Chptr 10 Caravan

[Congratulations in reaching level 18]

[Congratulations in reaching level 19]

[Congratulations in reaching level 20]

[Ding! Extra experience will be temporarily stored after finishing your Class Advancement!]

Of course, the world chat became boisterous because of finishing the mission that no other gamers have achieved ever since.

If only they knew that he had finished the same mission for eleven times and today would be his twelfth times finishing it. Surely, gamers out there would lash at him for keeping such a secret.

Guilds were even posting some things in the world chat but it was buried in a nick of 0.01 seconds as there were a lot of gamers congratulating him.

His friend request was a lot that he decided to turn it off for the mean time as he was expecting the Basic Village ownership.

"Thank you my friend for the gift you've given me and I shan't forget about it!" The Village Chief were full of energy as the weakness and tiredness from him a moment ago was instantly gone. "Sigh! As for the payment we talked a while ago, I was able to find one Basic Village and the Chief there was willing to give up his position and even compensate that person if he could help the Village!"

"I was planning to give you the ownership but I can't since that Basic Village was in a dire situation that even I can't help as my power isn't strong enough!" The Chief told him with an apologetic expression.

"Chief, it actually doesn't matter if you could give me the ownership or not but I'm still grateful since you've found what I was looking for." Ajy told him that made the Chief at ease.

"The Blessed Water of the Fairies is so hard to obtain and the reward I gave you can't compare to it or even if I gave you another reward, it still won't compare to it but this is the only two things in my possession I could give you!" The Chief passed him two items.

[Sub-Profession Token]

[Type: Item]

[Quality: Rare]

[Description: An application token you can give to any Master out there for the profession you wanted so they could give you a title or even become their apprentice.]

[Village Promotion Token]

[Type: Item]

[Quality: Rare]

[Description: A token that could be use in upgrading a Basic Village into a Village.]

"Thank you great Chief for these items," Ajy said as he bowed to the Chief.

After thanking him, Ajy went out and made his way to the forest while opening his friends list and didn't find the four, "Shoot! I forgot to add them as friends."

Then he instantly searched their in-game name and added them one by one. He could only add friends, but if someone added him, he won't be able to notice it as he turned off the friend request feature.

Within two seconds, he heard four beeps as he saw that they instantly appeared on his friends list. He chose Silka and called her inside the game using the call option, "Hello? What level are you guys now?"

"Level 14, it's so hard to level up!" Silka complained.

"You guys won't be having lunch?" Ajy asked instead.

"Since you were inside the game and there's nothing we could do much, we planned to make the best of our time in reaching level 20 so we could help you build the guild you wanted," Silka explained that made him touched.

"Okay then, after leveling to level 20, go to Class Advancement Hall and once you guys are there, call me," Ajy instructed as he instantly ended the call without hearing Silka's reply.

Without much to do in the Beginner's Village, Ajy went straight to the Class Advancement Hall and went directly to the Mage Building. And since he was very experienced in this he easily finished the three tests which graded him as Outstanding.

The three tests were writing, dummy battle and lastly, actual battle. It was a piece of cake for him that it only took him five minutes to finish it.

*Note: Test Grade has Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding (depending on the performance result: the better the performance, the better the reward given)


[Congratulations in obtaining an Outstanding Performance!]

[Congratulations in obtaining Exp. Boost x3 due to Outstanding Performance]

[Exp. Boost]

[Type: Item Boost]

[Quality: Legend]

[Description: An item that could be use to boost your experience for faster leveling. The boost depends on the quality of the item. Since it was a Legendary item, the experience get would be multiplied by 5 in quests, missions or killing monsters for 6 hours.]

[Congratulations in Reaching Tier I - Novice Mage]

[Congratulations! You are now a qualified Adventurer of W.A.R.!]

[Ding! Based on your location in real world, you will be transported to the Divided Island Continent.]

[Ding! Please choose the nearest Town that has a starting point area where you wanted to start your journey.]

[Blue Flame Empire]

[Red Flag Town]

[Ding! Transporting to Red Flag Town]

[Ding! Successfully arrived at Red Flag Town]

[Congratulations in reaching level 21!]

[Congratulations in reaching level 22!]

[Ding! You have received 120 golds from Wild Flower.]

[Ding! You have received 150 golds from Harsh Excavator.]

[Ding! Two new unseen messages.]

Ajy opened the two messages and saw that it came from Wild Flower and Harsh Excavator saying that the 270 golds came from the people he helped, they just added some golds as a sign of thanks to him. But Ajy knew that the extra gold was to owe his favor, "Well, whatever! Extra golds might give me more advantages."

At the starting point in Red Flag Town, Ajy went straight to the store as he asked for the prices of available mounts. He was looking at the prices when he heard some gamers, "Hey, I heard that a Caravan will be leaving this town and was looking for others to accompany it until they passed by Reddish Basic Village."

"Yeah, pity that the monsters there were level 30 and above while we are still struggling at level 25," A gamer said sighing.

Upon hearing this, Ajy left hurriedly as Reddish Basic Village was his destination. He went to find the Caravan and found it at the entrance of the town, "Hello! Young Miss, I am Unknown, a travelling Novice Mage and heard that you are in need of people, am I qualified to join you?"

"If you can subdue a level 30 monster then you are definitely welcome," The Young Miss who was an NPC replied.

[Ding! New Mission Acquired]

[Silver Wing Caravan]

[Difficulty: Very Hard]

[Level Limit: Level 60]

[Time Limit: 2 Hours]

[Description: Accompany and protect the Caravan of the Silver Wing Town. Don't let the Young Miss suffer any harm. The mission stops right after you passed by the Reddish Basic Village.]

[Failure will result to slavery in 30 days time!]

"I can definitely be of help!" Ajy bowed down as he went towards one of the carts waiting for their departure.

Inside, he saw another gamer waiting. He's in game name was Silent, a level 56 assassin. When Ajy saw him, he nod his head in which Silent also reciprocated.

After a while, eight more gamers also started appearing with the lowest level of 28 then the highest being 35. Of course, Ajy was the lowest in level and Silent was the highest.

When the gamers saw Ajy, they smirked, ridiculed him, "Hey buddy, do you know what place we're going too? This isn't a kid's game! You'd better go back and let our other friend take your spot. "

"I wouldn't have accepted it without capabilities so you'd better shut up!" Ajy said as he hated people whose being so domineering without even showing their capabilities.

"You're so arrogant! But pity you faced me!" That gamer was about to attack him when they heard someone shouting while releasing a very cold aura.

"All of you shut up!" It was Silent who shouted and just gazed at those gamers who just entered coldly. They shuddered upon seeing that gaze. Of course, only Ajy wasn't affected, "Interesting! The Serpent's Gaze with a Serpent Aura, you're definitely a Ranker right?"

*Note: Gamers status depending on their capabilities - Ordinary, Elite, Ranker, Expert, Godly Expert

Silent just looked at him and didn't say anything as he just closed his eyes again while the other gamers even shuddered more upon hearing that he was a Ranker. They didn't say anything more and stayed silent.

Soon, the caravan moved and in just 30 minutes of travelling, they were attacked by 10 bandits that were all level 45.

[Bandits (Rare)]

[Level 45]

"Shit! Ten f*cking level 45 rare bandits?" The gamer who wanted to kick out Ajy cursed. Even the others joined in.

Only two smirked at them, of course they were Ajy and Silent who instantly attacked those bandits.

When they saw the two of them attacking, they were stunned, two against ten would be nearly impossible especially that one of them was only level 22.

But upon seeing Ajy taking in three without even being hit once, they were awed. Even Silent was shocked as he can't even compare to him. He could only handle three because of his level, despite that, he was still being hit once in a while unlike Ajy who was fully unscathed.

"Will you just watch or handle those four?" Ajy said when he found an opening because the four bandits were targeting him and Silent. The mission will only fail if they won't help because of the time limit.

Those gamers woke up and instantly charged at the four bandits, it was eight to four so they used the number advantage to attack.

It took five minutes when Silent killed one bandit as he told the others to give him the aggro of another bandit to lessen the pressure from them. Another five minutes when he again slain another bandit. Not long after, Ajy also slain his first bandit opponent which greatly surprised everyone of them.

[Congratulations in reaching level 23!]

As the pressure from the eight were getting lesser, they immediately bombarded the bandits with their attacks. Once they all killed those bandits, they helped Ajy and Silent afterwards. It took them a whole 20 minutes to finish those bandits.

Once, everything was finished. They sat on the ground and didn't even collect the loot as they were too tired, even Silent dropped his ground down.

Only Ajy was still on a high alert as he shouted, "Prepare for a more terrifying battle!"