
"Nah nah nah, hold on a second. You can't do that! You can't just change the whole tone of the moment! I'm sitting here woozy from blood loss, your friends are down for the count, and I'm thinking we're about to have a dramatic fight and you decide to say that fruity shit?" I asked, fuming with delirium.

"No, I think you misunderstood me. I think you would make the perfect mascot for our team! Think of it! We got the hero, the soft spoken elf, the feisty animal girl, and the cold as ice tsundere! All we need is a scampi small animal friend and we will have the perfect team for a fantasy world adventure!" He explained.

"...What?" I was still confused. "Do you think this is some kind of game!?"I asked. The hero ignored my question. "If you join my party I can promise you many things like shelter, food, water, An opportunity to get stronger, and a chance to go on many fun adventures!" he said proudly.

I need to change the subject quickly! "You still want me on your team even after I hurt your party members? I mean I knocked one out and probably gave another one temporary eye damage! Speaking of which, where's that ice girl?" I asked. The hero looked a bit sad. " The flash gave her a heavy migraine. I sent her back to our inn room to rest. Even so, I'm willing to forgive you for your crimes." He said.

I stood in astonishment. Wow this guy is…an idiot! I could help but laugh at how quick he was to forgive. "Ha ha! Wow I've met some real smooth brains in my time but you sir, you're the smoothest I've ever met!" I laughed. The hero had an annoyed look on his face. "So I'm taking that as a no?" He asked. I looked at him sternly, "I will never join your party, not in a thousand years." I answered. He squinted his eyes at me, like if he was mad. "Alright you made your choice just don't blame me for what happens next." Said the hero. "So what? Are we gonna fight now?" I asked him. The hero sighed. "Nope I'm not gonna fight you at all," The hero gave some sort of hand gesture. Is that some kind of signal!? "They are," he said.

A bunch of knights came rushing in. They were armed and ready for a fight. The hero quickly went to pick up his fallen party member. His movements were so fast I actually couldn't see them!

I quickly counted the knights; 10 in total, 3 with crossbow and 7 with swords and shields. Their levels were way high then mine. (It's an ambush!) Yelled Ruffy. One of the knights stepped forwards. "You are hereby accused of Attempted murder and aggravated assault! Come peacefully and you shall be tried fairly in a court of law. Resist and you shall be met with swift justice!" All of the knights pointed their weapons at me!

"Now I would love to stay and chat with you Rat but it seems like you're a bit busy at the moment. See you later, if you're still breathing that is." Teased the hero. "Oh and one more thing, when shit hits the fan feel free to come crawling back to me." He said with a smug look.

That really pissed me off! "Come back and fight me yourself you coward!" I yelled at the hero. But it was pointless, he was already gone.

The knights were still waiting for my response. (So what's your plan? Mister 'I like getting stabbed'?) spoke Ruffy. What IS my plan? The knights and I were having a stare down. Each of us was waiting for what the other would do.

...A lone tumbleweed tumbled by…

"Random bullshit GO!!!" I reached into my pockets and threw everything I had at them! Smoke and flashes of light filled the air! "GET HIM!!!" cried the knights. I got on all fours and bolted out of there as fast as physically possible! Crossbow bolts flew over my head! knights started charging out of the smoke to chase after me! "Water Slash!" One of the knights shot a projectile of water in my direction! I jumped over it and it hit some barrels on the street! ( Rat, run over to the wall! It's now or never!) Cried Ruffy.

Being on the streets is making me an easy target! I need to get to higher ground! I used a stack of crates on the street to jump onto the rooftops. One of the knights tried following me but with his heavy armor he fell right through the roof! That's one down!

The knights with crossbows had lighter armor so they were the ones sent after me. (Rat your magic, use your magic!) Ruffy yelled. They fired a few more times at me but I dodged their bolts. I started preparing a dark bullet. I got three shots, I'm gonna have to make them count! I'll aim at where their armors are weakest, The joints! More specifically their necks!

I started focusing, pouring energy to my right hand. I pictured the ball getting smaller and smaller. Until I got the ball to the size of a seed again! I quickly stopped and turned around! I chose one of the knights, I aimed my shot and fired!

My aim stayed true and the bullet hit the knight right in the jugular. The Bullet pierced right through his throat spewing blood like a broken pipe. The knight fell to the ground choking on his own blood. "Y-You bastard!" yelled one of the knights. The knights at the bottom of the street could only listen as their comrade struggled to get in one more breath.

They were heavily distracted by this so I quickly rushed towards the knights and picked up the crossbow that the knight had dropped. The thing was about a third my size and quite hefty. I aimed the crossbow at one of the knights head and fired it. The bolt went completely through the knight's head, killing him instantly. The last remaining knight fired his crossbow which grazed my left arm!

I pulled out my broken dagger and jumped on him! As I climbed him he struggled to try and throw me off. I reached his head and drove my knife right into his neck. The knight collapsed to the floor. "Done and done." I quipped.

(Rangers have been defeated)

(EXP Gained)

"Huh? No level up?" I questioned. The knights at the bottom split up into two groups of three. One group will stay on me and the other will find reinforcements.

I kept running through the roof tops towards one of the walls. The knights were still chasing after me and launching magic attacks when they could, their attacks traveled pretty slowly so they were quite easy to dodge. Ruffy was staying silent to allow me to concentrate. All was going well till I reached the final building. There was about a solid 200 feet that I had to make a run for before scaling the wall. Problem is the knights saw my intentions and ran ahead. So now the only things blocking my path to freedom were 3 buff dudes with swords and shields And one giant limestone wall.

"Fuck it… Let's do this!"