Ultra Ursid

(Are you sure about this? Isn't one fight enough for the day?) Asked Ruffy. We were wandering the forest in search of a strong target. "Aren't you the one saying that I need to get stronger?" I told him. (Yeah but isn't this jumping the gun a little!? I mean humans and vespians are one thing but a bear? Even with strong poison one could easily kill you!) he said.

"All I need to do is sneak up on one and I'll stab it when it isn't looking! Remember I'm still covered in dirt so I could easily avoid detection." I pointed out. (But still… It could take some time for the poison to work.) He said. "Ahh you think too much!" I told him.

I keep quietly searching the forest for any animal that could give me lots of EXP. I kept walking… and walking… and walking. But after walking for what seemed like hours I couldn't find anything!

I kicked some dirt in frustration. "Why is it that when I want to look for trouble I can't find SHIT but when I'm trying to mind my own damn business suddenly the whole world want's to FUCK with me!?" I asked myself. (Trouble seems to find you, not the other way around.) said Ruffy. Let me try something. "Oh boy! I sure can't wait to come back home and rest peacefully! Sure hope nothing bad happens to me on the way home! I'm leaving now… surely nothing will attack me while I walk home!…" I baited… Nothing.

(Wanna wrap it up?) Asked Ruffy. I sighed. "Yeah sure." I said. (For real?) he asked. "Yep." I said with a sad tone. Ruffy looked at me. (You alright?) He asked me. "Why do you care?" I asked back. (C'mon man don't be like that. It doesn't matter what you were before, all that matters is what you are now, a rat. which puts you under my protection and care.) said Ruffy. "Ah, well… I don't know. I guess I've been 'intentionally and unintentionally' avoiding my doubts by doing the dumbest shit. Stuff I wouldn't even have done as a human…" I told him. We paused for a second. (Hey… well it's a start.) he said. It looked like something was bothering him. (Hey.. rat there something I've been meaning to ask you-) suddenly a loud roar was heard in the distance.

(Oh you've got to be kidding me!) he complained. "You can ask me later, right now there's a bear I've got to turn into a rug!" I said as I drew my bug sword with malicious intent.

I started Running towards the Commotion. The sounds of bear roars filled the forest and birds were scattering away frightened by the noise. As I was getting closer I saw something green fly through the air above me! "Was that a lizard!?" I shouted.

I got to the action and what I saw made me drop my jaw! It was a giant white bear with electricity covering it's fur like a shield! It's level was far too high for analysis! A large pack of short bipedal lizards was attempting to fight this thing with nothing but spears! I was able to get information on them.

Species: Kobold Lv.9

Class: Hunter


Str:37 Dex:29 Con:28 Int:18 Wis:7 Cha:20

skills: (Spearman Lv.3) (Rally Lv.2) (sniff Lv. 3)

'Rally'? I've never seen that skill before! (Rally: The more of the user's own spices are around them the stronger they become.) That seems like a useful skill for swarmers. As for the bear… "Hey Ruffy do you know what that is!?" I asked him

(Those kobolds seem to be fighting a Greater Thunder Bear! It charges up static electricity with it's fur and can then use that electricity in a defensive or offensive manner!) Explained Ruffy.

The bear slammed the ground with it's fists and a wave of lightning crashed into some kobolds frying them black! "Holy shit! That's some fire power!" I yelled in amazement! The kobolds threw their spears at the bear but the electricity made them bounce off! (Welp let's head back while we still can.) Ruffy said as he was floating away. I grabbed his tail. "Oh no, We're doing this!" I said with a crazed smile. (Oh… shit.) he said.

I jumped into the fray! The kobolds Gazed at me surprised. "Sup fellas! Don't worry, I'm here to help yall!" I told them. I pulled out my wendigo whistle. I'm gonna need as much help as possible! I blew the whistle and out came a ghastly scream! I got to buy as much time as-




No way.


I can FEEL the air getting Colder around me!

A giant beam of snow shot out from the tree's striking the bear and pushing it back!

Elie The Wendigo has awoken!

She let out a screech! "I Heard your call, sorry if I was a little slow." Said Elie. She is in her true form and ready for battle! "Are you kidding me, that was like 10 seconds!" I told her. She looked at the kobolds and then back to me. "So What about the kobolds?" she asked me. "I got an idea." I told her. They looked more afraid of her than they were of the thunder bear! "Don't worry boys, she's with me!" I reassured them. They all seemed to ease up a little. The thunder bear started charging up for another attack! "Oi watch out!" Said one Kobold. Wait, why do they sound Australian?

Elie reacted quickly and shot another beam of snow from her mouth at the bear making it falter. "I thought wendigos were weak to magic?" I asked Elie. "Doesn't mean we can't use it!" she explained. (Rat you got a plan right? Tell them!) Said Ruffy. "Right!" I agreed.

"Kay listen up you lizards-'' I heard a whisper. "Kobold's were kobolds…" One of them spoke quietly thinking I couldn't hear him. "Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't aware that I was supposed to care about your feelings right now!" I said sternly. "Anyways! That bear has a coating of lighting covering its hide. We need to get rid of it! Here's how we'll do it: Me and Elie will distract the bear as much as possible. What I want y'all to do it's gather as much mud as possible and fling it at the bear. you need to completely cover the bear! Doing this will ground it and make all of it's stored up electricity dissipate into the ground leaving it vulnerable to attacks! Got it? Ok lets go!

The kobolds splitted up to find mud and Elie and I were left with an angry bear. "Elie! there isn't much i can do as long as it has that shield so i'm relying on you to hold it off!" I told her. "Really!?" she complained. "I'll get fried if i get close to that thing!" I said. "Ugh Fine!" She shot another beam of snow at the bear. I made some snowballs and started throwing them at the bear's face to get it's attention. The bear looked at me and was about to swipe with its claws but Elie hit it with a new attack! A Giant snowball that she flung at the bear like a soft ball!

"Nice one!" I cheered. The first wave of mud attacks were unleashed on the bear! With the huge amount of Kobolds they had they managed to cover at least 33% of the bear! It's electricity was already showing signs of getting weaker as it discharged into the ground! "More!" I ordered.

Me and Elie did our part and fought the bear as much as we could. Every time the bear tried to do a strong attack Elie would stagger it with her own magic. It seemed like a good strategy but I could tell that she was running out of mana. Every attack started to seem weaker and weaker. The Kobolds arrived with more mud! They started throwing mud at the bear and with this attack the bear's electricity had grown weak enough for attacks to go through!

"Half of you go get more mud and the others stay with us to start doing Damage!" I ordered the Kobolds. They followed my orders like little minions. Heh heh.

They started throwing their spears at the bear and this time they actually connected with the bear's skin. The spear didn't pierce that far in but it was enough to cause the bear pain! I rushed towards the bear and stabbed it in an area with weak electricity! The poison moss was injected into its body and seemed to cause it alot of pain. I stabbed it again with my dagger to infect it with something. (Status: Infected: Dizziness)

The Kobolds came and threw more mud at the bear! Now it's weak enough for Elie to start attacking it with her claws! She started by unleashing a barrage of pouches and slashes at the bear! I climbed the bear and jumped on its face!

The bear tried to shake me off but I was able to hang on with my claws! I Grabbed my sword and drove it right through its eye! The bear let out a deafening roar and thrashed around violently! It shook me off and I fell to the ground! It was trying to stomp on me with it's paws but I jumped out of the way and retreated back to the group. The bear was going on a half blind rampage and we couldn't get close! With my sword still stuck in it's eye and an idea struck me.

"Elie! Pick me up and throw me at the bear! Aim for its face!" I told her. "Are you Sure!? That seems like a horrible idea!" she said. "Trust me I got this!" I reassured her. "O-ok." she whimpered. She picked me up with her giant claws. She aimed carefully… and threw me! I was on a collision course with the bear's head. As I was about to hit the bear I spun around at the last second and slammed the sword in it's eye driving it deeper into the bear's skull! The bear gave a final roar and collapsed to the ground! I landed near it almost like a superhero.

(Greater Thunder bear has been defeated)

(Exp earned)

(Level has increased from Lv.2 to Lv.7)

I raised my fists up in the air. "Wooooooo!!!" I celebrated. All the Kobolds started cheering and Elie looked excited.

(W-wait! Rat look out!) Warned Ruffy! The bear was starting to glow yellow! All of that electricity it stored up in its body was going to be released all at once! "TAKE COVER!!!" I yelled! The kobolds scattered into the woods and I started running away from the bear. Would I even make it far enough in time!?

All Of the sudden Elie jumped on top of me! The bear exploded and a shockwave of lightning went everywhere!

The dust settled and Elie got off of me.

She protected me!? "Whoa! Are you ok!?" I asked her. She coughed and looked at me. Half of her face was charred but she was still forcing a smile. "Yeah I'm ok…" She said, She was limping slightly. I sighed. "No you're not." I told her. I reached into my bag and pulled out my last healing potion. "Drink this." I said to her. She looked at me. "Go on then." I insisted. She Drank the potion and her wounds started to disappear.

(Woah! I didn't expect you to be the caring type Rat!) Commented Ruffy. "I'm… not?" I whispered. Yeah that's right! I merely need her, it's not like I actually care about her!... Do I? Elie started stretching and checking herself. "Better?" I asked. "Yep!" She said happy. After checking herself she transformed into her deer form. As for the Kobolds, they were kneeling toward us to show their respect. Me and Elie both looked at each other puzzled.

"Well that's new." said the three of us.