Chptr 11 Legendary Bandit

Upon hearing Ajy, they heard a very loud footsteps from one corner of the mountain. Then a 6 footer bandit appeared releasing a very terrifying aura that made the other gamers shuddered.

[Bandit Chief (Legendary)]

[Level: 50]

"Sh*t! It was already very hard for us to battle those bandits but something stronger than those combined appeared!" One of the gamers complained.

Silent regained his battle stance immediately while Ajy was remembering where he met this type of Bandit once and the skills of it.

Without giving them a chance to think or prepare, the Bandit Chief attacked without hesitation swinging his huge battle axe that was even bigger than him. In that casual attack, the gamer with a level of 28 was instantly killed in front of them while the others leaped back avoiding the attack.

"Maintain your distance and let me hold the aggro so we can lead it away to the Caravan," Ajy commanded as he evaded and constantly attacked to hold the agro of the Bandit Chief.

Once his aggro was stabilized, Ajy led it into the distance, "Deal damages and tell that guy who was killed to come back faster. Be careful when overtaking my aggro!"

Dodging while attacking with his basic attacks, Ajy found it more difficult as the level gap between this Bandit Chief and him was too high. What's more, this bandit was of a legendary rank. But he has to persevere whilst recollecting his memory about the attack pattern of this bandit and its skills.

Once the Bandit Chief swung its axe in 360 degrees, Ajy then remembered. He also knew that this Legendary bandit has its weakness, "Cast all your damage after it uses again that swinging skill! And focus all attacks on its two arms!"

Upon shouting, Ajy then focused his attack on its arm holding the battle axe. As he recalled the memories regarding this bandit, the pressure on him decreased a little. Even then, he has to maintain his hundred percent peak attention.

After twenty minutes of battling it, the gamer that was instantly killed came back. Also, the health of it was nearing half, "Spread far away as much as possible once its health dropped half."

Due to his command, all the gamers followed when the bandit only had half health. The bandit roared and made 10 twirling 360 degrees attack swinging its axe.

What shocked and awed them was how Ajy maintained his aggro despite him having the lowest damage towards the Bandit Chief. Also, they felt like Ajy was not just an ordinary gamer, he kind of released a charisma of the Early gamers who were already at the top of the game but what they couldn't fathom was how was he at the level 23?

"Everyone, now focus your attack on the arm holding the axe!" It was when the skill stopped that they followed Ajy's command since the bandit would be vulnerable for 3 seconds before attacking again.

As the 3 seconds were finished, the axe of the bandit dropped together with its arm holding it, "Now! The other arm!"

When the arm dropped, the pressure on Ajy was lessened to a degree that he now can evade freely and attack more aggressively despite having the lowest damage amongst the group.

Surely, after another 5 minutes, the other arm of the bandit also fell off with only 10 percent of its health remaining. "Cast everything on your arsenal and move away as far as you can once its health reaches 1 percent!"

Two minutes was gone when the bandit's health reached one percent and Ajy ran so far knowing that it was gonna self explode. The others didn't listen to him as they were excited about the loot, only Silent followed him.

Soon, the Bandit Chief exploded bringing the other gamers to its grave!

[Ding! Congratulations on killing the Legendary Bandit Chief!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 24!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 25!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 26!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 27!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 28!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 29!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 30!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 31!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 32!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 33!]

As they didn't personally kill it, the experience bar they got was halved. As for the other gamers, they didn't get anything as they resurrected at the resurrection point. Silent who followed his every command leveled up reaching level 60 in an instant.

Moving towards the Bandit Chief's place of exploding, Ajy and Silent saw the littered loot.

Silent's eyes shone brightly looking at the scattered loots. It was a first for him to see a lot of loot in one battle. Only Ajy sighed since he knew that due to them not being able to slain it, the loot was only a fourth of the original.

"If I saw the item I was looking for, you can have the rest!" Ajy simply stated as he scanned the loots.

However, Silent looked at him dumbfounded, "Aren't you scared that I will kill you if you pick up any of those loots?"

"Afraid? Why would I? You can't kill me even if you try!" Ajy smiled as he spotted the only item he desired.

'This man is arrogant,' Silent thought but Ajy wasn't actually being arrogant as he was truly speaking the truth.

[Land Protector Summoning Scroll (Upgradable)]

[Type: Scroll]

[Quality: Legend]

[Description: Summon a hero that could protect your own land. Once summoned, it will start at level 1 and the summoner could equip items and upgrade it.]

"You can have all the rest, and you can even give some compensation to those stupid gamers if you want!" Ajy laughed upon having quite the luck despite having his own luck stat still at zero.

Without saying much, Silent picked up all the loot and gave the half to Ajy, "You were the reason why we were able to defeat it. As for the others, it's their fault for not listening to you!"

Then Silent walked back to the caravan, Ajy followed suit pocketing the other items that were mostly rare type of equipment and could only be used by heavy classes.

When they went back, the caravan started again. There were hindrances along the way but Silent took care of them on his own while Ajy rested.

Soon, they could see the Reddish Basic Village from their sight but they continued forward. Five kilometers away from the village when the caravan stopped and both he and Silent heard their own notifications.

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the Silver Wing Caravan mission!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 34!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 35!]

[Congratulations on reaching level 36!]

[Ding! Popularity in Silver Wing reaches Elite!]

While the system gave the mission rewards, Ajy received another notification message from Silka saying that they were now at the Class Advancement Hall. He then instructed them to enter and once they were finished they should choose Red Flag Town as their starting point and meet him at the Reddish Basic Village.

After that, Ajy was about to strode away when he saw Silent following him, "You need something?"

Of course, Silent didn't talk nor move as he just looked at Ajy. Knowing that Silent's intent was to follow him based on his actions, he then just added him as a friend which Silent accepted immediately. "You don't have to follow me. We can contact each other when we need each other's help!"

Still no response from Silent, Ajy didn't care anymore as he strode towards Reddish Basic Village with the assassin following him behind.

Since he has no mount to use, the travelling took an hour before reaching their destination.

Upon arriving, Ajy noticed the river beside it giving an eerie vibe and he saw that half the village was in ruins, most of the NPC's were dressed in their battle gear.

"Excuse me sire, but may I know where the Chief resides?" Ajy asked at one of the NPCs.

"Please follow me sire Novice Mage," The NPC led them to the Chief's residence.

And when they arrived, Ajy looked at the Chief who was walking restlessly inside his home. When he saw Ajy and Silent, a sparkle appeared in his eyes, "Welcome great heroes from afar! Please feel at home!"

"Chief, what happened here? I was asked by a Chief of a certain village to help you in your troubles. How can I help?" Ajy bowed respectfully before saying his piece.

"Sigh! This village was actually prospering well when some months ago, nagas suddenly appeared in the river attacking us everyday. What's worse was that bandits come in here often to steal our foods! Perhaps, this village won't last long as it doesn't have many people and we are too weak to defend ourselves. I told my people to move out and find another place to settle in but they were very adamant in staying. They would rather die than leave this village. I couldn't leave my people alone so I stayed and decided to die with them and this village," The Village Chief explained with a helpless sigh.