Recon Report

"Alright since we're all here, let's start today's strategy meeting." Said the princess sitting at the end of the meeting table. Two of the head honchos joining us were from the soldier and hunter divisions. Captain Voss was there too so he could vouch for our combat reliability. Elie, Bren, Ruffy and I were sitting at the table too waiting for what the meeting had in store for us.

"Gladly, your highness. but maybe it's best to introduce ourselves quickly to our employees?" Said the hunter leader. He was dressed in some kind of camo uniform that would help a lot in the forestry terrain here. "I agree with him for one your highness." Said the soldier leader. She was physically massive and had heavy armor that provided the best protection in close combat. "Fine then. But let's make it quick." said the princess.

The hunter went first. "The name's Dover. Major Dover." He introduced himself. Then came the soldier. She stood up. "Lieutenant colonel Kinn." She grunted, She sat down. "Good, now that we got that clear, let's start." Said the princess.

"Right. So the hunters we sent to investigate the Vespian hive were successful in their mission. They managed to get within 200 meters of the hive and managed to take some photos of the entrance with a picto-jewel." reported the hunter. He took out a small clear crystal and placed it on the table. He rubbed the crystal and out came an image like a hologram above it! In the Image you could see many vespians flying in and out of a cave. "In the picture you can see that there's clearly heavy activity within the hive's entrance. This is clearly not a normal vespian hive. In a normal hive only Females are left doing all the work including protecting the hive. Males get kicked out once they fulfill their purpose." he explained. "Bit rude if you ask me.'' Dover whispered. "So how is this hive different?'' Asked Kinn.

"Just look at the pictures! There's clearly more than just standard workers at that hive." He said. He pinched the image and it seemed to zoom in for a closer look. On the screen there was the image of another different type of vespian soldier. This one wasn't like the sleek fast type; it's large and looks incredibly strong! "The boys call these types of Vespian drone 'Bouncers'. They can't fly but they seem to make up for it with incredible brute strength. Their main job seems to be to guard the hive's entrance." Explained Dover.

He changed the image to a type of drone I was already familiar with. "These are 'scouts'. They're extremely fast and use a sharp needle-like weapon that can be poisoned to attack. Male vespians have no stinger so they probably use it as a replacement." He explained. Kinn looked at the image carefully. "So, are these the only type of vespians we need to prepare against?" She asked.

"Actually there's one more." Said Dover. He pulled up another image. The vespian drone on the screen was small. Not as small as the worker females but definitely smaller than the other types of drones. It had some kind of wax mask covering its mouth with a black tube made of rubber which fed into a round container in its arm with glowing orange liquid inside. "We call these 'Spitters'. They're very rare but probably the strongest of the three. My hunters spied on the vespians for many days just to see one attack a monster. They attack with that weapon on their arm. They use it like a precise hose that shoots a powerful acid jet. These fellas can melt wolves into jelly with a single attack!"

"Hold on Major. Are you saying even armor won't protect us against these Drones?" Asked Kinn. "Hell yeah they won't bady." He told Kinn in a demeaning manner. She slammed her fists on the table. "I OUTRANK YOU!! You will not call me such names Major!" She shouted angrily. "Whoa now don't let all that 'power' make your ego any bigger!" He mocked. "Ok that's enough you two!" shouted the princess "If we want this to work I need you both to put aside your past relationships! I chose you two because I know you can make miracles happen when you work together!" She yelled at them. "We're gonna need more than just miracles this time." Whispered Dover under his breath.

"So… what's their deal?" I asked Voss. He rubbed his temples in frustration. "They used to date." Voss revealed. "Dear god." I said surprised. Surprised because Kinn is about twice Dover's size! "Tell me about it. They dated when they were newer in the Kobold army." Explained Voss. Elie decided to butt in. "Why did they break up?" asked Elie. "I don't really know. They must've grown distant over time. At least that's my guess." Voss told Elie. I was starting to get tired of the 'love talk'. Time to change the subject

" So These are all the types of vespsians you know of?." I got Dover's attention. "That's right. Oh and one more detail, If Vespians sense danger the workers scatter while the drone's move in for an attack." added Dover. "Then let's start thinking of ways to counter some. Why don't we start with the more common troops." I suggested. The princess decided to speak up.

"Alright then, scout's. How do we deal with them?" She asked. Who's 'We'? It's probably going to be me, my buddies, and the soldier kobolds doing the fighting. She's probably going to stay in her castle or something.

"Well we got those weapons you promised to give us at our home base but those won't be enough." I said to her, I remembered something I was told. " ya know I was told that you kobolds specialize in ambush hunting. Does that mean you have knowledge in making traps?" I asked Them.

"Yes we can, why? Do you have a plan?" Asked Dover. "Yeah but it's gonna need both of you to work together and lead your troops in near perfect synchronization. Can I count on you two working together?"I Looked at Kinn specifically. "Tisk! Fine! But if that puny idiot gets in my way I'll crush him!" She threatened.

Dover leaned on his chair. "Puny huh? That's not what you say in bed…" Dover remarked a little too loudly. The whole room went still and quiet. Kinn's face was turning red but I don't know whether it's from embarrassment or anger. Dover quickly realized his mistake. "Oh…shit." he said. I gotta do something quick or this whole meeting's a bust!

I Picked up Bren and got on top of the table! "WAIT why me!!!" He screamed in protest. "Hey everyone, look at this!" I got everyone's attention. I stood Bren up. "This might sting." I told him. "What?-" As he said that I stepped as hard as I could on his tail.

"-YAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He screeched in pain like a little girl! The whole room burst into laughter.

He fell to the ground in pain. I moved him towards Elie. "Could you put some snow on that?" I asked Elie. Still chuckling, she nodded yes.

Still standing on the table. I decided to tell everyone my plan. "So here's the plan. The hunters will set up traps in a remote area near the hive but not too close as to attract attention. Elie will launch a huge magic attack at the hive and literally stir up a hornet's nest. She'll then make a mad dash for the area where both soldiers and hunter's will be waiting to ambush the vespians with traps and pick off as many as you can. The smell of dying vespians will make more of them come distracting the hive. This will give us an opening to start a fire near the hive. The smoke smell will be too much for the vespians to smell me as I sneak inside and steal their royal jelly! Once I get the jelly and make it out of the hive I'll regroup with the Fire starters and we'll use a smoke bomb to signal the mission complete. BOOM POW!! We come home for some celebratory waffles!" I Presented. Everyone stayed silent.

"Hmm It's crazy, reckless, and just playing stupid." Said Kinn. "But it. just. Might. Work." She expressed. "You do realise if this flops we'll all die Right? You know what? Screw it! I'm in." Joined Kinn. The princess joined in. "As much as I hate sending our men to their possible deaths, we're out of time and out of options. Let's do this!" She hyped herself up. Yes! I got everyone onboard!

"Alright then. Let's start Operation: Buzzkill!" I cheered.

"G-guys, I think my tail is broken." complained Bren. "Eh, you'll be alright,'' I told him.