Hiding In The green

"That Blasted little rodent has got to be around here somewhere!" A large group of soldiers was in the middle of the woods searching for what they believed was a large sized Mouseling. Their search has been fruitless however as the humanoid creature clearly has the environmental advantage. " But commander, can we just call off the search? If we stay in such a large group we are certain to attract some kind of monster." Said one cowardly soldier. "Are you mad? That vile rodent has slain many of our brothers and sisters, there is no way in the 9 circles of hell I'll let that criminals get away-" The commander's little rant was interrupted by a distant *thwap*.

Through the leaves a metallic bolt emerged flying through the air. The commander had no time to react and the bolt struck him in the throat, piercing right through him. Blood gushed everywhere covering the soldiers. The commander collapsed as his precious life fluid left him just like his wife had done so too.

"No! commander!!!" One of the soldiers ran to aid him. Another distant *Thwap* was heard! Another Bolt flew through the air. This time it pierced right through the soldier's chest, skewering his heart.

"Weapons out, we're under attack!" The soldier trying to organize the group was immediately met by a bolt to the eye. As he collapsed dead on the spot the remaining soldiers were starting to lose their composure. Many were in panic and looking around for an unseen threat.

Another shot was heard and another soldier dropped dead. "What is this!?" yell one soldier. Another one dropped, and another one. The soldiers were in such a panic they ran away frightened for their lives! They almost started trampling over each other as they retreated.

"Wooo, look at them scatter!" I said. I was shooting down at the soldiers from a vantage point in a tree. I started pulling back the crossbow's cord to take another shot. I aimed the crossbow and fired at one soldier who was lagging behind the group. The shot pierced his spine, paralyzing him from the waist down. He fell to the ground unable to move his legs. He begged his fellow men to help him but they all left him for dead. (Ok, even with an accuracy skill, that aim of yours is just supernatural!") Said Ruffy.

"I just practiced a lot is all." I told him. (I highly doubt it's just 'Just practice'.) He said skeptical. "You're right. I might just have some talent for this." I said smugly. But he's right, in another universe I could have become some sort of shooting Olympian.

Welp no time to dwell in what ifs and should haves I've got my work cut out for me. I climbed down from my spot and started walking towards the soldier that I paralyzed. He was still trying to crawl away pathetically using only his arms. I snuck up on him like a lion hunting injured prey.

"Well well well look at what we got here." I said to the soldier. He looked over to me frightened. He tried drawing his sword but I kicked it from his hand before he could use it against me. "Uh uh uh." I said as I waved my finger from side to side. "Don't get any bright ideas." I suggested to the soldier.

"What do you want from me!? There must be a reason you're keeping me alive!" Said the soldier. I stared him right in the eyes, I could see my own red eyes within them. I Placed two of my fingers directly on the side of his neck. He tensed up from this. "Shh!" I tried calming him and started counting… Yep about 180 bpm, this guy Is nervous as hell.

"What do I want from you? Hmm… Information." I said. The soldier looked at me with anger. "Forget it! I'll never tell you anything!" He yelled. I sighed.

"Alright, tell you what-"I Pulled out my last potion and dangled it in front of his face. "You tell me how much you people know about me and I'll give you this potion that'll heal your back." I offered him. The soldier looked at me with anger.

"Fuck you." He said.

I sighed. "Why do humans always insist on being so difficult?" I asked. I put away the potion. I walked around behind him. The bolt was still stuck firmly in his back. I grabbed the bolt and he started shrieking in pain! I twisted the bolt around to cause as much pain as possible.

"AHHHH PLEASE NO!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! SAVE ME!!!"He cried for help. Wow what a baby! "Don't you get it? They left you for dead! For all they know you're already dead! No one's coming to save you! You'll die here, your body will decompose and you'll be forgotten to the sands of time!"

I pulled out my broken blade and pressed it against his neck. "Speak!" I commanded! "W-we haven been told much, j-just that a murderous Mouseling has been sighted throughout the city!" He explained anxiously waiting for what I would do next. "P-please, I have a f-family!" He begged.

"Then pray I don't come for them next." I slice his neck open.

(Soldier has been defeated)

(EXP gained)

"Hmm what to do next?" I said to myself. "Hey Ruffy…" I called Ruffy but got no response. "Ruffy!" I yelled. (Y-yeah? Sorry I was looking over another rat that's getting stronger, she's even starting to make a small army-) I cut Ruffy off. "Yeah, I don't care. I have a question. I've been killing people left and right but the level ups have been coming very slowly! What's the deal?" I asked.

Ruffy's face turned excited. I guess he likes answering my questions? (Well that's simple, Put simply now that you're a humanoid creature, you level up wayyy slower compared to monsters. It's only going to get slower as you level up; you'll need to be constantly killing strong opponents if you want to level up consistently! Other than that there's not much to do about it.) He explained.

"Oh and another thing. Where the hell am I?" I asked. (The Neverfree forest.) He answered. "Neverfree?" I said. (They call it Neverfree because it's said that if you ever get lost here you'll never be able to get out.)He explained. "Wait what!?"I said, worried. ( Don't worry i Know you'll be able to find your way around! Anyways I got to go. I want to look over that female rat monster some more.) I said.

"Wait motherfucker don't go!"I yelled. (Just make yourself some shelter and hunt for some food. I'm sure you'll be fine… I think. Look, just don't lick any strange plants!) He disappeared leaving me alone. "Damn." I sighed.

First things first I gotta clean up. I looted the soldiers, between all of them they had about 2,800 gold. I took off their armor and hid it in some bushes after covering them in dirt to keep them from being seen easily. I could use the swords but they were just not my style so I only kept one and hid the rest too. I'll come back to this stash later on. I might have some use for it. I dumped the bodies in a nearby river, and watched as all seven bodies floated away. They'll either become a meal for some animals or just decay.

Now I need some shelter… ah shit, I should have thought about this more! No problem, I've had to live in the forest many times to lose some heat before. I could make a small tent out of branches and leaves. But I should make it farther away then where I fought those soldiers just in case they come looking for me.

I traveled a few miles away from the scene of the crime. I found a nice closed area with lots of trees densely packed in. This'll make the perfect area for a temporary shelter! I pulled in some branches and started staking them in a triangular shape. After I was done with that I used some leaves and mud to make an insulated roof that'll keep the inside from getting too cold. I took a step back and observed my tent. I was satisfied with how it looked.

Now for a fire pit. I dug a hole in the ground using my claws and another smaller hole to the side with a tunnel leading to the main hole, this is called a Dakota fire pit. The air flow from the smaller hole will fuel the fire with fresh air. I looked for some kindling and dry sticks to start a fire. I rubbed two sticks together and started a small fire. I added the burning fire to the kindling which made the fire grow. I then added some sticks and huzza! Fire! Now for the food.

"I hunger for fresh meat!" I loaded my crossbow with malicious intent.