Honored Guests Part 1

The Kobolds were kneeling down to show the respect they had for us. All of them except for one who was giving me the stink eye. I noticed it was the same one who corrected me when I called the Kobolds 'lizards.' I ignored his gesture but remembered his face. I know resentment when I see it.

The kobolds were starting to tie the bear up and getting it ready for transport. All of them working together like a single unit. They started singing some sort of shanty as they worked. something along the lines of being "strong united' and 'lifting together'? One of the Kobolds walked up to me.

"Oi mate! We Would be really flattered if you would join us in our city to celebrate hunting the bear ey! I mean you did help us kill it." Offered one of the Kobolds. I thought for a second… I looked at Eile."What do you think Eile? Do you wanna go to their city? I have nothing better to do today." I asked her. She looked excited. "Learning about a new culture sounds awesome! Of course!" she said. "Alright then it's settled." I said.

We started walking through the woods following the Kobolds to wherever their city is. The kobolds had placed the bear in some sort of flat wagon so they could carry it through the woods more easily. Wherever they were taking us it was sure deep into the woods my feet-paws were starting to hurt.

Huh? Feet-paws?

"Hey get on." Whispered Eile. "What?" I whispered back. "Get on me!"she whispered loudly. "I'm fine," I told her. She rolled her eyes and scooped me up with her antlers anyways. "H-hey! Watch the tail!" I said she placed me on her back. "I know this won't pay you back for the potion but it's something." she said. Is this what this is about? "Hey I gave it to you. I never said you had to pay me back!" I tried explaining to her. "Plus you already paid me back ten fold by helping me with the bear." I told her. (Nice steed cowboy.) Mocked Ruffy. "YOU shut it." I pointed at him.

After traveling a bit more we reached some giant wooden walls. "Oi, Password Bruv!" Said a kobold at the top of the wall. One of the Kobolds leading the group walked up to the wall. "Password… umm… let's see… uh how about you open the door before I smack you 'cross the head again Tadd!" Threatened the Kobold. Some of the kobolds in our group started snickering. "Ok jeez Vozz there's no need to get aggressive mate!" said The guard kobold as he started raising the gate. "Oh and tell the princess we have some special guests. Strong ones." he added.

When we walked into the city I was amazed with the architecture! The forest floor was full of houses and huts but the trees also had buildings with bridges connecting each one! It reminds me a lot of the ewok village from star wars! Just more sophisticated. There were many Kobolds walking to and from places both in the trees and on land! A group of Kobold children that were playing in the streets had to make way for us. As I was passing by I caught some of the kids gawking at me. I wanted to make a face and scare them away but something made me decide against doing so. I ended up just smiling at them?

We reached the center of town where they set the bear down and started processing it. The leader walked up to us. "Oi. We're planning on cooking this thing but it's gonna take a while. How 'bout you two hit the public baths down the street. There's also a river you can wash your clothes in. Trust me mate, you NEED it." He implored us. He's right I'm still caked in dirt and other things after hiding from the Vespians. Elie went ahead of me and went to the baths. As for me I had a more daunting task. Getting mud out of clothes without soap or hot water!

Actually I asked around and one of the older female kobold gave me some soap made from pig lard and a brush. She was even nice enough to heat up some water for me using an old metal pot and a campfire! Turns out her son was one of the surviving kobolds and he told her about how I helped out alot hunting the bear. What goes around comes around even the nice stuff!

I cleaned up my clothes and hung them up to dry… Wait, how do I get to the public baths!? I can't walk around naked! I explained the situation to the lady and she let me take a bath in her backyard. Damn, what a sweet old lady! Even after I finished washing myself she gave me a towel to dry off and wear!

My clothes were still soaked so I decided to just wait and sunbathe for the time being. I wonder how Elie's doing… I wonder if she went into the right bath… I hope she did… Eh she's a killer I got nothing to worry about!…hmm…mmm…mmmmmmm! "What is this anxiety!? Every time I think Of Elie I wonder if she's ok or not!" I asked myself. Ruffy popped in. (PFFT!!! Oh man, that's hilarious!) Laughed Ruffy. "What are you laughing at!?" I asked while sticking my chin out at him. (Heh heh. It's just that you don't know what parental instincts are! You care about her the way a father would, don't you?) He mocked me.

"N-no I don't! WHAT DO YOU KNOW HUH!?!?" I swiped at him and crossed my arms. (Really? 'What do I know'. Well let me tell you what I 'know'. I know that you think of yourself as some crazy psycho with no cares left to give. but let me tell you something-) I covered my ears and tried ignoring him. (-I'm talking directly into your MIND you can't ignore what i'm going to tell you! YOU DO HAVE CARES LEFT GIVE! If you didn't you would have driven that dagger right though your own neck a long time ago but you haven't! You Have NOTHING left from your old life!- "SHUT UP!"- You drew the short end of the stick! Probably isn't the first time, probably isn't the last so… what's your motivation!? You think you can start a new crew or something!? Or maybe, just maybe you want a family.- 'shut… the…FUCK UP!!!' I was so full of rage from his words I was getting dizzy! My head was spinning… spinning… sleepy…blacking out…


Ruffy saw as Rat's face went blank. His ruby red eyes were staring off into space. (Woah it's just as I suspected. But I didn't mean to confirm my suspicions like this… Welp got to make sure he doesn't get in trouble!) he said.


(Hey sleeping beauty, wake up.) I heard Ruffy calling "Uhg my head… What happened?" I asked Ruffy. I feel like I ran head first into a truck! I Couldn't remember much past cleaning my clothes. Hey wait a minute! "Hey what did you do to me!?" I asked. (Nothing actually, I was just testing something…) he said ominously. "Testing What?" I asked. (Er… how about we talk after the celebration. It's better if you're mentally stable when you hear this.)He suggested. "You tease." I said. The sun was close to setting so I might as well get dressed and look around for Elie before it gets dark.

After looking around I found her STILL in the bath house waiting for me! "Ah you're back! I was starting to get worried, you know!" Elie scolded me. I rubbed the back of my neck in shame. "Yeah I know I just accidentally fell asleep." I told her. "Well next time try to stay awake!" She said angrily.

We both walked over to the city center where the Kobolds are having a feast! There was dancing, music and food! The Kobolds had skinned the bear and roasted it BBQ style! One of the Kobold; Voss was his name I think. He came up to us to get us Situated. "Alright you two sit here at this table and I'll get a waiter to bring you some food and drinks. Oh and the princess wants to speak with you two personally later, just wait here and some soldiers will come pick you up and bring you to her." Said the Kobold. He went away to celebrate their victory.

Some waiters came up to us with food. They handed me some roasted bear and gave both of us veggie kabobs. I noticed they didn't give Elie any meat because they think she's an actual deer. I pointed out to them that Elie can actually eat meat and after apologizing profusely they brought her some bear too. As for drinks we ordered those separately. They had something called Kobold wine so I decided to get that. Elie wanted it too but I told her she was too young for alcohol and got her some mixed berry juice instead. She pouted.

After sniffing the food to make sure it wasn't poisoned or anything we started eating. The bear meat tasted like sweet Beef with a tangy aftertaste and the vegetable kabobs were a nice side dish although they had some things I'd never seen before like blue bell peppers or black tomatoes!

Once the drinks arrived I almost fell off my seat when I took a whiff of the Kobold wine! I Quickly used my skills to figure out what this thing was. (Kobold Wine: wood alcohol A.K.A Methanol) This shit is god damn race car fuel! Elie was also covering her nose in disgust. I sent it back and got some berry juice instead.

Once we finished eating and the celebration started to die down some Kobolds wearing heavy armor asked us to follow them. They led us to Who I could only assume was the princes everyone kept talking about. I could tell she was important. She had fine clothes and some jewels on and had that look of regalness that a royal would have. "You must be the champions our hunters were talking about." her voice was light yet firm. I decided to play along. I bowed my head and Elie followed. "Pleasure to meet you. Your highness." I said respectfully. "Please lift your head. I don't want you to think of me as just some princess. I want you to think of me as an employer that requires your services." She told me. "Oh? And just what would the princes of the Kobolds need a little old rodent like me for?" I asked. "Follow me. I want to explain the situation in detail at a more appropriate location." She beckoned.

This better pay well!