Operation:Buzzkill Part 1

Preparations are complete. We were divided into three groups: the decoys who are led by Kinn, The Firestarters led by Dover and the Infiltrators led by me. We trained for three more days to clean up our moves. Along with that we cleaned up the attack plans a bit more just to not leave any blindspots. A Lot of the younger Kobolds are scared. I can feel it. They need to overcome their fears if they hope to live through the day. We decided that day time is the best time to attack the hive as most of the Vespians will be elsewhere collecting nectar to turn into honey. Still, there'll be hundreds if not thousands more waiting at the hive. I have a feeling this won't be an 'IN-AND-OUT' type thing. I decided to pick up a bow, though I could only take a few arrows as I need to be as mobile as possible to avoid attacks from Scout type drones or any Vespians for that matter.

"Psst! Hey, What do you see?" whispered one Kobold. The infiltrators and I were hiding out in some trees not far from the hive. We're waiting for the attack to start. "Not much… any word on the other group?" Asked the Kobold. "Yeah, they told me that they ran into a few hiccups but so far it's been going fine!" He answered. "Can you two shut-the-fuck-UP!!" Shouted Voss. Both he and Brendan are with us. At first I didn't want Brendan joining us but he just wouldn't stop insisting. Don't worry I got More than just my eyes on him.

Our part is the most simple but also the most dangerous. Once the fire has been lit around the Hive the smoke will act like some kind of signal jammer that'll hopefully cripple the Vespian's Powerful sense of smell. We'll take this as a chance to Sneak inside the hive. If the rules are still the same the smoke will also have a calming effect on the Hive so any workers there should cooldown after any attack. We'll assassinate a few workers and cover ourselves in their scent to fool the Vespians, combined with the low visibility of the cave I say it's not too far of a shot.

The only snag in our plan is the fact that we don't even know where the Royal Jelly could be. Knowing earth bees though, I bet it's in the hive nursery but worse case scenario it's right next to the queen herself! ...Why do I feel like I jinxed myself?

"Shhh. Hey look. Is that the wendigo chick over there?" Pointed one of the kobolds. The vespians haven't noticed but Elie has been slowly creeping closer to the hive's entrance for the past fifteen minutes. She needs to land a hit with her snow breath directly in the center of the hole. I helped her practice for this a bit but she'll need to get closer with how much her attack loses power over a long range. I smacked my face a bit to wake myself up. "Alright, look alive people we're doing this." I told them.

"Don't worry mate I got my mental list of bee pun ready!" smiled voss. "Wooo! Finally let's go!" said a kobold. "I wanna take a leak!" whined another. "I'm definitely going to bring back a memento!" cheered another. "Anything you wanna say Brendan?" I asked Him. He thought for a second. "Well if nothing else, At Least it's a beautiful day to die." He said. "Nice one-liner kiddo." I complimented him. "Bit of a death flag though." I whispered. "Ok guys quiet down the show's about to start." Said Voss

Elie started changing into her stronger true form. The vespians were still oblivious to what was about to happen. Her body completely changed shape from a seemingly harmless deer to a monster That would frightened even the most experienced veterans. She let out a long Tortured scream that made the trees vibrate like maracas. This gave her the undivided attention of all Drones guarding the hive. She opened her giant mouth filled to the brim with sharp fangs and let out a massive Beam of white snow. Her aim was true and the attack landed directly on the hive's entrance filling it's interior with chilling snow. For a few seconds it felt like the whole forest stood still.

The Bouncer Drones garding the hive entrance snapped out of their trance of shock and They charged her. The Bouncer's hulking bodies were faster than expected but not fast enough. Using her massive claws she punched right through the stomach of one of the bouncers causing clear colorless blood to come out of the other end. "NO! Brother!!" Grieved the vespian. The other bouncer came up beside her and managed to land a massive haymaker on the side of her head. Elie stood still. "Oh please." She said completely unfazed. "I-impossible."Said the bouncer in complete disbelief. She Bit down on his head and ripped it clean off! "Jeez! Can you guy's Bee-lieve this!" Cheered Voss. The two bouncers garding the hive were done for but that wasn't the end of it.

An eerie buzzing noise could be heard from inside the hive. It was quickly growing louder and louder. "Oh, Shit." said Elie. Exactly like a swarm of angry hornets, Vespian Drones of many types started pouring out of the hive. "We're under attack! Alert all units within the hive!" Ordered one drone. A group of scouts attacked her with their Stinger swords. "Swarm the monster!" Yelled the scouts. They struck with extreme speed but with no meaningful strength behind those thrusts they bearly did any damage to her rough skin. She sliced each of them apart with a single swipe of her claws.

Another lone bouncer ran up to her. She picked him up and threw him at a couple of scouts knocking them all down like bowling pins! One scout tried to stab her eye out but she caught the blade before it could connect.

"Nice, knife." She said as she punched him into a fine red mist. "She's making this look easy." Said voss. "Well it's not. Any one of us would be done for by now, Elie's just that strong." I told voss. Her rampage was briefly interrupted by the appearance of a Spitter Drone. His voice sounded just like someone speaking through a gas mask. "My acid is strong enough to melt through solid steel. Never fear brothers, I'll turn this Monster into a puddle of viscera!" Yelled the Spitter drone. He aimed his acid cannon at Elie and fired a stream of acid at her!

"This is bad, If that acid connects it'll do some serious damage!" shouted Voss. Thinking quickly Elie Picked up a Bouncer and used him as a shield! As the acid connected with the drone she was holding It started to eat through the poor bouncer. The vespian screamed in agony as it melted. It made sounds that you would never expect a bee to make. The Spitter quickly stopped firing as it realised what was happening. "That's dirty! Guess this thing is smarter than we give it credit for!" Said the Spitter.

"Swarm the monster all at once!" Cried one heroic scout. They all charged her at the same time. Elie had been covered in bees. she swatted at them but they were starting to overwhelm her so she started to retreat. "I'll be back! If you don't want to lose any more of your family members then come and get me you mother buzzers!!" Taunted Elie. "Oh no! You are not getting away that easily! Don't let it get away!!" Shouted the Spitter as he flew after her.

The rest of his brothers soon followed. They disappeared into the woods and they left behind the hive. Completely unguarded and vulnerable. "Wow, that actually Worked?" asked Brendan, confused. Appearing like a ghost from thin air, Dover jumped into our little hiding place. "Pride can be weaponized. Your best bet is to numb yourself to such things and keep a calm mind even in the chaos of a battle." Said Dover like a wise commander. He was supposed to be with the firestarters! Why is he here with us? "Are yall gonna start that fire soon?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I was just seeing how you were holding up. Speaking of which, what's wrong with him?" He asked as he pointed to Voss who was groveling in a corner. He seemed distressed. "Yo! Voss, you okay?" I asked him. I heard him whisper something but I couldn't make out what he said. "Pardon?" I asked him. He took a deep breath. "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEE!!!" Voss screamed. "Are you okay?" Asked Dover confused. "I should have been the one to say 'MotherBuzzer!' I had this whole plan to do so!" Voss ranted angrily. "Y-you can still say it!" said Brendan trying to calm him down. "You don't get it! It's lost all it's thunder! You can't say the same thing twice!" He whined. I'm getting tired of this "Can you all just shut up! We got work to do!" I remind them. "Right!" they said, coming back to their senses.

My god! I've worked with actual dogs that are more compatant!