Chptr 12 Naga Invasion

Learning the truth, Ajy looked at the Chief, "Chief, I can give you an offer if you want."

"Please state it!" The Chief asked with expectation.

"Give me the ownership of this land and I will let it prosper with you guys and even make it an empire someday," Ajy said with seriousness looking intently at the Chief's eyes.

"If you can kill all those nagas whose gonna attack in about four hours then I'm willing to leave my position and will serve you for the rest of my life!" The Chief replied with absolute seriousness.

[Ding! Naga Invasion (Hard)]

[Description: About a thousand Nagas are on their way to Reddish Basic Village with their levels ranging from level 20 to level 80 with most of them are epic, a few rare and two legendary nagas. Slay them all!]

[Time Limit: 5 hours]

[Gamer Limit: 15 gamers only]

[Gamer Level Limit: Level 70 and below only]

[Reward: Reddish Basic Village Ownership]

Looking at the description, Ajy was dumbstruck as this mission was only considered hard despite having legendary nagas. And with that number, no sane gamer would dare to accept it, "Sh*t! This is absolutely ridiculous!"

But since he badly needed this village for his future plans, Ajy has to accept it no matter what, "Chief, be at ease and leave this matter to me!"

Once he was done talking with the Chief, Ajy went out while thinking of how he should handle this scenario when he was interrupted by Silka and the others.

"Big brother, we're here!" Ruby excitedly called. And when she saw Ajy's level she got shocked instead, "Big brother, how did you level up so fast?"

"Well thanks to this guy right here," Ajy replied to them while pointing at Silent.

When Ruby saw Silent, she was curious so she asked, "Big brother, who is he?"

"I don't know! He's always following me even if I try to shoo him away," Ajy said jokingly.

"Who are you? Do you have ulterior motive?" Auntie Lave asked being concerned as he glared at Silent, even the other three followed suit glaring at him.

"I don't!" Silent replied simply without giving further explanation.

"You better not follow him then or else," Erka said still glaring at silent but was interrupted by Ajy.

He found it funny when they were threatening Silent whose already at level 61, "Alright enough! Gem(Ruby) will follow me on a mission and you guys can go to where you want to go, but don't venture to far!"

"But how about me big brother?" Fiery Lotus (Silka) pouted.

"Sorry but you aren't qualified to fight those monsters with your capabilities," Ajy straightforwardly said making Fiery Lotus dejected.

"But..." She wanted to retort when Auntie Lave (Trinity Soul) chimed in, "Don't force your way in since Ajy I mean Unknown knows better. You should just listen!"

Silka pouted and didn't utter a single word so Ajy consoled her, "If you don't trust my words then you should just watch if what I'm saying is true or not!"

Then Ajy invited Ruby and Silent on his party which they accepted immediately. He then shared the information of their quest to them.

"What? Big brother, you mean we have to kill a thousand monsters with levels ranging from 20 to 80?" Ruby asked incredulously. Even Silent was astounded while the other three were wearing an unbelievable expression.

Ajy didn't reply as he was contacting Wild Flower and Harsh Excavator asking them about their current location.

Luckily, Wild Flower started at the same place as him and she wasn't far from him. Harsh Excavator on the other hand was in a different empire.

He could only sigh knowing that Harsh Excavator couldn't come and help him. Still, with Wild Flower joining, he was quite happy. But it wasn't yet enough so he asked if she knew gamers that are around level 70 and below, preferably the rankers or higher. He also included that he needed 12 of them including her and he could give them compensations if they are willing.

Wild Flower replied instantly, "Let me handle it! Be there in an hour!"

Although Ajy doesn't trust Wild Flower well, he could only put his hopes on her. But if ever she can't gather the desired gamers, he has no choice but to ask a guild who has a good relationship with him before. And so he told the group to settle down for a while and instructed Silent and Ruby to prepare in the upcoming battle.

After an hour of waiting, they could hear flapping of wings from the sky. When they looked up, they saw at most 20 peacocks flying up above carrying one person each.

"This! I didn't think that she would be a part of the Wild One Guild. No wonder her in-game name has Wild on it," Ajy said stunned.

When the 20 peacocks landed, they radiated a terrifying aura that made the NPCs, Silent and the others shuddered.

Leading the group was also a woman whom Ajy recognized, the guild leader of the Wild One Guild - Wild Flavor. He knew her because she was also part of the generation when he first joined the game. He even interacted to her multiple times in the past even helping her guild in the process.

Looking at her, she was now at level 280 wearing divine and legendary equipments and accessories. Her bow was even an immortal rank.

Following her was her Vice Guild Leader, Wild Berry and of course the one Ajy contacted, Wild Flower.

"I never thought that I would stumble upon you so soon Wild Flavor and of course you, My Berry," Ajy greeted while teasing Wild Berry just like how he did in the past.

"You know us?" Wild Berry asked with absolute seriousness. She was like a tigress, one wrong word and he would be a goner. Wild Flavor and Wild Flower knitted their eyes upon hearing Ajy's remarks.

"Of course I know you! I'm the only man who can call you My Berry," Ajy teased again.

"You guys knew each other?" Wild Flower asked astounded.

"Wait! You're Vamp?" Wild Berry asked as she and Wild Flavor were both stunned at the same time felt something wrong.

"If you're Vamp, how did you end up being level 36 despite being in the same generation as me?" Wild Flavor asked.

"To cut the long story short, I offended the Magnifico Guild right after we finished that quest of yours. They hunted me down to level one multiple times, I tried running away but they have a lot of manpower so I always ended up getting back to level one," Ajy explained briefly.

"But why can't we contact you then? Even if you get back to level one, we could still contact you." Wild Flavor asked.

"Do you know about the item friend removal? I used a lot of those to delete all my friends because the Magnifico used some of them to locate me by asking. Also, I turned off my friend contact settings, "Ajy replied clenching his fists remembering those who stabbed him at the back.

"No wonder they kept bugging me in asking you about your location," Wild Flavor now fully understood why they were so intent in locating him.

"How did you offend them anyway?" Wild Berry asked.

"You see that sword of yours My Berry? I gave the last hit to their Immortal prey and ran away with that sword! Just for you," Ajy winked at her.

As a woman, who wouldn't be touched upon knowing that a man offended an entire guild to give her a gift?

"Vamp, I'm really thankful to what you did but you know that I can't accept your feelings. I'm getting married soon," Wild Berry felt sorry for him.

"It's all in the past! That was already one and a half year ago, so don't worry My Berry," Ajy smiled as he had already forgotten his feelings towards her despite only meeting in game and not in real life. "Anyway, you didn't come here to talk about the past did you guys?"

"Right! So what's the situation?" Wild Flavor asked. "Oh! Just so you know, we came here to meet the person that my sister called an expert but I didn't expect that it would be an old friend."

"I also didn't expect she was your sister," Ajy smiled.

Meanwhile, the others listening to Ajy and the ladies were all astounded. Wild One Guild was a guild only designated for women, and no man can ever talk to them flirtatiously especially not the vice leader who was known to be very strict and serious when it comes to the opposite gender. Even Silka who was a fan of W.A.R. knew about this fact. And yet someone actually flirted to her but she didn't flare up.

But that's not the end of their shock, Ajy briefed them about the invasion and it gave them chills upon listening to it. They all thought, 'No sane gamer would dare to accept that!'