Without A Warrant

"Breaking new! Earlier this morning in downtown San Mateo a luxury jewelry store was broken into and robbed. Along with stealing various precious gems the suspects also assaulted a security guard who's now at the hospital in critical condition. The incident happened early in the morning and no civilians were harmed. For a better look we'll switch over to Jackie at the scene of the crime." The news broadcast switched to a female reporter who's standing in front of the jewelry store.

"Thanks daniel. Here I am in front of the jewelry store, as you can tell the place is an absolute mess! The suspects drove a car that was reported stolen into the side of the building! Investigators managed to find the security footage which we'll show you right now." The feed cuts to the jewelry store footage in the morning. The events are laid out for the audience to see. The crash, the assault, the robbers, and the escape.

The male reporter started to narrate over the events. "As you can see in the footage both the suspects were wearing animal masks and they were covered entirely in black clothes. The only clues the investigators have are that one of the suspects was wearing a rat mask. The Person with the rat mask is fairly infamous here in the bay area. They have been the suspect in many different robberies and murders, so many in fact that investigators don't know whether it's one person that uses the rat mask or many. They've gotten quite the reputation online and internet investigators have nicknamed them 'The Rat'. but even with this they have evaded capture since the 10 plus years they have been active!" The feed switched over to the female reporter.

"That's right Daniel and with this new piece of evidence investigators found we might just have a clue into just who 'The Rat' really is. At the crime scene a certain piece of high grade GPS tracking technology was left behind by the suspects. After a quick investigation authorities found out that the tech was fabricated by the company called Gen-Tec a Company that specializes in genetics and pharmaceutical research, why they have such technology is unknown. What is known is that the company refused to comment on the discovery of their property. Now authorities believe that The Rat is working with or for Gen-Tec and have launched an investigation on the company. More at 7 this is jackie, channel 2 News." The T.V was turned off and silence filled the air.

"Wow, I can't believe that shit actually worked.'' I said to myself. I finished my cigarette and put it out on an ashtray. My motel room smelled of ash. I stood up from my bed and walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the sink and started washing my face with cold water. My eyes were bloodshot red. I looked at myself in the mirror… something caught my eye. On the side of my head there was a small gray hair. I plucked it with my fingers and stared at it. Jeez my first gray hair? I mean I know I'm getting on in years but seriously!? Suddenly my train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Yeah I'm coming." I answered. As I was walking towards the door I remembered something. I'm not expecting visitors! I quickly grabbed my spare pistol from under my bed pillow. I slowly and quietly started walking towards the door as it was knocking some more. I got to the door and looked through the peephole… no one there.

It got quiet, too quiet…

"I've got a gun! If you fuck with me I swear I'll light you UP!" I yelled. There was a pause. Out of nowhere the wall beside me exploded as something ran right through it! The air was with white dust that came from the drywall. Out of the dust I saw a massive fist coming right for my face! I got hit hard and my nose broke and started gushing blood. I fell back on the floor and looked back at who attacked me. It was those goons from Gen-Tec!

"Mr. Rat… you've made a lot of very powerful people very angry." Said the goon. The big goon was joined by two more men, one short and one tall. "Maybe playing with a man's freedom ain't such a smart thing to do." I said. I was still a bit dazed. I tried aiming my pistol but the man kicked it out of my hand. He picked me up by the neck with one hand and pinned me against the wall. "We're done playing nice with you. This time failure is not an option for us." said the man

One of the smaller guys brought a briefcase and opened it. He pulled out a medical syringe and a small glass test tube. "Hold still." Said the small goon. "Are you guys vampires? I don't remember inviting you in." I joked. The small goon pricked me and started taking my blood. "I Hope you choke on it." I said. The goon grabbing me looked at me with a grin. "Now that we got what we wanted from you we no longer need you," he said.

The goon started squeezing my throat. I could feel myself dying as he squeezed harder and harder. Just as I was about to blackout a van came crashing into the motel room! It rolled over the two goons, killing them. It was Davy! "What the-" *Boom* Davey used a shotgun to blow open a new hole in the goon that was holding me. He fell to the ground dead. "Rat! Holy fu-frick!" yelled Davy. "Man we really screwed up this time!" Said Lacker who was driving the van. "Rat, we just got attacked by some goons from Gen-Tec! We really managed to piss them off! We shook 'em off but I'm sure more of them will be coming soon! Grab your mask and let's get outta here!" Yelled Davy.

"Wait, hold on a second." I told him. I grabbed the vial of blood and flushed it down the sink. I grabbed my pistol and put on my mask. "Right, let's book it!" I said. I got in his van and we all sped off.

"So what's the plan this time?" I asked. Davy looked worried. "We'll go get the others. Chances are they know about them too. We'll grab em and run." Explained davy. "Run where!?" I asked. Davy was lost in thought. "I donno Argentina or something! It worked for the germans." He said. "WHAT!? We can't go to argentina!"I yelled. "Look, I know how much you want to pull off 'The Triple 5 job' but it's going to have to wait. We'll gather up as many of our acquaintances as we can. First, let's head over to Jackal, he's the information gathering expert." Said Davy

"Yep, He's someone we can trust." I said.