Chilling situation

I could hear the sound of steps approaching me slowly. I'm awake but pretending to be asleep. I was waiting patiently for the attacker to get close enough for me to strike. I don't know what they have up their sleeves so I shouldn't let them get too close but if they're too far away when I make my attack then they could run away. I got to time this just right…




*Step* There!

I quickly threw my blanket at the attacker! It was some kobold. Still surprised by my maneuver, the Kobold struggled to get the blanket off of themselves. I saw that they had a knife in one hand and quickly swatted it away using my tail. "Elie! Wake up we're being attacked!" I woke her up as I jumped on the kobold to try to detain him. They wiggled and squirmed just like a lizard that's been caught! "W-what!?" Elie said as she realised the situation. I Wrapped my elbow around their throat and pinned them down. I pulled the sheet off of them to see who it was.

It was the one kobold from before, the one who gave me the stink eye! "It's you!" I yelled. The kobold looked worried that I'd seen his face. "Elie, bring me a bed sheet!" I said loudly to her. "Ok!" She said back. She quickly brought me the sheet and I took my dagger out with my tail to cut it into smaller pieces. The kobold still tried to struggle as I bound his arms and legs. I also took some cloth to clog his mouth and muffle any noise he made.

I put him upright and got him ready for an interrogation. It was still dark out but I don't feel too tired so maybe it's early in the morning. Elie was waiting in anticipation for what I'll do. How do I go about this? I can't make him scream because the other kobolds might get the wrong idea… then again they could be in on it too."So… let's start with an easy question. Just nod yes or no… Are you alone?" I asked him.

"Mph mfhp mmph!" he muffled. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I questioned. "Mph!" He muffled again. I got closer and took his gag off. "What did you say?" I asked him. In that very moment he spat in my face! I quickly wiped my face off on some sheets in disgust. "Have some of that you bloody rat!" He yelled at me. Elie started growling at him and walking towards him. I stopped her.

I started laughing. From that gesture alone I know he has no allies. If he did, he would stall for a rescue attempt or wait for a plan B. Not ruin his chances instantly! "HAHA! Wow! You were there.You saw first hand how we took down that bear! And you decide you want to try to kill me…!? You're either the bravest or dumbest kobold here. What's your name kid?" asked him. "Like HELL i'll tell you!" he yelled at me. I started pacing back and forth. I can't make too much of a mess. It might make me look like the bad guy…"You know I don't know much about biology or how your kind works. But I do know one thing. Lizards are cold blooded, and cold blooded animals don't tend to do well in the cold."

I place my hand on Elie "This little gal is a snow making machine. She can make actual tons of freezing snow with her magic. You get where I'm going with this…? Here, why don't I show you!" I gagged him again. "Elie, show our friend here what frostbite is. Slowly…" I ordered her. She understood immediately what I meant. She walked closer to the kobold and he started freaking out! She got over him and started slowly shooting snow on the kobold.

"HMMMMMMMM!!!" His screams were muffled as his body started feeling the sting of the cold. "Ready to talk?" I asked him. He nodded yes. "So… what's your name kiddo?" I asked him. I took his gag off and let him speak. "Brendan." He told me. "Brendan huh? So 'Brendan' What drove you to try to kill little old me huh?" I asked him. He sat in silence… I shoved the cloth back in his mouth. "Ice him." I ordered Elie. he wriggled in pain as Elie covered him in more snow. His eyes were starting to go sleepy. I slapped his face to wake him up "Don't go to sleep now you might not wake up. We can do this all day, bud!" I said cruelly. We can't but you know I gotta be intimidating.

I took his gag off again. "So?" I said. He took a moment to catch his breath. "I know what your true intentions are! You don't care about us! You only care about the reward you'll get after helping us! You'll leave us in ruin as soon as you get the chance! So I decided to stop you ahead of time!" He explained. I paused for a moment. "Well, you got one thing right. I do only care about the reward. But I'm not the type to throw paying customers under the bus. That's stupid!" I told him.

"In my line of work (well former line of work) Trust and reputation is oftentimes more valuable than any reward you could get! If I'm known as untrustworthy that completely ruins my chances of getting any jobs in the future! So it is in both our interests that we keep a mutual bond of respect." I instinctively reached for my back pocket to get a cigarette. But then i remembered i don't have any nor did I have the urge to smoke. Old habits die hard.

"Your princesse or whatever, knows this if she's worth a damn as a leader. But because of this little stunt you pulled, MY trust in her has fallen. She seemed like she really NEEDS us for this whole quest to save her dying father who is also your king. Do you really want that on your conscience? To be fully responsible for the death of your king!?" I ranted. The kobold was left speechless. "Your only chance at redemption now is to plead guilty when I turn you In." I told him. That's right! I won't kill someone for once, and it's totally not Joey's influence, it's just that I have other plans... His face was left full of terror. This puts a smile on my face.


We had him bound up for a few hours before we decided to go find someone with authority to help us. Incidentally the first high ranking kobold we ran into was Voss who had been promoted to captain after our fight with the bear. After hearing our story of how we were attacked by Brendan in the middle of the night Voss was left mortified at the fact that one of his fellow hunters would do such a thing.

"Brendan, Brendan, Brendan…" Voss said while shaking his head with disappointment. "You do know what I gotta do now mate? I gotta set up a court hearing! That completely ruins the flow of everyone's day! Just what would your mother say? Hell, I'm probably going to be the one that has to break the news to that poor woman!" He sighed as two guards came to take him away. Voss turned to look at me. "I'm so sorry about that! Also I know it's troublesome for you but as key witnesses and the victims you're going to have to go to the court building in about an hour. It's on the floor level. You can't miss it but feel free to ask for directions." He told us as he went to follow the guards.

We traveled to the forest floor where we could see a crowd gathering at a building that looked important. That's probably it. After making our way through the crowd and going inside we saw a secretary kobold trying to settle everyone in. We cut to the front to tell her who we were. "Oh hello!" She greeted me. "We're here for the court hearing. we're the 'victims'" I told her. Ugh, I hate classifying myself as a victim! "The rat and the deer? Ok go down the hall and to the left. There's a waiting room where someone will come get you when it's time. We followed where she sent us and made it to a small waiting room. There were some chairs and we decided to sit. You know I've been thinking this whole place is surprisingly civil and organised. A little too much if you ask me…

Elie looked a little grumpy. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I had plans to go get my stuff today but now I gotta deal with this stuff instead!" she said angrily. "Yup I know how you feel kiddo."I told her. (what's going on?) Popped in Ruffy. I jumped a bit. "Hey, Elie I'm gonna step out into the hallway for a bit." I told her. "Suit yourself." she said.

I stepped out and started chatting with Ruffy. "Where have you been?'' I asked him. (sleeping.) he said. "Gods have to sleep?" I asked him. (I'm a spirit not a god right now. I need to sleep at least once a week to keep my energy up.) he explained. He looked around his surroundings. (Where are we?)he asked. "Court… "I told him (Goddamn it rat-) "Before you say anything we're not here because of me." I calmed him down. (Then why?) He asked me.

"Some kobold tried attacking us in our sleep but we were able to fight him off and now we're in court for his trial." I quickly explained to him. (Everyone seems to want a piece of you.) he said.

A kobold walked up to me. "Uh Mr.Rat? It's time for the trial." He told me. I got Elie from the waiting room and we were both escorted to the main hall by the Kobold. We made our way inside where the room was full of Kobolds! Just how many Kobolds are here!?

There were seats at the front for us to sit in. We both sat down and waited for the judge and the Defendant to come inside. The judge made their way inside and it was of course the princess. And then came the defendant who was in handcuffs getting escorted by armed guards.

The trial went by really quickly as the kobolds had this gem that could tell if someone was lying, kinda like Vespians. After letting us tell our side of the story and making Brendan confirm all the allegations the trial ended fast. All that was left was the sentencing.

"Brendan You are hereby charged with not only Attempted murder but as you attacked honored guest of ours you are also being charged with treason! As such your punishment is DEATH!!" Her voice boomed through the halls. So much for being civil… The kobold hung his head in shame. Just as the guards were about to take him away I decided to speak up.

"Hold it right there!" I stopped them. "I have a better idea." I told the princes. "Oh? What do you have in mind?" Asked the princess. "Let me take him under my wing. I feel like executing someone like him would be a waste." I told her. "Are you positive?" she questioned. "Oh trust me when I'm done with him he's gonna wish he died instead!" I laughed. "Then it's decided. Brendan will be under the direct command of Rat for as long as he desires. Court dismissed!" Yelled the princess. I made eye contact with Brendan and gave him a big smile.

He looks terrified of what's to come.