Chptr 13 Naga Invasion 2

Wild Flavor laughed when Ajy was done briefing them about the situation, "As expected of the insane gamer!"

Even Wild Berry chuckled that made the others again have another blow of shock because they never saw her smile not even laugh. Wild Flower was the one most shocked as even in real life, she never saw her laugh freely. Not even when her fiance was with her.

"So what's the benefit of this to you?" Wild Berry asked.

"You'll know later when this thing is done. That is if you want to stay for awhile." Ajy simply replied winking at Wild Berry again.

"But Vice Leader, this is close to impossible!" One of their members complained.

"You don't have to worry and just do what he tells you to do!" Wild Flavor said assuring everyone, even her sister looked at her skeptical and thought, 'How much do they trust this guy?'

"But whose the last member since I know that this Silent would be a part of the team, right?" Wild Berry asked curiously.

"Well, she has the lowest level among the team but if I train her myself then she could be an uprising Godly Expert in the future!" Lander smiled at them staring at Ruby.

'So Ruby's talent is already an expert? That's why he didn't accept me in the team?' Silka thought inwardly.

Furrowing their brows, Wild Flavor and her guild mates were checking Ruby out. Silent on the other hand clenched his fists when he learned that this people were not ordinary. Even an obvious kid was more capable than him. He wanted to prove that he's also an expert, a great one at that.

"Ok! I don't need your compensation. Give us a good show and I'll be the one compensating my members. Besides, I owe you lots of things!" Wild Flavor said while smiling sweetly.

After inviting the others on his team who were all levels 65-70 except him, Silent and Ruby, Ajy then sorted them based on their classes. He gave out one order to another.

He positioned the four hunters in a nearby cliff that was on a higher elevation with one priest amongst them. He also told the two knights to be close to each other and on their back would be the three mages including him followed by another priest. As for the swords man, berserker and two assassins, they would just stand by and await his order.

Finally, the shaking of the grounds reverberated as one by one nagas appeared in the river going straight towards their location. It was also the time Ajy gave out his orders.

"Hunters attack freely!"

"Mages, go all out on your AOE skills!"

"Priests, don't let their mana hit 25 percent!"

"Knights, hold your ground!"

"Assassins, swordsman and berserker, move to the side and kill as much as you want!"

Having given the command, multiple skills and attacks were thrown in the battlefield causing more reverberation of ground.

Ajy was still not attacking since he has no available skill on his arsenal so he just stood his ground analyzing everything based on the movements of the nagas.

When he saw that more and more nagas were coming out, he knew that he has to find a way to halt the movements of the nagas somehow.

"Assassins, swordsman, berserker, knights, the two mages and the two priests assemble!"

Upon hearing their classes, they directly assembled in front, "All of you go to the left side! Assassins, warrior, and berserker at the front, create a path for the knights, mages and priestess to pass by. Intercept them at the river bank! We'll deal with the rest in here! Go!"

Upon saying that, Ajy faced the 300 or more nagas alone while the hunters were still busy attacking.

"Hunters, AOE all out!"

With only his basic attack, Ajy attacked everytime while running around getting the aggro of all the 300 or more nagas. He would also evade the attacks of the archers because this game has a friendly fire function, you can kill your party members with your skills when in battle.

Being pressured by the 300 plus nagas, the hunters kept firing their arrows while drinking mana potions and occasionally throw their AOE skills. Ajy, who was facing the most pressure was still running around fighting back whenever he has the chance.

Ten minutes passed since the battle begun, the 300 plus nagas has only 50 left remaining. It was this time they heard a shout from the front liners, "Too much pressure! We can't hold them long enough!"

"Disperse! Gather back in here and attack if you have the luxury!"

More and more bodies of nagas were being piled up while building a small hill that also made the others nagas being hindered on their advancement. Even the loots dropped by the monsters piled up with the dead bodies.

"AOE everyone!"

"Assassins, knights, warrior and berserker, attract the aggro of the nagas on every side!"

"Mages and hunters concentrate your attack in the middle! Don't stop! Use mana potions!"

"Healers, heal the one with the lowest health!"

Wailings of dying nagas were being heard everywhere while the 15 of the gamers battling were hearing notifications of them leveling up especially Ruby who was only level 20 climbed up to level 35.

An hour passed and the nagas coming out from the river slowed down. But the gamers on the battlefield were getting weary because of too much pressure. Only two were still doing fine, they were Ajy and Ruby.

"Persevere! Only a two hundred plus left of them!"

It was at this time that the gamers number on the battlefield were decreasing.

"Heal me quick!" The knight shouted.

"Not enough mana!" A priestess replied.

From 15 to 13 until only Ruby, Ajy, Silent, threw hunters and one priestess remaining with only 30 plus nagas on the battlefield.

Chaotic and exhausting battle was being watched by the bystanders: the Wild One Guild, Reddish Basic Village NPCs, Silka, Auntie Lave, Erka and also the participants who just resurrected but they can't join in the battle again. The remaining gamers on the battlefield were still fighting until they have no mana left. Only Ajy was still in full mana since he has no any skill to use.

"Healer, try to get the aggro of some nagas!"

As the healer followed the order, she soon perished as she wasn't accustomed in getting the aggro of monsters.

Only 18 nagas left when even the hunters were being hunted by the nagas. But before every hunters were slain, all nagas were down with only Ajy, Ruby and Silent left standing on the battlefield.

Soon, the entire naga bodies instantly perished leaving only the items on the ground.

"It's finally over! What a very intense battle!" One of the gamers who was a part of the battle exclaimed. Everyone agreed even the spectators.

They thought everything was over but Ajy knew better as the final battle would be against the two Legendary nagas.

Soon, a howl was heard as two new naga mage appeared on the riverbank.

[Naga Mage (Legendary)]

[Level: 60]

"Good thing it was only level 60! If it was level 80 then we're truly doomed!" Ajy sighed in relief but when he saw Ruby and Silent beside him who was exhausted, he knew that he can only do the work alone, "Just rest here for a while! Let me handle it!"

Ruby didn't answer as she just lied down on the ground and closed her eyes. Silent, on the other hand clenched his daggers as he used his invisibilty skills and circled around one of the nagas. Given a free oppurtunity, he stabbed the neck of his opponent but was parried by the other naga so he was sent knocked back. It didn't end there as these nagas gave him simultaneous attacks that ended his life. All the viewers were stunned by the terrifying attack skills of the two.

Standing in the middle facing the two legendary nagas, Ajy inhaled deeply and released it as he started the attack trying to get the aggro of the two on him.