WebNovelDark Hood60.00%

Who Am I?

I checked my watch for the umpteenth time. It's been six hours since the three had gone and they haven't come back. I was a thirsty by now as I moved round the hut looking for where I could find clean water and drink. Luckily I did find one. In a small calabash. I put her head inside the calabash as I drank the surface water. It didn't take time before I was full as I sat on the bed again. Sitting on the bed, I felt a sense of incompleteness. It was as if someone forcefully took something away from me. I tried to remember what on Earth I was doing in this small hut but my memories wavered. Just then I remembered myself in a ninja's costume with people bowing calling me Zair Na Hir. Various kinds of weapons were raised as they were chanting my name. Beside me was a man in his middle age though he looked much more younger. There my memories stopped. The sense of revenge I had felt earlier was immediately transferred to that middle aged man I thought about. His face looked so familiar as I remembered his features. With that I stood up and walked out of the hut. Outside was like a busy street as people moved from one edge to another performing various tasks. Immediately they caught sight of me they all paused and bowed before me chanting:

"ZAIR NA HIR" . The name sounded so familiar. I dismissed them as they continued thier daily tasks. When they left, it made me to wonder, who am I? , what impact have I created to all these people that they respect and adore me as if I am their God.

"Uncle Tony" a young girl greeted as she hugged me. I looked at her surprisingly.

"Who are you" I asked confused . Instead the young girl took it as a joke as she made fun of me.

"I'm going to tell dad that uncle Tony is awake" she said running to another camp. She looked so familiar. It was as if I've met her countless times before. Just then she came out of the hut crying.

"What happened Kay?" I asked finally remembering her name.

" Dad has been kidnapped" she replied back. I didn't even know who her dad was but following her makes me feel complete.

"Come show me" I said dragging her by her hands. I entered the camp and there was bloodshed everywhere. The whole arena was scattered with horrific paintings in blood drawn everywhere.

"I think I've seen this before" I said to myself examing the drawing as well as holding Kay tight. Just then something controlled my body as I turned back with a high speed and caught two arrows.

"Oh no" I gasped surprised at my abilities. Kay was anything but a bit scared and dumbfounded.

"I think we're under attack" she said looking at the whole area.

" You can't escape from your fate Zair Na Hir" a tough bass voice echoed from behind. Looking back we were faced with three ninjas all fully armed and blood thirsty.

"Like wise you too big nosed" I replied surprised at my boldness. The normal thing for me to do was to scream and run out from the room. They drew out their katanas as they charged towards me. I tried to run, but there was this unforeseen power in me, like a monster about to be released, like a demon controlling my physical being. I couldn't explain it. It propelled me forward as I picked up a rapier which lay on the ground. Then we began to fight. I couldn't tell if it was a demon or beast that controlled me as we engaged in a bloody fight thus giving ourselves insane sword moves which we all easily dodged. Fighting them was as if powerful spirit or stuffs like that that I don't understand controlled me. I tried to stop fighting but to no avail as I even charged at them more ferociously. As the fight progressed I was gaining the upper hand as I have disarmed them of their katanas. Just as I was about to stab one a deep voice echoed

"HOLD" a man called out walking towards me. He was wearing a black cassock with a hood. Looking at his face he looked so familiar to me. The three ninjas I was once fighting obediently stood behind him as per master to slave relationship.

"You tend to grow more foolish with experience Anthony" he said. I've heard his voice countless times.

" Who the hell are you? " I asked holding Kay tightly. He laughed before he looked at me again.

" I know you've been infected with the sword virus but for now you can call me Sacral- MaNil " he said

" The Devoted Cheater" I replied almost immediately. They all laughed thus throwing me into a bigger sea of confusion.

"I'm sure it wouldn't take you long to know my name is Moses Maurice" he replied after regaining his composure. Immediately I heard this name, an uncontrollable rage gushed through me as I tried to stab him with my sword. He easily caught the sword and held a pressure point on my hand by twisting my wrists.

"I'm on your side Anthony, but be warned, if Cent Na Hir learned you survived, he'll be coming for you" he said as he released me. I fell to the ground groaning in pain as they threw smoke bombs and disappeared.

"Are you okay" Kay asked scared for my life. She dusted the dust of my face as well as applied some bandage on my hands.

"Who am I" I asked her looking round the hut.