy looked at me unamused.

"Fine, I'll do it now."