Time To Do Magic!...Again

I woke up. I felt like I was getting suffocated by a large heavy pillow! I tried to move it off of me but I wasn't budging! Is the pillow… breathing!? Oh that right!

"Emmhee!" my voice was muffled. I struggled some more and managed to get my mouth free. "Elie! You're squishing me!" I yell. Elie woke up from her sleep. "Oh? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you ok!?" she cried as she quickly got off of me.

I stood up and dusted myself off. "Eh, my neck's a little stiff but I've been worse." I reassured her. "Phew, that's a relief. I guess I underestimated how much I toss and turn at night heh heh." She said, embarrassed. I looked outside the cave. It was morning. "So what's your plan for the day?'' she asked me. I thought for a second. "Well I was planning on going to practice my magic now that my mana's regenerated." I said.

"Oh, you're a magic user?" She asked with a threatening aura. Oh shit I shouldn't have said that! "Uh… yeah?" I said. She got closer to me. "You won't happen to use light magic would you?" She asked as her eyes pierced right through me like razor blades. "Uh, n-no! I use dark magic!" I said, fearing for my life! Her face instantly went from scary to happy. "Oh okay! Well I'm going to go explore the forest. Have fun with your magic!" She said cheerfully. She hopped away happily.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief in my two lives! "Shit I think I'm still shaking a bit." I said to myself. That was probably the second scariest thing that I've experienced in my two lives right after the first time I was in a shootout! Just as I was about to walk out of the cave Ruffy popped in. (WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THAT DEER!?!?") He asked, furious and disgusted. "Jesus! Don't just pop in like that!... What do you mean?" I was startled. It looked like he got even more heated. (Don't you 'What?' me! Why were you sleeping in the same bed with a deer!?) He asked.

Oh that.

"Look dude-" (I AM A GOD AND YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS SUCH!!!) his voice got higher "Ok… Look dude I did not touch that deer in any way you may be thinking. In fact I think I was in more immediate danger." I tried explaining. Ruffy started to calm down a bit. (Ok, how so?) He asked. "That 'Deer' Is actually a very dangerous wendigo that almost killed me." I explained.

(I find that really hard to believe.) He doubted me. "Do you really? Is this really the time for me to joke about something like this?" I asked him with severity. He sighed. (No.) he said. (But I still want you to explain what really happened in detail.) He told me. "Alright get comfy this might take a while." I said. I explained everything that happened to Ruffy.

(So you made friends with a wendigo. Luckily for you, you're still in one piece. Still the dwarven kingdom is miles away the fact that she walked all this way without getting hunted is impressive to say the least.) He commented. "Yeah she left a while ago to do whatever. I'm planning on working on my stats a bit and practicing more with magic." I said. (Good idea. Don't know what lies ahead for us, it's best to be prepared.) Said Ruffy.

I left the cave and started walking towards the stash of armor and weapons I had left over. Once I got there I grabbed the sharpest looking sword and swapped it with the one I broke. (Ooh nice stash.) said Ruffy. First I want to work on my stats. "Let's see here…" I whispered to myself.

I got 33 stat points. I'll add 22 points to Dexterity, 10 to strength and 1 to wisdom. I won't spend any other points right now. I'll save them for later. This is what I ended up with.


Species:Black Ratling Lv.1->2





Str: 111->121 Dex:147->169*Nice* Con:103 Int:65 Wis:49->50 Cha:33

Stat Points: 33->0

Skill points: 1->2

Class points:2

Normal Skills:(Status Viewer) (Multilingual) (analysis Lv.3) (Sneak Lv.1->3) (Sniff Lv.2) (Accuracy Lv.4->5) (Swiftness Lv.2) (Steel fur Lv.4) (Evasion Lv.3->4) (Steel bite Lv.3) (Sharp tail Lv.3) (Night vision Lv.2) (Foul mouth Lv.4) ( Iron Claws Lv.1->2) ( Dark magic Lv. 1)

Class skills:

Some of my skills leveled up and I got another class point when I looted the equipment and money from the soldiers. Plus my MP cap got higher so I'll be able to do more magic at a time! Speaking of magic, I got to practice.

(So what do you want to start with?) Asked Ruffy. I thought for a second. "Remember that time on the city walls I infused my weapon with magic?" I said. (Yeah that surprised me a bit. I hadn't even told you how to do that yet.) He said. "I learned it from seeing the knights do it. I want to experiment with it." I said.

I readied my sword and took a strong swing at a sturdy looking tree. I looked at how far I cut the tree. About half an inch. I took my sword and poured 1MP worth of magic into it. The sword pulsed with a very faint black aura. I took another swing at the same tree but in a different spot, this time the sword cut about two thirds of an inch. After I hit the tree the glow vanished and the sword turned back to normal. Hmm I wonder…

I infused the sword with 1 mp again and I stepped back. I aimed at the tree,pulled back, and swung my sword! A faint crescent shaped blade of dark energy flew through the air and struck the tree. I checked the damage. It barely left a scratch! I tried the attack again this time I poured about 5 MP worth into the sword, this time the aura was a deeper color. When I slashed the dark blade flew through the air with more velocity and hit the tree with even more force! The damage was more notable this time the blade went about 3 inches into the tree! I'll call this move [Dark Slash]. (Good job.) Ruffy Praised me.

Time to look for something live to try it on.

I wandered the forest for a glorified test dummy looking for anything that would have the misfortune of running into me. Eventually I found a Green fox prowling the forest in search of food. "Oh what have we got here? Little green fox is unaware of how little time it has left?" I whispered maniacally. It's probably not the same fox but still If that fox had never stolen my rabbit I probably wouldn't have had that run in with the wendigo.

I started to pour some mana into my sword. The process took a while but luckily the fox wasn't moving too fast. Once the blade was pulsing that dark aura I readied myself. I aimed at the fox's neck and swung! The blade flew through the air and sliced the foxes head clean off before dissipating. "Hell yeah!" I cheered. I picked up the fox and carefully skinned it with my dagger after draining it's blood.

I threw away the meat and kept the fur. (W-wait, why would you throw away the meat but keep the skin?) Asked Ruffy. "I'm not hungry right now and don't feel like carrying bloody meat around all day. I can make something out of the Fur and catch something else later." I answered.

I started walking around some more. I need to find something strong to slay if I want to get stronger. The woods were peaceful. Birds are chirping and bugs were buzzing. Wait, why is that buzzing so loud? It sounds way deeper than a normal bug buzz. I decided to investigate it. As I got closer the buzzing got louder and it became more clear that it was more than a single bug. Then I discovered the origin of the noise.

Giant bees!