Loyal Workers

Species: Vespian Lv.3

Class: Worker


Str:14 Dex:19 Con:8 Int:13 Wis:14 Cha:30

skills: (Nectar collection Lv.2) (Nectar Purification Lv.2) (Nectar Detection Lv. 3) (Poisoned Stinger) (Hive communication Lv.2)

There was a large number of small human-like bees working in a giant flower field. Each one was focused solely on collecting nectar from flowers with their long straw-like tongues. The bees were definitely not regular bees. They still had the normal shape, color, wings and fuzz of a honey bee but they also had two clearly defined legs and four arms. Each one was about a foot large and had a large barbed stinger at the end of their butts. They could fly but were very clumsy while doing so.

"Whoa, I've never seen anything like this." I whispered. I was hiding in a tree on the edge of the flower field. (Vespians. The only intelligent insect race. They are extremely busy workers and won't allow anything to distract them from collecting nectar to which they turn into honey. Their honey is an extremely valuable treasure! It is said to be one of the greatest tasting things in the world! Though few have ever tried it and to get some you must either gain the trust of the hive and it's queen or take it by force, which is a suicide mission but it has been done before.) he explained.

"They look like bee goblins." I added. (They are swarm attackers. If you mess with one you'll soon find yourself out numbered and full of holes. Just don't mess with them and they won't mess with you.) he said "hard to do when you tempt me with food like that." I said.

"So, What do you plan on doing?" Said a voice behind me. I quickly turned around to see who it was. It was a Vespian! But it looked very different from the Workers. It was larger and thinner, about half a foot taller than me. Its head was shaped more like a wasp's instead of a bee with ferocious looking eyes and large mandibles. It's wings were buzzing quietly as it was hovering above me. It had a long thin rapier-like weapon made of hard bug shells with a hollow tip but it itself had no stinger.

"No pal you got it all wrong. I'm just… admiring the view." I said to him. Shit he snuck up on me. (Hold on, is that a Drone?) Said Ruffy. A male bee? I decided to analyze it to confirm.

Species: Vespian Drone Lv.17

Class: Swordsbug


Str:54 Dex:189 Con:58 Int:19 Wis:25 Cha:25

skills:(Swiftness Lv.5) (Iron Exoskeleton Lv.3) (Evasion Lv.6) (Accuracy Lv.4) (Hive communication Lv.3) *ECT*

(But that makes no sense!? Drones are supposed to be deadbeats that only mate with the queen and are then kicked out of the hive and left to die, not warriors!) explained Ruffy. "You really got to update your general info dude. And it looks like this guy has higher dexterity than me, but only by 20 points." I whispered to Ruffy.

The Vespian flicked his antenna around. "You smell like you're lying! You're planning on attacking the hive!" He said as he pointed his weapon at me. (Oh that's right! Vespians have an incredible sense of smell! He probably smelled something on you when you lied and it's also how he found you so easily!) said Ruffy.

"Ok buddy no need to get ahead of yourself. I'll leave and we'll both pretend we didn't see each other. How about that?" I offered. The Drone Flew a bit higher. "IMPOSSIBLE! I've confirmed that you're a threat to the hive! Even If I let you go right now there is no way I can guarantee you won't be a threat in the future!" He said.

I sighed. "Ok we both know where this is going so let's just cut to the chase! HYAAA!!!" I drew my sword and jumped at him! He flew upwards to avoid the attack! "FOR THE QUEEN!!!" He yelled as he pointed his weapon and dove right for me! Our weapons clashed! I tried counter attacking but he blocked it! He quickly brought his weapon around and slashed my arm! It wasn't a clear hit so it didn't go deep.

The only advantage he has over me is speed. I'll just have to tire him out and land a solid blow. But dodging will be a pain if he stays so close. My MP is low at the moment so I can't rely on magic. I could try my luck and hit him with a saliva covered dagger strike but there is a chance it won't do anything meaningful. Eh fuck it!

I pulled out my dagger with my tail and licked it. He came at me trying to slice me again but I rolled out of the way. I charged him with my sword and did an overhead strike. He used two of his hands to stop the blade but my higher strength was starting to make him falter. He used his other set of arms to hold the blade back. I could see him start to shake as his stamina was starting to run out. He's wide open. I used my tail and stabbed him in the side like a scorpion!

He jumped back and took some time to examine his injury. "W-what is this!? T-this feeling!?" he stuttered. ( Status: Infected: Mild Cold) Really? A Cold!? "You might want to eat some honey. I hear it's good for colds!" I mocked. "M-My breathing holes! They're getting clogged up!" He wheezed. (Now's your chance!) Yelled Ruffy.

I came around with a sideways strike but he still blocked it! "Don't think I'm done yet!" Yelled the Vespian! He took out a small piece of green fuzz from a slit in his legs and stuffed it inside his weapon. "Hemlock moss! This much moss is enough to kill a large bear!" he said. Crap he's using poison! "I'm not a bear!" I joked.

Using all of his energy he came flying at me hoping to at least scratch me! I side-stepped at the last moment and grabbed a hold of one of his arms! I was about to slice his head off with a single swing but he popped his own arm off to get away! Wow, I've got to admire his tenacity! "Oh no! You don't!" I yelled. I charged at him, not giving him any time to catch his breath.

I grabbed his sword arm and ripped it off his body! "AHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed in agony! I threw his weapon away and kicked him to the ground! I got on top of him and pinned him to the ground! "Tell me where your hive is!" I demanded. "NEVER!!!" He yelled. I slowly started to pull his wings off. "AHHGHHHH!!!! I'LL NEVER BETRAY THE QUEEN!!!!!" he yelled. Ugh... blind loyalty. "Last chance." I told him. "I'd rather DIE!!!" he screamed! I ripped off his wings. "AAAHHHH!!!" I grabbed his other arms and ripped them off too. (DEAR GOD JUST KILL HIM!!!) Ruffy said mortified! I stabbed the Vespian right though the chest with my sword. "Forgive me...Queen…" He said as life faded from his compound eyes.

(Vespian Drone has been defeated)

(EXP increased)

(Oh my god! What is wrong with you!?) Asked Ruffy. "I don't really know… pent up anger I guess." I answered. (Sometimes I forget you used to be human.) He said. "Only by definition." I corrected him. (how much longer would you have made him suffer? I mean dude! Come on!) He complained, "If you don't like it so much then why don't you leave!"I yelled. (Haven't you been paying attention!? You're the best chance I got at finding my body and bringing back the rat race! I need you. Which is why I got to deal with all of your flaws whether I like it or not!) I interrupted him."Wait hold that thought." I said. I smelled something strange coming from the corpse. "Is that lavender?" I asked.

My clothes got covered in the smell. The smaller worker bees all started flying away and in the distance I could hear the loud and menacing buzz of a large swarm of Vespian Drones flying in my direction. Oh… shit. They must have smelled the Drone I killed! I can't fight all of them nor could I outrun them! (Rat! The smell! You need to hide and cover your scent!) Said Ruffy.

Thinking quickly I started covering myself in anything I could find. Leaves, pine needles, flowers, even Dirt! I absolutely caked myself in forest waste. As I heard them getting closer I jumped into a bush and wrapped my face in my dirt covered shirt. I doubt they can't smell my rat breath. The swarm arrived.

The sky was darkened by a cloud of black and yellow. Two of the Vespians broke off from the swarm and landed to examine their fallen brother. "So what does it look like?" asked one of the Vespians. "Humans, again… they even left the sword logged in his chest." Said another one. He kneeled down to show respect. "And it looks like they made him suffer before they killed him. They ripped off almost all of his limbs…" he said, shaking with anger. "Tsk, Damn humans. Always hurting our brothers and sisters… If the queen gave the order I would happily slaughter all of them!" said the other one. "Trust the queen's judgement. There must be a good reason she won't let us actively hunt humans. But I agree, I see them as nothing but selfish savages." said The Vespian.

"Let's go now. We must report this to the Elite Commanders." said the Vespian. They all took off and left the area taking the body with them. The sky was back to being it's regular blue color.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief ever! "Oh my god! I for sure thought they would smell me!" I said to myself. (Ok now let's get out of here before they come back!) said Ruffy. I was just about to leave when I spotted something. It was the Vespian sword! They left it here along with the poisonous moss inside it. I picked up the sword. It was light but felt very sturdy. I carefully looked at the moss.

"Strong enough to kill a bear? Well see about that!"