Wanted: Dead or Alive part 2

"So.. how do you want me to go about this?" I asked Ruffy. (Really? You should know what you want to do.)He said. "Yeah well I just thought you'd have more experience in this type of thing. I've just been improvising this whole time." I chuckled. (What! This isn't something you can take so lightly! These choices will stay with you for the rest of your life! What do your stats look like right now? How many stat points do you have?" He asked

"Hmm lets see, I got; Str:96 Dex:112 Con:93 Int:50 Wis:49 Cha:33 and I have 75 stat points. That's what I have." I told him. Ruffy thought for a while ( Ok so, don't put so many points into Constitution if you're just going to dodge everything add 10 points to it, try to focus on your true strength as a rat which is Dexterity. Add 35 points to Dexterity and 15 to Strength for an extra kick.) He told me. "Yeah, that'll help me avoid getting hurt and it'll allow me to carry more gear without it weighing me down!"I said.

(Add the remaining 15 points to Intelligence to help you with magic. Intelligence also affects how many stat points you get on a level up and also how fast you level up.) He said. "If that's the case then why don't I focus on increasing my intelligence?" (Good question. Well if you level up your intelligence too much at once, it may start to give you migraines and if you go too far your brain has a good chance of literally melting. It's one of the most common ways newbie mages die.) He explained.


(Now, do you remember when you evolved into a ratling?) He asked. "I remember how much it hurt." I said. (Yeah well once you got a humanoid form you not only got the ability to use magic but you also got the ability to pick a class. A class unlocks certain skills that can only be used by that specific class but these skills can only be unlocked with 'Class Points' Which can only be earned by doing tasks that the class specializes in. So look through the classes you can choose and pick one. Oh and don't worry about picking a class you don't like, you can always change your class or modify a pre-existing one with enough class points.)

I started looking through a long list of classes I could choose from. Most of the stuff I could choose from was mostly speed or stealth related. The one that stood out to me the most was Thief . "Hey what about the Thief class?" I asked Ruffy. ( Hmm, thieves rely mostly on trickery and stealth, though they do have decent combat capability. They are mostly seen as a support role. Does it sound like it's your style? It's your call.) He asked me. "Let's just say that I feel like it's appropriate." I said.

After confirming my class we moved onto skills. (Ok if you want to learn magic you first need to unlock a skill that allows you to use that class or subclass of magic. Let's talk about the 8 classes of magic. First are the four main elements; Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Each one of them as their name suggests allows you to use magic with that attribute, it's pretty simple. Now this is where stuff gets a little complicated, Light magic and Dark Magic. They are direct opposites of each other, Light magic is seen as a gift and salvation, Dark Magic is seen as a curse and damnation. You'll be able to bend light or Darkness to your will if you ever get these skills.) He explained. "And what about the other two?" I asked

(Now for the forbidden magic classes, These are kept very secret, only gods and very few mortals know of them. Normally it would be a crime to give this information to a mortal without approval but what the hell, it's not like anybody will ever know.) He said. "Just spit it out already!" I pressured him. (Space and Time! These are the hardest and most powerful types of magic to learn and use. They begin to tangle with concepts that even gods have a hard time comprehending! I really don't see you using this type of magic at all! No offence.) He said "None taken." I replied

"Ok so now I know all 8 elements, But which one do I choose?" I asked him. "It's best to choose the one you're affinity aligns with." He said. "Oh yeah the blue screen said I gained an affinity for dark magic, I'll get that one." I said. The Dark Magic skill cost 5 skill points! Might as well spend some more skill points while i'm at it! I got the Iron Claws skill for 1 point. It would give me another way to attack if I'm ever disarmed again. I looked over all of my stats one more time.


Species:Black Ratling Lv.1





Str:96+15-> 111 Dex:112+35-> 147 Con:93+10-> 103 Int:50+15-> 65 Wis:49 Cha:33

Stat Points:75 ->0

Skill points:7-> 1

Class points:0

Normal Skills:(Status Viewer) (Multilingual) (analysis Lv.3) (Sneak Lv.1) (Sniff Lv.2) (Accuracy Lv.4) (Swiftness Lv.2) (Steel fur Lv.4) (Evasion Lv.3) (Steel bite Lv.3) (Sharp tail Lv.3) (Night vision Lv.2) (Foul mouth Lv.4) (*New* iron Claws Lv.1) (*New* Dark magic Lv. 1)

Class skills:


Everything looked good to me. "Ok I'm done improving my stats, now how do I do magic?"I asked Ruffy. (Well now that you have the skill you should be able to do some simple magic. Hold out your hand and think really hard about the darkest thing you've ever experienced.) he said. I did what he asked and held out my hand, what do I think of? Oh what about that time in that deep part of the sewers where it was extremely hard to see! I concentrated and thought about that darkness.

Suddenly I saw a small pitch black warping blob popup and fizzle out. At first I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me! (Oh! That was it, try again!) Ruffy cheered. I tried concentrating harder and it appeared again! This time could keep it for a little longer. ( Don't worry about mastering it now. Most magic users take weeks, even months to perfect-) "I did it." I interrupted him. (-What?) He asked, confused. "I can keep it stable."I showed him my magic. Instead of a blob it was a nearly perfect sphere of dark energy that occasionally jerks and twitches. ( That's amazing! It usually takes way longer even with an affinity!) He praised me. "Here check this out." I turned the Sphere into different shapes cycling through a cube, pyramid, and a prism.

(Try throwing it!) He told me. I turned the dark energy back into a sphere and grabbed it. I threw the ball hard against a stone wall but it just bounced off without damaging anything and it disappeared. Doing that cost 1 MP! Ruffy smacked his face. (Let me say that in a different way. Compress the ball as much as you can and then release.) He told me. I Summoned another ball, this time I thought About compressing it. As the ball shrank it got harder to keep together! I kept on making it smaller and smaller, it was getting too unstable and my hand started shaking! I managed to get the ball to the size of a sunflower seed, I aimed at the building's stone wall and let go of it.

It fired off at an high speed, it pierced a bit into the stone wall! (Now that's what's called a magic bullet! Specifically a Dark bullet, it's one of the easiest attack spells one could do!) he explained. Doing that cost 2 MP, I only got 3more shots till I ran out of mana. "Ok I think I'm ready now." I told Ruffy. (Let's blow this joint!) He yelled. Just as I was walking out of the alley I had a strange feeling, almost as if I was being watched… I looked around to see if some was nearby. Nothing.

All of the sudden I got tackled to the ground! My face was held against the ground and my arm was being pinned behind my back! "You hurt my friend! I won't let you get away with it!" I recognised that voice it was the Cat-girl! She managed to track me down! Her stealth skills were incredible. I couldn't even see or hear her coming! "I'm supposed to bring you in alive if possible, but I could easily say you were resisting arrest! So how about you come quietly and I won't be forced to make any 'mistakes'." She commanded with a strong tone. "Heh heh some fucking hero you are!" I chuckled. Her grip on my arm got tighter. "What do you know about being a hero!" She slammed my face into the ground. She let go of my head. "You know what!? How about I have a bit of fun with you!" She said with a threatening tone. I looked back at her. She had a frightening smile on her face! The same smile from that time I fought her in the sewers! "You know Usually i'm the one on top!" I joked. she formed a ball of fire in her hand.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Hold on, let's talk about this!" I pleaded with fear in my voice. She started bringing the ball of fire closer to my face! (holy shit dude!) was all that Ruffy could say.

Oh god! Oh fuck!