The Jackal and The Rat

"Stay with the van Lacker. Give 3 beeps if you see something suspicious." Said Davy as we got out of the van. "Did you leave a 'Piece' with him?" I asked Davy. "I did, but the kid's never had to shoot someone." Davy told me. I sighed. "Are you sure he won't hesitate?" I asked him. "I'm not. But I think he understands." He said.

"I remember the first time I ever took a life." I thought outloud. Davy was wearing his mask but I knew he was interested. Right before we reached an old looking building, I finished my story. "A bunch of hoodlums tried jumping me. I choked one of them to death… Ahh. Strangulation! No drug gives a better high!" I Joked. Davy shook his head in disapproval.

We knocked on the building's front door and waited. There were countless cameras around the building. There wasn't a single blind spot. The door slowly opened and out came the barrel of a shotgun. "Hands, lemme see 'em. Slowly." Said a croaky voice. Not wanting to catch a case of flower head Davy and I obliged. A hand reached from the door and took off our masks and touched our faces. Once the person inside saw that we didn't have masks under our masks. He signaled us to come inside.

Once we came inside the person revealed himself. He was wearing the mask of a black wild dog, A jackal. He closed the door and looked back at us. "So… what went wrong?" He asked, shotgun still in hand. "Oh what, no hello?" I asked sarcastically. "Don't give me that! You and I both know there's a reason you came to me unannounced!" Yelled Jackal.

Davy butted in. "I'll give you the short version because I know you two will drag this on." He said. "We fucked with some company called Gen-Tec and now they're out for blood." Davy quickly explained. "C'mon Let's talk in my living room." He invited me. "Nope. we need to be ready to leave at a moment's notice." I said.

"Why?" Asked Jackal. "That company sent some kind of superhuman hit squad after us." I answered. Jackal stumbled back a bit, "They're real!?" He yelled, surprised. Me and Davy looked at him with suspicion. "What do you mean 'They're real?" Asked Davy. "Do you know something that we don't!?" I urged him. He waved his hands in a manner to try to calm us down.

"Word on the street is that Gen-tec is way more advanced than they let on." Jackal whispered. "Their whole thing is genetic research and technology. Right now they're using medical treatments as a front for something MUCH bigger. Delivery workers have noticed strange shipments being delivered to a research center out in the valley." He told us. "Are you talking about 'Lab delta'?" Asked Davy. "Ahh, so you already heard about it?" Asked Jackal.

"Yeah I got a few connections too." Said Davy. I feel like I'm the odd one out on this topic. "Ok so the workers have Reported that animals both exotic and common are being delivered to This lab. Now animal research wouldn't be too strange if there weren't reports of prison buses being driven to the lab full of federal inmates and leaving empty. Now mind you that this building is supposedly only 1 story high and about the size of a small clinic. Where would they keep all those criminals? That's why a lot of people think the true Lab is hidden underground!" Jackal explained.

I know this bit. "Ah ha! So you're saying that this company is using both these animals and criminals for some kind of genetic alteration projects!" I concluded. "Yeah! How did you know?"Asked Jackal. "I watch too many movies..." I said, disappointed in myself.

Jackal went back to explaining. "So my sources think that because the inmates are under federal jurisdiction That the Feds are in on it too. So they use the inmates to form some kind of super powered enforcers… That's the most we know so far." Jackal Finished. "That sounds crazy when you say it like that." Said Davy. "So what if they're genetically enhanced? They Die just the same! I mean Davy ran over two and blew a hole in another on the way here!" I said.

We heard a *Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeep* come from outside.

"Oh shit." I said. "They must've found us!" Yelled Davy. "You brought them to my front FUCKING door!?" Screamed Jackal! "We thought we shook them!" I yelled at Jackal. "I'll go with the kid! You guys load up on guns!" Davy ran outside.

Jackal Aimed his shotgun at me. "Why the FUCK did you bring them here!?" said Jackal angry. I chuckled. "Heh heh,You won't shoot me." I said smugly. He Hit the side of my head with the stock of his shotgun and pinned me to the ground. "Fuck! Ok you made your point. We needed to load up on weapons and ammo and we know you put doomsday preppers to shame." I explained to him. He pointed his shotgun away. "You could have just called me," he said. He helped me up.

We heard some gunshots outside. "Do you still have that Wolf?" I asked him. "From the 'El Camino' job?" He asked. "That's the one." I told him. "Won't that be a little overkill?" He asked. "So?" I asked rhetorically. He reluctantly opened a side compartment near the door. The weapon inside was long, black, and boy was it shiny! A .50 caliber Beowulf rifle. I picked up the rifle and admired the ingenuity that was this weapon. I slapped a red dot sight on top and loaded the Wolf up with anti-material rounds. I grabbed an M4 to give to Davy and Jackal loaded up his shotgun with Slugs. "Now, Let's go hunting." I said with Devilish intent.

I kicked the door open. There were at least four black vans parked outside and each of them had goons pouring out of them. Davy and lacker were hiding behind the van and using it as cover. Two tall goons were running towards them at inhuman speeds! They were both armed with Japanese style swords. I fired two rounds in quick succession. The Sound of thunder made my ears ring a bit as the two goons got divided in half from the Power of the .50 caliber rounds. Even with a recoil pad it stung my shoulder like hell!

"Y'all started this party without me!?" I quipped. "What the hell!?" gasped Davy in astonishment. I think that's the most he's ever swore! "Here! Take this!" I threw him the M4 along with some extra bullets. "Look out!" Warned davy. A goon caught me off guard and was about to hit me with his blade when Jackal Shot him in the chest with a slug. "Eyes open Jack-ass!!" He scolded me. More goons rushed us and we grouped up to form a firing squad.

"These goons would be more of a threat if they had guns don't you think!?" Asked Lacker as he fired his pistol from behind cover. "They're felons! I doubt the Feds trust them with guns yet!" Said Jackal. We dropped some more goons but they just kept on coming! I saw one of them drop his weapons and run away at the sight of us massacring his buddies. As he got farther away I saw his head pop like a balloon! "Whoa did you guys see that!" Asked Davy. "Was that you Rat!?" He asked me. "No! He blew up on his own!" I answered him. "Looks like these guys have some kind of booby trap inside them! Maybe a small bomb that blows up if they don't follow orders!" suggested Jackal.

More vans showed up this time with a different type of goon. They were short, stocky, and had some black plates completely covering their bodies. When Davy tried to fire at one his bullets seemed to just bounce right off! "It looks like those guys are bulletproof!!" Pointed out Davy. I fired my rifle at one and saw him splatter. "Bullet-resistant." I corrected him. "I'll focus on those small guys! You guys take the rest!" I told them. Even with us unleashing a cloud of lead on the goons they just kept on coming! At this rate we'll run out of ammo!

But just when I was starting to feel like this fight could turn south a savor arrived. Another van showed up. But this wasn't any goon van, it was Chimp! With his chimpanzee mask on he jumped out of his van, light machine gun in hand! "¡Coman plomo Hijos de puta!" Shouted Chimp in Spanish as he fired a storm of bullets at the goons tearing even the armored goon to shreds. "We've been ordered to retreat! Let's get the fuck out of here!" Said one of the goons. As they got on their vans we were still shooting as many as we could.

As the last van left we all grouped up. I dapped up Chimp. "What's up man!? Why'd y'all start the party without me!?"He asked. "I already used that line, plus it was on short notice." I told him. "Let's get out of here before some cops come." Said Jackal. "Right!" we all said. "Me,Davy and the kid will take Davy's van and go see our last member. Jackal you go with Chimp and pick up that order I had placed with slim." I ordered everyone.

"God, I hope she's fine." I said.