WebNovelDark Hood80.00%


"Ooh no" Kay said looking at me. She ran to one end and opened a trunk. Some rusty leaves feel on the ground as she examined it. She brought some and kept on a nearby table. I was looking at her wondering if she ran mad. She came with the black concoction I drank earlier as she added the powdered rusty leaves and stirred it.

"Take this" she said giving me the concoction

" What ,, why" I asked stopping her.

" You've contacted the sword virus, take this" she said handing it to me

" Or what" I asked her confused. She took a deep breath before she looked at me again.

"You'll run mad in fourteen days time" she replied her tone showing that of someone in a hurry. I remembered what Okoh, Mufasa and Lucas told me earlier on. They went out to get Vargus Cida, the memory restoration plant.

"This is not Vargus Cida" I said pointing at the concoction. She looked at me surprised at the fact I know the secret plants.

"It is, but rusted" she replied back. " We're running out of time please " she begged. I took the small cup from her as I drank the concoction. Immediately I drank the concoction, I felt vibrations on my head as my memories wavered. I saw my wife, Mabel being kidnapped by four ninjas, I saw my best friends Clint and Nick, in a dungeon. I heard my name being shouted from all angles. There it stopped. I tried to remember again but to no avail. I felt anger and pain gush through my blood as I remembered my wife's cry.

"Where are they!!!" I asked looking at Kay. My eyes were red as hot tears flowed out.

" We have no time to waste Tony" she replied immediately

"I asked you a question thus I deserve an answer" I said putting a sword to her neck.

" You're the only one that know where they are" she replied not a bit scared by my threat.

" What do you mean" I asked confused by now. How can I of all people not know where my wife and friends are? .

"We need to get the Vargus Cida now" she replied .

"Lucas and Okoh has gone to..."

"Yes and they have not returned, for six hours now" she said. This made me think again. What could've happened to them. Ambush? No they were trained ninjas and could defend themselves if any emergencies come.

" We'll go ourselves. I know the road. " she said giving me a cassock. I found no objection to that as I agreed.


"Where do you think we're going" Okoh asked as he took a sip of peppermint tea.

"To our base where else " Lucas replied looking out through the carriage window. Other ninjas have gathered round in horsebacks following them both behind and in front as per convoy. One could also see helicopters flying above going to their different destinations.

" I wonder why Cent Na Hir has access to all these technology and yet he prefers doing things like the primitive people" Lucas said monitoring one helicopter.

" You're not wrong, he just hates modern man that's all" Mufasa replied. Just then, their carriage tumbled as the blood of the horses were spilled everywhere.

"Are you okay " Lucas asked touching Okoh.

"Yeah just some minor cuts" Mufasa replied dragging him out of the carriage. Just as he was about to turn, he felt the cold blade of a katana on his neck.

"Oh no" Okoh replied looking up.

"Take him" their leader commanded. Before they could make any more move, Lucas pounced on them like a hungry lion as he began to use his elongated claws to fight them off. With this, Mufasa easily disarmed the sword and punched his opponent. Okoh in support, gave the ninja a downward karate kick as he fell to the ground. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mufasa grabbed the sword and thrust it deep into the ninja's chest thus giving him an injury which led to his quick and speedy death. Meanwhile the other ninjas who followed them as convoy encircled them.

"This is what they call pure ambush " Okoh commented holding a sword.

" But not with me " Lucas said. Immediately, his pupils glowed pure red as he outstretched his hands.

"Burn!!" he commanded. Immediately he said that, fire in form of whirlwinds moved round the ninjas in a circular manner as they caught fire. They danced and screamed in an unimaginable horror as their pain was unlimited.

"Let's go!!" Okoh said running towards the forest. But those men were not burning. In fact the fire only seemed to give them more energy as they stood up radiating their powers. Lucas was about to stretch his hand again when Mufasa held him

"The fire only seems to give them more power " he said

"Surrender" their leader commanded again as they all drew their bows and aimed at them. The three looked at each other and nodded in a tone of defeat.

"Drop your weapons" their leader said again as he removed his hood. It was no one else but Moses.

"Moses" Mufasa gasped in shock.

"What do you want with me old master" he asked bringing out a long thin needle.

" Don't do this"

"I'm so sorry " Moses apologized as he shot him the needle. He fell asleep instantly. It was Okoh's turn now.

"Please Moses, let us go" he begged as he held his hidden dagger ready to strike. Moses easily noticed it as he punched him hard on the nose.

"You think you're wise but you're not" he said to the sleeping Okoh who was on the ground.

"Sedate him" he said pointing at Lucas.

"Don't dare touch me" Lucas said showing off his demonic aura. The ninjas who were a bit scared stepped aside and signalled to their master. Lucas stood up now and faced Moses.

"I'm the son of the devil. You can't touch me" he said as his demonic aura increased.

" How ironic, Lucifer long gave you up as a son" Moses replied.

"Meaning what?" Lucas asked confused.

" You mean nothing to your father" he replied his voice both demonic and irritating. Lucas tried to attack but Moses caught him and threw him on the ground. He tried to get up but the needle was already in his neck thus putting him into slumber.

" Take him" Moses commanded and they obediently carried him and went out.