Up and Over

"What now mouse boy?" Said one of the knights. It's now or never. The only thing between me and freedom is two walls; one made of knights and one made of white limestone. The only thighs I have left are a broken dagger, 5 MP, and a grappling hook. If I want to make it out alive I've got to think outside the box! If i could distract them for just a few seconds it would give me enough time to scale the wall and climb to a distance where they can't reach me! Wait… I got an idea!

"Stay alert, there's no telling what he could do!" Reminded one knight. These guys are very cautious of me, this might just work. I quickly made a ball of Dark energy and grabbed it! All of the knights tensed up and readied their weapons!

"Ultimate Death Ball of Explosive and Fiery Death!" I called out as I threw the dark ball like a grenade at the Knights feet. The knights paused to look at the ball. Then me. Then each other. They all jumped out of the way, not feeling like taking a chance to see if I was bluffing or not.

Now's my chance! I ran past them and pulled out my Grappling hook. I started spinning the hook around like a lasso. I gained momentum and aimed the hook at a crack in the wall. I threw the hook. I flew through the air and landed on the crack! After checking if the hook was hooked on tightly I started climbing the rope as fast as I could.

I made it up to the hook before one of the Knights noticed I had slipped past them! "Blast! It was a trick! Use your magic to knock him off the wall!" Said one of the knights. They started firing magic at me! I can't be as agile while climbing the wall as I am on solid ground! Thinking quickly I took out my dagger and started pouring mana into it, as much as I possibly could! The broken blade started glowing with a dark aura! I quickly used the blade as a bat to swat away the magic attacks! The distance made the magic attacks just weak enough to swat them away.

I stuck my hand into the crack and pulled out the hook. sticking my hand in the crack was keeping me from falling. I spun and threw the hook to another crack higher up. I climbed the wall quickly. as I climbed the knight's magic attacks started to fizzle out before they could reach me. I was about a quarter high up the wall but I was already higher up than most buildings.

I kept climbing the massive wall as I reached the halfway point. I realized that I was now up higher than all of the larger buildings. I tried not looking directly down in case I got some vertigo. I used to do some free climbing in my old life but never something like this!

As I climbed I realized that I had forgotten to account for how much stronger the wind would be at a higher altitude. Climbing while fighting the wind was getting very taxing on my stamina but I forced myself to power though. But I will admit the cool breeze feels nice.

All was going well till about three quarters of the way two guards at the top of the wall noticed me! They had light leather armor and were armed with crossbows! The guards quickly aimed their crossbows at me and started firing! I dodged one of the shots but the other one found its way into my left shoulder! I can't take it out right now because I could bleed out! I got no magic left to fire! Hold on, I could use the grappling hook as a weapon too!

Thinking quickly I took out my blade and wedged it into the solid stone of the wall. I held on to the blade as I pulled out the grappling hook and started spinning it around using my tail. I threw the hook which I had aimed at one of the wall guard's shoulders. The hook hooked onto the guard's shoulder! He cried in pain and started trying to unhook himself. I didn't want to give him the chance and yanked on the rope as hard as I could with my tail! I pulled him from his spot and he fell over! As he was falling I reacted quickly and caught his crossbow mid air with my tail. I aimed the crossbow with my tail and used my right arm to shoot. I shot the other guard in the face, killing him. I looked down at the other guard who was still falling. I watched as he became a small speck that went *Splat*.

(Soldiers have been defeated)

(EXP has been gained)

(You leveled up!)

"Finally." I commented. While looking at the guard that fell I noticed something. I had accidentally dropped the grappling hook! I started to panic a bit as I was several hundred feet high with no way to climb higher or get down.

"Talk about a cliffhanger!"


NO! I'M not letting it end like this! My rat claws are the key to getting out of this situation! Using my unhurt right arm I dug my claws into the stone! With my more injured left arm I unweged my blade from the stone and moved it up a little high before stabbing it back into the rock. Doing this was extremely painful and tiring but it's my only chance of getting out of this without becoming a floor pancake!

Slowly but surely I was able to make it to the top of the wall without incident. There weren't that many guards on the wall, in fact they were spread so far apart no one noticed as I started looting the guard I had shot in the head! I took his crossbow and some spare bolts.

(Class action performed! Gained 1 class point.)

"That's new." I commented. I decided to take a small break and rest up. There was some food and ale they had left. The food was just some bread and… Cheese! I ate the food so quickly I got a stomach cramp. I drank the ale but it was barely alcoholic, it was mostly watered down.

I sat down for a second to tend to my wounds. Should I use the potion or save it for when I Really need it? I'll save it. I took some of the dead guard's under shirt and ripped it into pieces, I could use it to bandage myself up. I wrapped my left arm where I had been grazed by a bolt the first time. Then I started hyping myself up for the part that will really hurt.

I yanked out the bolt that had logged itself in my shoulder. I only hurt a little bit and to my surprise there was minimal blood. Because of my steel fur skill the bolt was slowed down alot, so when it reached my skin it didn't pierce as far in as it could. I plugged the hole up with a bit of cloth and wrapped up my shoulder.

There was a huge coil of rope on the side of some crates. They possibly use it to rappel down incase of an attack or something. I wrapped the rope around some heavy crates and threw the coil over the edge. I saw the rope uncoil as it fell, eventually reaching solid ground. I Grabbed onto the rope tightly and started rappelling down the wall. I went slowly so as to not get any rope burns.

It took several minutes but eventually I reached solid ground without incident. It felt so good to not be several hundred feet off the ground. (Hey look, you made it!) Ruffy spoke up. The loudest siren I've ever heard started sounding off! I bet they must have discovered the bodies! "Yeah, I wouldn't celebrate so early." I said.

I started running for the trees. Even if someone's chasing after me I can easily lose them in the forest. "Hey! I see someone running towards the woods!" I heard someone yell. A very large group of soldiers that were guarding the wall from the bottom started running towards me!

"Oh shit."