Cryptic Cryptids

" So you're just a sub species of rat monsters and the only reason you're a Ratling is because you were born with higher intelligence than normal rats?" she asked, trying to understand what I had just told her. We were sitting in a small cave that she had turned into a den. She shape shifted back into her deer form to make herself more approachable. "Yeah that's basically it." I confirmed. I intentionally left out the part that I was a human of course, there's no telling what she would do if i told her the truth.

"So why aren't you with your pack? *GASP* where you kicked out of your pack because you were different too?" She asked excitedly. "Too? No, I wasn't kicked out. My pack was… exterminated by humans. I don't know if any other rats aside from me made it out. I mean the only reason I'm alive is because I literally took a leap of faith." I said with a little bit of sorrow. We sat in silence for a while. She put one of her hooves on my shoulder. "Don't worry I'm sure you aren't the only one left from your pack." she said empathetically. For a split second I felt something I had not felt in a long time…


I snapped back to reality as I remembered how scary her true form was. "Thanks for telling me your story! I always love it when other monsters tell me their stories!" She said, thankful. "That reminds me I haven't told you my name." She said, "My Name is Ḙ̷̻̑̊̓l̵̘̝̐̓̈́į̶̣̣̅n̸͓̳̋ͅo̵̡͈̐͆ṟ̷̣̤͆ ̶̟̭̕͠͠D̴̘̳̈́̊e̷̻̾s̷̡̰̕͠t̵̚͜r̸̨̨̫̆̿̚ȯ̸͙͖͛͋y̷̛̹͕̒e̶̢̛̪̾r̶̜͗̐͒ but people like to call me Elie!" She introduced herself. I felt the need to introduce myself too. "My friends call me Rat but you can call me... Rat." I said. "*GASP*" her eyes lit up with happiness. "Are you saying I can be your friend!?" she said happily. Having a wendigo as strong as her as an ally could be very useful in the future. Of Course I'm not passing up this opportunity. "Sure why not." I told her.

She hopped around with excitement! "YES! I can't believe I've made my first friend here!" She cheered. "Well if you're happy I'm happy,"I said. Her pearly white antlers reflected the moon light throughout the whole cave. "Hmm, also if it's not a rude thing to ask, why do you have antlers? I thought only male deer were supposed to have 'em." I asked. She thought for a second. "All wendigos have antlers regardless of gender but an easy way to spot a male versus a female is our tails. Females have stubby tails and males have long slender tails!" She explained. She turned around and showed me her tail. "See! It's a nubbin!" she pointed out. "Ok yeah I get it you don't have to show me your butt." I said as I pushed her away gently. I noticed that the sun was starting to set.

"Alright good chat but I have to go back to my camp. It's getting late and- *Growl*" My stomach made a loud noise. "I can't let you go back with an empty stomach! Here I got some extra food I collected when I went out." She went to the back of the cave to look for some food. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother." I said. "Nonsense! You're my guest and I'll treat you like one!" she insisted. She looked around some more till she found it. An entire human leg! "Here it is!" she said as she brought it to me.

She plopped it down in front of me. "Go ahead Dig in, I'll go get some more for myself and we can eat together!" she said. I stared at the piece of human meat. "Oh? Are you worried about the freshness? Don't worry, I caught it this morning!" She tried to reassure me. I thought for a second. "Uh yeah I don't really like human meat, I'm sorry do you have anything else?" I said bracing myself for her reaction. "Oh, that's ok then! I got some mushrooms I picked yesterday to use in potion experiments. Don't worry though, they're completely edible." She went to the back of her cave again and got a sack full of brown mushrooms. "Yeah I'll have these." I told her. It's better than nothing. We ate together and I saw as she ate human meat like a ravenous wild animal.

After we were done eating I realized it was dark out. Probably not the safest time to travel the forest. "Oh before I forget-" She dug around her stash of trinkets and pulled out a small flute-like wooden instrument. "Here take this wendigo whistle. If you ever get in trouble and need help just blow the whistle and I'll come rushing to help you. I broke your weapons so this is my way of saying sorry." She said. I took the whistle.

"You sure I can have this? Something like this seems awfully important to you." I asked. "Yeah! Don't worry I can always make a new one." she said. She stared off to the side. It looked like she remembered something painful. "My dad taught me how to make them… before he passed away." she said depressed. This could be a chance to get her to trust me more. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"I mean you told me your life story, it's only fair if I share mine too." She said. She sat down and started talking. "I come from a nomadic tribe of wendigos that's native to a far away forest in the Dwaven kingdom. I lived there with my father who taught me everything I know from hunting to crafting various items. The tribe never really saw eye to eye with my father as he was always fascinated with exploring the world in as many ways as he could. They said one day exploring the world was gonna get him killed."

"They were right."

One day when he was out looking for new herbs and precious gems he was attacked." a single tear started to crawl down her cheek. "He managed to come crawling back to the tribe but he had been fatally wounded by light magic, a wendigo's biggest weakness. The magic was keeping his regeneration from activating and eventually he passed from his wounds. I still remember the last thing he said to me. 'Please, don't let what happened to me discourage you from exploring the world'. I followed what he asked me to do but the tribe was having none of it and kicked me out. I traveled on my own for months until I ended up here where I decided was a good place to call home." She finished her backstory and sat quietly.

I got closer to her and decided to hug her to make her feel better. Instantly her face went from sad to happy. "T-thanks." She said, "Don't mention it." I told her. I looked outside the cave. It was late at night, I screwed up. I know what I must do. "Look it's late and I don't really feel like walking through the woods alone at night. Is it cool if I sleep here for the night?" I asked her.

"Of Course you can! But I only have one bed so we're going to have to share.'' She said, Her bed looked like a giant bird's nest made out of twigs and leaves. "No it's alright I can sleep on the floor." I said. "I'm not going to let you do that! Don't worry there's enough space." she insisted.

"Uh… sharing a bed is usually done by people that 'like' each other." I said. "But we do like each other!" she fired back. I facepalmed. "That's not what I meant… You know what? screw it. I've done weirder things than sharing a bed with a deer. Or a wendigo for that matter." I gave in.

"Yay!" she squealed


Ruffy popped in to check on Rat. "Hey Rat, are you still alive? You won't believe what I just-" Ruffy looked at Rat and saw him sleeping with a deer. "Saw…" Ruffy's mouth was hanging wide open! Ruffy looked at the deer, then at Rat, then the deer again.

"Oh no, oh no no no! Oh god! OH FUCK!!! Rat please tell me you didn't do what I think you did!"