Chptr 3 Starting From Scratch Again

"Welcome back to the World of Armageddon Resurgence!"

[System Notice] Congratulations for being the first player to achieve the Starting All Over Again Pack(100x).

[Starting All Over Again] Being sent from level one again.

[System Notice] Starting All Over Again(100x) rewards sent.

[Generating rewards...




[Congratulations for receiving the skill: Last Breath (Bound)]

[Last Breath(PASSIVE): Five seconds of immunity after receiving a deadly blow. After five seconds, you will only have one health remaining. You can't use any potions during the duration of the skill.]

"Whoaw! This is so cool! Didn't expect a cool skill would be gifted to me after enduring a hundred times of going back to level one!" Ajy exclaimed excitedly.

[Congratulations for receiving the item: Character Rename (Bound)]

"Whoaw! Finally, I've been wanting to have this item!" Ajy exclaimed happily.

[Congratulations for receiving the item Guild Token (Bound)]

"Since it is bound, I have to create my own guild now. But before that, I need to have my own land, a place where my guild could prosper!" Ajy planned.

[Congratulations for receiving the item Basic Village Ownership (Bound)]

"What a heavenly gift! Although it is the most basic land, it is still better than nothing. Now, I only have to earn golds as much as I can so I could upgrade this Basic Village into a City." Ajy was excited as he was slowly thinking of ways to earn golds.

"Hmmm! These items turned out to be the best. It's time for me to create my own history!" Ajy smiled.

[Ding! Use Character Rename?]


[Give a new Character Name.]


[New Character Name: Unknown?]


[Name: Unknown]

[Title: None]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mage]

[Profession: None]

[Sub-Profession: None]

[Mount: None]

[Pet: Basic Goblin]

[Servant: None]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Vitality: 5]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Luck: 0]

[Skills: Last Breath]

"Just like the usual, I even lost my mount and my skills! Even the two of the most basic skills were gone. It doesn't matter, I can still survive with the basic attack!" Ajy commented as he went away from the starting point and proceeded towards the Beginner's Village.

This time, players inside the Beginner's Village could only be counted by hands with him being the lowest and the highest being ten.

By now, main stream players were now ahead of the game with most of them already arrived at the level one hundred while the very first gamers were at the Rebirth level: level 300.

The game was already two years and six months old and every time the game updated, it would make new highlights, storyline and new missions that were being loved even more by multiple people thus gaining constant players every time.

Even the old people and disabled were given a chance to play the game without harming their own body and mind. In the game, they could be a normal being again with no complications.

Some of the disabled ones doesn't even want to leave the game but health experts of the game always gives notifications when their body and mind can't further continue. The last thing the developers or the AI operating in-game have to do was to forcefully make them leave the game.

Ajy started the game when it was already six months old. It was during that time that he just learned about his son. When he was lost even wanting to commit suicide.

He was meandering the city like a beggar until his boss found him drinking alone in one of the pubs in the city. They drank silently as they gulped down bottles after bottles of beers while listening to the people around talking about this virtual game W.A.R.

Then his boss told him to try the game to somehow lessen the pain he was feeling, to also distract his mind from too much depression and just let him enjoy things. His boss even gave him a one week plane ticket to Japan in which he rejected. He told his boss that he will continue working for him and will do his best to support his company.

Unbeknownst to his boss, Ajy was actually interested about the game so he bought the virtual bracelet and tried the game secretly.

Entering the game on his first time, he found W.A.R. to be so entertaining and at the same time thrilling with very realistic features. So he continued playing the game in the evening and he would work during daytime.

He even remembered how he ended up being killed by a level 1 rabbit without retaliating. Being constantly killed by a level 1 rabbit, he somehow adjusted and found his own footing until he was able to slay one rabbit. Then he perfected his techniques and little by little, he became an Expert of the game.

The reason why he always goes back to level 1 was because he was a noob at the beginning. He would also be hunted by players and even waited for him at the resurrection point to constantly kill him until he ended up losing levels after levels, items after items and exp after exp.

Somehow, he got pissed by these players that he also retaliated but he can't damage them much because he was a lone player while his opponents were in a team or in a guild.

There was also this one mission he acquired that would make him go back to level 1 if he failed. And truth hurts, he really failed.

Despite those, he never quitted and just enjoyed the game like it was nothing.

Back to the game, Ajy was about to go to a certain stall to accept a mission when another gamer stopped him, "Excuse me, is this also your first time playing the game?"

This gamer has the IGN Wild Flower and her avatar looks so beautiful. Ajy knew that her avatar was based on her actual appearance in the real world whilst his avatar was somehow blurry and randomized. He never really liked showing his real appearance in the game.

"No, actually I have played this game for a while and just ended up going back to level one again," Ajy explained.

"Really? That's great! Then can you teach me about the game big brother?" Wild Flower asked with twinkling eyes.

Ajy doesn't really want to be bothered and wanted to continue playing the game like the last time, being a lone gamer for now. He was about to reject her when someone spoke first, "You're a beautiful lady who asks a random guy who doesn't even reveal his own face on his avatar to help you? Don't you think it's a bit weird? This man might be a pervert or a criminal in the real world?"

Smirking, the new guy with an IGN of Absolute Perfection said as he looked down on Ajy.

Wild Flower thought of what Absolute Perfection said and somehow got scared.

"Why don't you let me help you miss Wild Flower? Although I am also a new gamer but I have friends who are already level 100 and they taught me the basics of the game," Absolute Perfection said proudly.

"Really? Then can you teach me?" Wild Flower asked with twinkling eyes.

"Of course! Follow me!" Absolute Perfection said as he led the way with Wild Flower following behind him.

On the other hand, Ajy who was insulted didn't took it to the heart as he just strode towards the blacksmith stall.

He has came back to the same village for a hundred times and knew the best way to level up, that was to ask the blacksmith stall and urge the owner to give him the [Rare Mission].

Arriving at the stall, Ajy looked at the owner and asked, "Good morning sire, I have asked a lot of people and told me that you could give me a mission that would let me survive for a year, is that true sire?"

Looking at Ajy, the bearded hunchbacked man spoke calmly, "I'm sorry but you are too weak to do what I wanted to ask!"

"What if I can compensate you ten golds if I wasn't able to finish the task sire?" Ajy said smiling.

"If it's what you desire then I'll give you the task!" The bearded hunchbacked man said smiling from ear to ear.


[New Mission Acquired]

[Finding the orb]

[Difficulty: Hard]

[Time Limit: 72 Hours]

[Description: In the middle of the Beginner's Forest, a brilliant orb could be seen sparkling magnificently guarded by a Rare Serpent of the Dark.]

[Failure of this mission will result to ten golds compensation.]