Chptr 2 W.A.R.

Ajy was drinking silently besides his son's grave as he continued reminiscing about the past.


"Then can you prove it?" Ajy asked Mori excitedly at the same time nervous.

"Sure!" Mori seriously said as he pushed a folder towards Ajy.

Looking at the folder, Ajy immediately looked at the papers inside as he saw the DNA result telling that Ajy and the baby named Lidger was blood related. He also saw the birth certificate that Lidger wasn't named Sapi-il, instead; Goldwyn which gave him a pang in his heart.

He was about to stop looking when he heard Mori, "Keep going, you'll find something even more shocking."

Nodding his head, Ajy continued reading and found some last will and testament written by Mira. Some other papers that Ajy doesn't really care and lastly, a death certificate of his own son, "What is the meaning of this?"

But before Mori could answer Ajy's question, they heard the door opening followed by one younger man and two beautiful ladies entering the room - the other Goldwyn siblings.

Myrna, the eldest whose also on par with Mira's beauty but more mature and was more seductive was at the very front while Mira followed her who has this curvaceous body that would make any men drool. Also she was so stunning like she was an actress. Lastly was Mint, the youngest of them all who just turned 18.

"You? What the hell are you doing here?" Mira bellowed upon seeing the man she despised the most - Ajy.

Even though Ajy knew that Mira despised him, he still asked her with affection, hugged her and tears strolling down his face, "Tell me Mira, did we really have a child?"

"How dare you hug Mira you f*cking rapist!" Myrna scolded with anger apparent on her beautiful face.

"Big brother Ajy, why do you still have to show your face here?" Mint was sad as he really treated Ajy as his real elder brother. He was very fond of him and respected him so much. He's more of a sibling to him than his real siblings. And he's the only one in their family who believed that Ajy never raped Mira.

"Big brother? Who the hell are you calling big brother? The one who raped our sister?" Myrna shouted at Mint and slapped him. Mint was in pain but he couldn't retort as he was afraid of his eldest sister. He was enduring inside.

"Let me go you fucking rapist!" Mira bellowed as she slapped Ajy a hundred times even kicking him in between his thighs.

The pain was unbearable as Ajy hold his private area slumping down on the floor. He struggled but never muttered any growls or pain as he just gritted his teeth.

"Stop it!" Mori shouted as he interrupted Mira who was about to kick Ajy's head. "Just answer his question and he'll be gone after."

"Why don't you just let him leave Mori? And why bring him here?" Myrna asked with a cold tone glaring at Mori as she kicked Ajy on the face.

"Because the truth will set him free," Mori replied nonchalantly as he smiled viciously at Ajy.

"I'll accompany him outside," Mint said as he also felt pain seeing how his siblings treat Ajy. "Let's go outside big... I mean Ajy"

Mint urged Ajy who was reluctant to leave so Mint whispered something to his ears, "I'll tell you everything on our way out."

Stepping outside, Mint summarized everything to Ajy. Mira was brutally beaten by their father after knowing that he raped her, that she was so careless and easily to fool.

Upon knowing that she was carrying a child of Ajy, their father was so furious that he was about to kill Ajy but someone more powerful than their family stopped him.

With no other choice, their father told Mira to abort the child but she never listened.

Even though she was raped, Mira has somehow loved Ajy after knowing him for sometimes. And because of motherly instinct, she wanted to bear the child that made his father even more furious. But it doesn't mean that she will accept the father of their child as she totally lost her love to him upon experiencing his cruelty.

After bearing the child, Mira and her child Lidger was never allowed to go outside. Their family, who was bounded by rules and strictness suddenly felt happiness and joy after seeing Lidger. Even their father cared about his grandson despite despising the father of the child even forgetting the things he said to Mira.

Eight months passed when they were having a dinner when they suddenly heard Lidger crying and when they saw him, he was gasping for air. They were stunned and immediately rushed him to the hospital. But unfortunately, it was too late - Lidger died.

Their father instantly asked to autopsy Lidger and the result came out that Lidger's parents might have been drinking too much alcohol, have been doing drugs and at the same time, they were chain smokers that resulted to the weak cardiovascular system of Lidger.

Upon hearing everything, Ajy who was still in pain looked at Mint, "And why would I believe your story? Your family despised me so much!"

"Big brother, let me ask you something, do you still consider me as your younger brother?" Mint asked Ajy with the longing of care and support from him.

Moving outside, Ajy sighed, "I don't know! Ever since that day, we haven't seen each other. Maybe you changed, maybe not!"

"What if I tell you that the two of you were drugged before you did it with my sister?" Mint asked as he still smiled.

"I already knew about that," Ajy forced a smile as he released a sigh. His expression was so grave that he doesn't know what to do. "But how did you know?"

"I've got to go Elder Brother. Hope we meet again!" Mint gave Ajy the sincerest smile and went back avoiding the question thinking to himself, 'It's up to you now elder brother. I couldn't continue my investigation as I was being restricted but I will still try investigating it.'


Back to the reality, Ajy was drowning in the gin he brought with him when he suddenly felt that he couldn't feel the rain so he looked up, there he saw the driver of the taxi holding an umbrella smiling, "Mind to share that with me?"

Ajy passed the bottle of gin to the driver without a word. The driver then sat beside him not minding the wet ground. They were silent for sometimes passing the bottle to each other as they drank when they noticed the rain lessening. Still, neither of them stood up as they continued being silent until the driver started the conversation, "Your son I presume?"

Nodding his head, Ajy gulped down another mouthful of gin and since the rain lessened, the driver noticed the tears rolling down his face.

"Goldwyn huh? But you ain't one of them," The driver drunk also a mouthful as he commented. "You can share the story to lessen the pain!"

Seeing Ajy's silence the driver continued like he was some seer as if he could tell what Ajy experienced, "It's okay if you don't want to, maybe you aren't ready to face the truth yet."

Looking at his son's grave, another bunch of tears were released from his eyes as he smiled, "I came back to face the truth!"

Then Ajy told the story of what happened: his secret love towards Mira, his dedication to work harder to be appreciated by Mira and her family, the night they went drinking, how he ended up raping Mira, how he knew about having a child but he excluded the information given by Mint and someone secretly protecting him that he never ended in jail.

Upon hearing the story, the driver asked Ajy just one question, "So did you really rape her?"

"I have been asking that myself the entire time and I know myself that I didn't rape her," Ajy replied smiling.

"Then why are you just sitting here crying in front of your son? Since you said that you are ready to face the truth, why not start now?" The driver said smiling as he stood up and went towards his taxi, "Come, I'll drive you home!"

Arriving at the apartment he rented before going to the cemetery, Ajy went to take a bath eat some foods, rested for a while. And when the effect of alcohol was gone, he proceeded into his bed activating the Virtual Reality Game W.A.R..

"Initiating log in....."