Wanted: Dead or Alive part 3

"It was just a joke!"I pleaded. She slowly brought the fire closer to the left side of my face, It was close enough to feel the heat coming off it! I've got to think of something! Ruffy was pacing back and forth trying to come up with a plan to free myself. I looked back at the cat-girl and she was still smiling. "Please-" I begged, She cut me off and pressed the fire ball against my cheek! There was a split second where I felt like my face went numb, and then the pain of having my left cheek cooked by fire hit me like an aura of pain and searing flames like I've never felt before! I couldn't help but scream!

"AHHHHH!!!" I Screamed in pure agony! I started struggling with all my might and beyond but I couldn't free myself! I was just about to go mad with pain when she moved the flame away from my face to give me some time to catch my breath. I doubt I kept my good looks.

(Rat! I-I can't stand to see you like this! If only you could see what she did to you! That's it, I'm going to use my blessing ability to give you enough strength to lift her off!)He told me. "Nof donf don'f do if!" I stopped him. I was extremely dazed from the pain and My speech was a bit slurred. "I can do if myseff!" I told him. "Who are you talking to!?" Asked the cat-girl. She sniffed the air and turned her ears around trying to find out who I was talking to.

"Nobody? Have you truly gone mad from the pain?"She asked. "Well I had fun. Time to bring you in." she said. "why woulf you dof thif to meef?" I asked her. "I just did what the justice system is too afraid to do to a criminal like you!" she yelled at me. She pulled out some handcuffs and wrapped it around one of my hands. She was about to cuff my other hand when-

"YIPE!!!" She Jumped up in pain. That gave me enough room to wiggle out of her grasp. I ran a few feet away from her and put some distance between us. I revealed that I had my broken dagger in my tail. It had a small amount of blood on the shattered blade. She inspected her back side where I had stabbed her. I quickly drank half a healing potion and the pain in my cheek started to subside.

"Did you really just stab me in the ass!?" She asked furiously. "I tried to stab you in the back but I couldn't reach that far." I answered.

(Wow, sorry for underestimating you.) Said Ruffy. I shook my head slowly. (What's wrong?)he asked. I looked at my reflection in the dagger. my cheek was healed up but the fur on it was growing very slowly.

"I look like Two-Face had sex with a rat." I said, disgusted with my appearance.

The cat-girl let out a viscous roar. "Enough of your chattering! Now I'm really mad!" She pulled out her spear and pointed it at me. "I'll turn your Tail into a necklace!" She promised. (Rat lick your dagger! That way if you cut her your Foul Mouth skill will activate!) recommended Ruffy. I did just that. The blood on the dagger filled my mouth with the flavor of iron. "Are you some kind of blood thirsty pervert!?" She yelled. I secretly cut open one of the smoke bombs and poured the dust inside my hand. Two of the main ingredients in smoke bombs are saltpeter and sugar, the former of which is extremely irritating to the eyes or nose. She charged right for me! Her spear was aimed directly at me!

"No… just a crazy bastard!" I yelled! I Held my arms wide open leaving myself vulnerable. ( Wait, what are you doing!?) Ruffy yelled, he noticed what my plan was. "Hyaaa!!!" Yelled the cat-girl. She Stabbed me, her spear pierced right through me. (RAT NO!) cried Ruffy.

I Ignored the pain and threw the dust right at her face! "Argh! what the hell is this crap!?" she yelled as she jumped back! She left a gaping hole in my side that was bleeding heavily! I fought through the pain and drank the rest of the potion I had left. The bleeding stopped but the wound was still slightly opened. (YOU CRAZY RECKLESS LITTLE-) I interrupted Ruffy's rant. I was extremely winded. "I had to end it in one move. There was no way I could survive a long fight with her." I answered him.

"I'll kill you!" Yelled the cat-girl whose eyes and nose were red and puffed up. She changed in my direction and started trusting her spear wildly! "Whoa, now that's not how a hero's supposed to act!" I taunted. Her attacks were just sluggish enough for me to dodge them. (Rat finish this now!) Yelled ruffy. "You said you wanted to turn my tail into a necklace? Then have it!" I said. I wrapped my tail around her neck "What!?" She said, confused. "This one's for the boss!" I yelled. I slammed her face to the ground! The impact knocked her unconscious.

The dust settled. I paused for a second as I stood over her. I Won?

… I WON!!!

I couldn't believe it! Has all my suffering paid off? I was so happy I felt like the whole world was spinning… no wait that just might be the blood lost. I recomposed myself and took out my broken dagger to land the finishing blow. I looked around to see if anyone was sneaking up on me. I waited a second… I guess not- "Air slash!" Called out a familiar young male.

Of Course, why am I even surprised? A crescent shaped ripple of air was headed right for me! I jumped out of the way.

"Oh, it's you." I said. "Step away from my party member, you villain!" Said the hero. He had his sword drawn and that elf-girl was standing behind him again. "Man… Do all of you talk like that?" I asked.

(Rat I got a bad feeling about this guy.) Said Ruffy. I got a warning saying I was analysed. "Oh!? It's you! The reincarnated rat from the sewers! I see you've evolved a bit, never seen your kind though? I thought you fell to your death!" said the hero.

I took a deep breath. "Heh, I wish I did."I said with a smile. The hero stared at me for a while. "Even if you are a reincarnated human, I won't show you any mercy if you try to hurt those I care about! But I'm curious. How was your life as a human? Surely there are reasons as to why you're so angry." said the hero.


Who does this piece of shiny shit think he is!? He takes one look at me and all of the sudden he thinks he knows me!? ARGH! I want to wipe that self righteous look off his face so badly! But I know I probably won't even get dust on his armor! I took a deep breath.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." I replied, trying to keep calm. The hero looked worried. "Are you sure? If I knew your story, maybe I could help you." He offered.

"Oh please I don't want your half assed pity... Oh but enough about me, let's talk about you." I answered. ( Rat don't provoke this guy. I can feel that he's strong.) Said Ruffy. I ignored his warning and continued.

"I believe that there's no such thing as a genuinely good person, those that do seem that way are just better at hiding it. Everyone has selfish reasons for doing things, even if it's just as simple as feeling better about themselves. So as long as you're not killing me you're telling me that you need something from me and let me tell you that you aint gonna get it." I started monologuing. The hero flinched a little. "Bullseye huh? So tell me what do you want from me? Why are you keeping yourself from killing me?" I asked. The hero took a deep breath.

"Alright, you caught me, the real reason I'm keeping you alive is because I want to add you to my party... I think you look cute." said the hero looking a bit flustered.
