Growing Skillset

"Finally! I have some free time! I can work on my skills in peace." I Thought out loud while sitting in my bed. It was early in the morning and the sun was shining softly through my window. Ruffy popped into existence to check up on me. (Morning sunshine.) He greeted me. "Hey." I greeted him. (What's your plan for the day?) He asked me. "Well I'm gonna work on my skills some more and later I have some plans to do some magic training with Elie and see if I can spar with Brendan just to see what I'm working with. (Sounds good I'll leave you to it then!) Said Ruffy as he poofed away.

I pulled up my menu. Let's start with Stat points first. I have 163 points right now. I'll put 50 points each into strength, dexterity, and constitution, and the last 13 into intelligence. That's all for those now lets see if there's a skill worth spending points on. I Looked through the long list of skills and found another one of those skills that only Otherworlders and Reincarnations like me can use. (Party: Form a group with allies in which the user can see their allies current condition,stats, and level along with sharing 50% of all EXP earned.) YES!!! It's a must have, plus it's only a single point! I'll save the rest of my skill points.

Now let's check what these class point's are all about. I Flipped through the list but most of the skills were wayyy too expensive. One that caught my eye was (Invisibility: Temporarily turns the user Invisible. Length of time you can stay invisible grows with skill Level.) True Invisibility!? Like an actual super power!? It must be because it comes with a 100 class point price tag! I'll have to loot A LOT of soldiers to be able to afford that! Right now the only thing I can afford to do is upgrade my sneak skill to the Class skill (Lurk) which is just sneak with higher effectiveness when you stand still. It'll cost all of my class points but it's better than nothing. With that done my stats ended up looking like this.


Species:Black Ratling Lv.2-> Lv.7


HP:400/270-> 400

MP:50/15-> 50

SP:196/160-> 250

Str: 121->171 Dex:169->219 Con:103->153 Int:65->78 Wis:49 Cha:33

Stat Points:163->0

Skill points: 5-> 4

Class points:5-> 0

Normal Skills: (Status Viewer) (Multilingual) (Party) (analysis Lv.3->4) (Sniff Lv.2->3) (Accuracy Lv.4->5(Max) ) (Swiftness Lv.2->4)

(Steel fur Lv.4->5) (Evasion Lv.3->5) (Steel bite Lv.3) (Sharp tail Lv.3) (Night vision Lv.2->4) (Foul mouth Lv.4->6) ( Iron Claws Lv.3)

(Dark magic Lv.1->2)

Class skills: (Lurk Lv.1)


Just as I was finishing up I heard Brendan calling me and Elie. "Hey guys! Come downstairs, I cooked up some breakfast!" Said Brendan. Well that's awfully nice of him. I Got dressed and headed down stairs. I went and sat at the dining room table where Elie was already sitting and waiting for me.

Brendan served us some eggs and ork bacon. "Why do you guys have so much ork meat?" I asked. "A group of them thought they could raid us. This is all that's left of them." Said Brendon with a smile.


Just as I was about to take a bite out of the scrambled eggs I noticed a small detail in brendans expression. It was almost the look of mischief. I Quickly slapped Elie's face with my tail before she could take a bite out of her food. "OW, what the hell was that for!" She yelled confused. I quickly used my skills to check If our food had been tampered with. Elie's food was fine but mine was laced with (Hemp Flower: Poisonous plant especially deadly to rodent creatures and Rodent-Kin.)

I looked at Brenden with an unimpressed face. I wasn't even mad, just disappointed. "You don't learn do you?" I asked Brendan. Brendan sat in silence like a child that was caught stealing candy. Like a coward he got up from his chair and ran away like a bitch! Well not to say I'm not guilty of that myself. "Hey get back here!" Now I'm mad. He sprinted out the door and I followed right behind him. It wasn't long before I tackled him to the floor. He tried squirming but my tail held a grip on him like a snake. "Now since you wanna act funny we're gonna have ourselves a bit of FUN during training." I said in a deeper than usual voice. "Nooooooo." He pleaded


"C'mon! I'm wide open, just hit me!" I yelled at brendan. He was wearing a full suit of armor and carrying a spear and shield. Right now we're at the soldier training field. Brendan was hesitant. He had never fought me in a proper fight so he didn't know the full extent of what I could do. "Ok. fine I'll lose the daggers if that makes you feel better." I said as I tossed my daggers out of reach. Still he wouldn't fight. "Or would you rather fight the bloodthirsty deer monster?"I asked as Elie stood right behind me in her monster form. "N-NO! I'll fight." He said.

I signaled Elie to move out of the way of the fight. Brendan Gave a "HYAA!!" And rushed me like some kind of jouster. As he was about to hit me I simply stepped to the side. Not expecting this he tripped and fell, all of the armor he was wearing fell apart like a poorly assembled LEGO set. "All that armor is weighing you down, just take it off and try again." I told him. He Took off his armor and got himself ready. "You ready?'' I asked him. "Because this time I'm fighting back!" I Told him.

He charged at me again but this time his movements were faster and looser. As he got closer I spun my body around and tripped him with my tail. As he was in the middle of falling I kicked him in the stomach. He fell to one knee and threw up from the kick. "What are you doing!? This is a fight you don't take a time out!" I scolded him. I tried slashing him with my claws but he backed away and managed to avoid a direct hit. He noticed that my claws had ripped his shirt and quickly covered himself, almost like he was hiding something underneath. Maybe a bad scar or marking he felt self conscious about. He flipped his shirt around so that the front ripped part went to his back.

"Hope you're done fixing your clothes because we're not done yet." I reminded him. He let out a single scared *Gulp*.


"Are you sure he's gonna be fine?"Asked Elie. Brendan was lying on the floor almost motionless. "Somebody…end my suffering." Brendan begged. "He'll be alright." I told her. So Do you want to spar now?" Asked Elie. Oh no she could kill me if she's not careful. "Uh. You're well just how you are now. How about we focus on making your magic stronger?" I suggested.

"Aw, ok." She said with slight disappointment. We stepped to a different side of the field. I Decided that now was a good chance to use that (Party) skill.

(Elinor has joined the party!)

Name:Elinor Destroid

Species:Wendigo Lv.23




Str:471 Dex:256 Con:431 Int:40 Wis:20 Cha:24

Normal Skills: (Cold Resistance) (Shapeshifting Lv.3) (Titanium Skin Lv.7) (Ripping Jaws Lv.2) (Tearing Claws Lv.4) (Snow Magic Lv.2)


Talk about a walking tank! Jeez, She's her own bossfight! If there wasn't already a reason to want to keep her around. I couldn't see her stat before because of how much stronger she is compared to me. Once I set up a little shooting range with straw dummies we got to practicing. "So Elie, what kind of magic Attacks can you use?" I asked her. She thought for a second. "Well I only know 3 Magic attacks and one defense skill." She said. "Well what are they?" I asked. "You've seen me use (Snow Breath) and (Avalanche) already. (Snow Breath) is self explanatory and (Avalanche) Is when I form a Giant snowball in my horns that I can fling with a lot of force. My last attack skill is more of a last resort, it's called (Thunder snow). I can summon a small Snow tornado that will do a lot of damage if you're caught in it. As for defence I have a Magic skill called (Snow capped) where I can cover my body in soft snow to cushion hits and the like!" she explained.

"Thanks for telling me all of that." I said. That reminds me. I don't have a magic defensive skill yet, maybe I should get one now. How about taking the same route as Elie. But how do I cover my Body in Dark? I need to think about this. "Hey Elie. Go do some target practice on those dummies I need to work on something on my own." I said to her. She nodded in agreement and went to do some training.

I stood off to the side and took out a ball of darkness. I tried rubbing it on my skin but that didn't work. Then I remembered I have a pocket god! "Hey Ruffy! Get 'cho ass out here!" I called him. (Don't call me like that!) He popped in. "I need your help figuring out something with magic." I told him. (Sure.) he said. "I can't seem to figure out how to use dark magic defensively. Got any tips?" I asked him. He floated around a bit. (Hmmm, Like light magic, dark magic is powered by emotions, specifically negative ones. For defensive magic try to see if you have any bad memories that carry a large weight on you.) He suggested.

"Power from Bad emotions? God that's edgy!" I complained. (Look buddy I don't make the rules, that's just the way it is.) He said. "Alright fine let's just do this." I sighed. I took out some dark energy and held it in my hand. Hmm, bad memories that carry weight? Let's see… What about the first time I lost someone in a job? I focused. I remember his bloody hand as he reached for me to help him. I had to leave him for dead. There was no other way that situation would end. But even knowing this I still think about it sometimes.

The magic started to cover my chest like a black slimy substance. Once the magic settled down it ended up looking like a ballistics vest. (Well would you look at that?) Commented Ruffy. "Why does it look like this? It leaves my limbs completely exposed!" I said. (Well that's probably the first thing that came to your head in terms of armor.) Said Ruffy. "This may be good for bullets but not for melee weapons which are the norm here." I told him. (You haven't even tried it yet! Stop Bitching I thought you were a badass!) He yelled at me. "Fine." I said as I started walking towards Brendan who was still lying on the ground.

I stood over him. "Wake up!" I shouted. He shot up and quickly got on his feet. "YES SIR!" he shouted as he stood at attention. "Ok cut the formality. I need you to stab me." I told him. "What?" he said, confused. "Look, just hit me on this black stuff with your spear." I said to him. "Well if you say so," said Brendan. He stabbed me in the chest with his spear and the weapon bounced off. "Again!" I ordered him. He stabbed me again and the armor held up. "C'mon hit me like you mean it!" I pressured him. He started stabbing me over and over again like he was releasing a bunch of pent up anger. Until after the 6th strike the armor fell apart and floated away like smoke.

Brendan didn't notice this and almost stabbed me for real if I hadn't moved out of the way. "Keep your head in the game!" I said as I smacked him upside the head. "Ow." He winched. "Anyways thanks for the help." I said to him, Now that I got that down I'll come up with a name for this move. Something simple, Like Dark Armor. Yeah that sounds alright and with that down all we need to do is brush up our skills and we'll be ready to start Operation:Buzzkill!

That's right! No more filler, let's do this shit!!!