
"Squat! Kick your feet back!! Do a Push up!!! Return to squat!!! Stand up and jump!!! Now that's 1 burpee! Just 49 more for fifty!" I'm barking Drills at Brendan like some kind of mad-rat. Of Course i'm not making him do it all alone, I'm using this time as efficiently as possible and training myself as well. Right now where outside in a court the soldiers, guards, and hunters use to train. The soldiers couldn't help but stare at us as we trained in a way they had never seen.

"C'mon that's only 10 so far! You can't stop now!" I yelled as I saw him start to slow down. "For every one you mess up we're doing two more!" I barked. I saw his face fill with grief. "From now on you're going to refer to me as 'SIR'! Everytime I ask you a question you'll eather say 'sir yes sir' or 'sir no sir! Do you understand maggot!?" I roared. He was breathing heavily. "Sir yes sir." He said out of breath.

"WHAT WAS THAT MAGGOT!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" I boomed. He took a deep breath. "SIR YES SIR!!!" he yelled with all his might. (You know I would pity him if he didn't just try to kill you.) commented Ruffy. Other kobolds started to gather around us and they also started trying to do burpees. "That's thirty! Just 20 more!" I yelled. Some of the other kobolds also seemed to be struggling. Since I'm a rat my agility is like nothing I've ever experienced before. I was able to knock out 50 burpees with little struggle! Brendan on the other hand…

He was completely wasted. Brendan was lying on the ground trying to catch his breath. "Warm up's not done yet.Take a 5 minute break! Get yourself some water and get ready for the next exercise!" I ordered him. "Sir yes sir!" he responded as he ran to get some water. "You better come back if you know what's good for you!" I reminded him. In the meantime I want to test some of my physical limits because I haven't really had a good chance to do so.

I walked up to a wall and wrapped my tail around my waist. Using the wall as a support I did a handstand quite easily! I decided to test my endurance and tried to hold it for as long as possible. I counted about 1 and a half minutes before my arms gave out. That's better than the old me atleast! I let my arms rest for a second and tried again this time I started doing handstand push-ups! My arm muscles felt like they were ripping! 1….2…..3...4! I managed to do only three before my arms collapsed and I fell on my face.

"*Pfft!*" I heard a strange sound above me like someone trying not to laugh. I quickly stood up to see that Brendan was back! SHIT!! He totally just saw me 'eat the floor'! Uh… quick! Drill sergeant mode, activate!!!

"YOU'RE OUTTA UNIFORM SOldier! where's your-*cough-cough*" My throat feels like crap! Looks like all the screaming caught up to me. "Screw it." I said. "I'm not doing the drill sergeant bit anymore." I said exasperated. "Huh?" said the kobold, confused.

"I'm not gonna scream any more, I might lose my voice." I explained to him. He seemed a bit relieved. "That doesn't mean I won't be any more laxed. We're gonna run ten times around the city from outside the walls!" I Told him. That's about five miles. Brendan's hopes of easier exercises were crushed.

Once we got outside the city we started our run. Well it was more of a jog. I Stopped myself from using all four of my legs to run. In the event of another fight I need to use both of my hands to hold weapons so I might as well start getting used to it now. As for Brendan… well he's trying to keep up at least.

After running a few laps or so I saw that Brendan's pace was starting to slow down and he was starting to wheeze his breaths. "Are you gonna die on me soldier!?" I joked. Brendan was going a little pale and collapsed to the ground. "Oh damn! Are you actually dying on me!?" I asked as I went to check on him.

I placed my fingers on his neck… Well he's still alive. But I can't tell whether his heart rate is normal or not. Eh, he'll be alright… But It might also make me look bad if something happens to him… Damn it! Fine! I'll take him to the infirmary.

I picked him up and started carrying him on my back. Once I got Inside the city a kobold walked up to me and handed me a key with a piece of wood that had the address of our house. "I'll check it out later after I take this weakling to the hospital." I told him.

Once I got there some nurses put him on a bed and quickly checked his condition. "Well it's nothing serious at least," said the head nurse. I felt relieved. "He just over exerted himself. What exactly were you doing?" She asked me. "Training." I told her. "What kind?" She asked. "Aerobic." I responded. She sighed. "Ok, that might be good for a mammal like you but us reptiles can't really do that!" She scolded me. "We're ambush hunters. We can't really do hard exercise for too long." She explained to me. "So I should be more mindful of this in the future?" I asked her. "That's correct." She confirmed.

"So what should we do about him now?" I asked. "Well I'll give him some revitalising tea and I don't want you to push him around for the rest of the day ok?" She said to me. "Alright, fine!'' I said reluctantly.

She gave him the tea and he woke up a few minutes after. He was still drowsy though. "C'mon 'soldier' we're done for the day. Let's head back to 'base'." I joked. We started walking towards our new house. I actually requested it be one near the barracks since I want to have quick access to any training equipment they might have.

When we arrived at our new home I found that Elie had already decided to move in ahead of us. The house was decently sized. It's two stories high with two bedrooms, one on each floor and one bathroom on the second floor. It also came with a basement that could be used like an armory! The bath room was actually connected to the city's plumbing and had running water! They use some magic BS to make the plumbing work here.

"This place is AMAZING!!" Yelled Elie in wonder. In the kitchen there was a magic powered fridge full of food! Quite surprising that the kobolds are advanced enough to have refrigeration! "There's an icebox full of food if you two need anything." I told them. "I called dibs on the second floor bedroom!" Yelled Elie. "I'll take the bottom one then." I told her. I looked at Brendan who was looking around the house. "And you boy! Eh, I'll just start calling you Bren. You're sleeping on the couch!" I told him. He looked a bit mad. "Don't give me that! You're lucky I don't make you sleep outside!" I yelled at him. "Both of you have the rest of the day off. And make sure to rest well! Tomorrow we have a strategy meeting with the princes and some higher ups!" I told them. Bren rolled his eyes and Elie just locked herself in her room!

I scoffed. "Kids these days." I whispered.