Chptr 14 A Very Terrifying Gem

With only one thing to do, Ajy moved forward and attacked the two nagas simultaneously. But he wasn't on a rush since he doesn't know yet the skills of the two so he was just kiting them around waiting for them to use their skills.

As an NPC mage, they have a better speed than the nagas they faced earlier, which were all heavy classes but with low defense.

These two nagas were closing the gap in chasing Ajy since they were at a higher level. But as a veteran of the game, he also used the terrain around to hide or to hinder their movements. The battle was going like this for a while when suddenly, the two nagas released a terrifying beam at him engulfing the terrain he was hiding. Luckily, he was fast enough to notice it and dashed away.

Debris scattered everywhere, some shrapnel even hit the nagas that lowered their health by a point. Ajy then had an idea watching this, he would often go to some terrains so that they could blast it off with their skills and it would help them lose some health thanks to the shrapnel.

Thirty minutes passed and yet only one skill was shown by these two. Thankfully, they used that skill every three minutes so it helped a lot in dealing them which lessened their health to a 90 percent, "What an annoying duo!"

If only someone could handle the other naga and then he was sure he could kill his opponent within the span of forty minutes or maybe lesser. He could only hope for Ruby to come and help but he knew that she was psychologically tired.

An hour passed and the health of the two nagas dropped to 76 percent. Ajy was now feeling the tiredness of constant battle but he must endure it. For his plan, for his lost son and his dream!

Reaching 75 percent of their health, the nagas howled as they released a powerful thunderstorms. This made Ajy terrified, one hit from those thunders meant an end to him.

He maneuvered like those parkour guys doing their stunts moving away from that AOE skills of theirs. Reaching the distance that wasn't part of the casting area, he then attacked again while they were moving towards him.

"Leader, just who is this Unknown?" One of the hunters who participated in the battle asked with interest and awe plastered on her face.

"Have you ever heard about the so-called Insane Gamer? Or maybe Crazy Gamer?" Wild Flavor asked her without even glancing at her, her eyes were still on the battlefield observing Ajy.

Hearing the name Insane Gamer or Crazy Gamer, the other members of the Wild One Guild, Silent and Silka were all shocked with the same thoughts on their mind, 'Who was the Insane Gamer? The only one who can achieve the impossible ones that even the Godly Expert at that time never achieved. And the Crazy Gamer? He's the only solo gamer who created havoc in the entire Divided Island Continent that made everyone wary of him. It even needed the power of a stronghold guild every member to subdue him alone.'

"So he is that gamer huh?" The hunter asked herself in which her guild leader heard so she nodded, her eyes still on the battlefield.

"But why didn't you helped him sister when he was being chased by the Magnifico Guild?" Wild Flower asked that also made the others nod.

Instead of their leader answering, it was their vice leader with a sorrowful expression, "It was because of me. He gave me a gift then left like the wind!"

Indeed, that's what happened. Ajy never intended to contact them again after knowing that Wild Berry was engaged. He lost another reason to live so he started going against the norms: he went on a killing spree, kill steal bosses and wreaked havoc to the entire Divided Island Continent. The Stronghold Guilds shouldn't be bothered by him but he actually offended one - Magnifico Guild by kill stealing their boss and even took the immortal weapon which he gifted to Wild Berry.

Back to the battlefield, the two nagas health were now 60 percent and as Ajy was still kiting them, a shadow appeared behind one of the nagas attacking it with a very fast speed.

"Look, isn't that the skill Continuous Attack? But it appears to be more terrifying with those critical damage!" The berserker pointed.

"Don't push yourself too hard Gem!" Ajy said upon seeing Ruby using the upgraded version of Continuous Attack - the Thousand Slashes.

At the spectators area, Wild Berry and Wild Flavor gasped upon witnessing the assassin using that skill, "No! This isn't the Continuous Attack."

"This is the Thousand Slashes!" Both Wild Berry and Wild Flavor exclaimed at the same time.

"The divine skill Thousand Slashes that nobody else could have? But how is that possible?" The berserker asked.

"Only the gamer who surpassed their boundary could only achieve such skill!" Wild Flavor said.

"The skill isn't finished yet, but once she completed it! Then we have to do everything to take her in our guild," Wild Berry said in a serious tone.

Thousand Slashes, a very fast paced attack that needs the user to attack 999 slashes of every vital point of the enemy. When others view or opponents watch this attack, they could only see a blur. The last attack should prioritize the most vital part - the heart. And this skill shouldn't be intercepted.

Giving her 600th slash, she was intercepted by the skill of the naga she was facing, "No! I have to help my big brother! I have to do it again!"

Ruby had a resolute expression on her face as she evaded the attack of the naga. Now the pressure on Ajy was gone as she instantly aggroed one naga. She was again preparing the same skill despite the pressure on her mind and body (literally).

"Pity she wasn't able to finish it or she would be a terrifying existence in this game!" Wild Berry shook her head.

"Still, no ordinary expert could achieve that level of skill. And if Vamp really taught him, she would still be an existence of this game that nobody could mess with!" Wild Flavor assessed.

Hearing those words, Erka who was also watching at the side felt proud at how they complimented her daughter. She was praying in her mind, 'You can do it Ruby! Make Mommy proud!'

Meanwhile, when Ruby found another chance, she grasped it again and used the Thousand Slashes.

When Ajy noticed it he shouted, "No! Gem! Stop! Don't overdo it!"

Gem didn't listen as she said, "I'm going to repay my big brother for helping us!"

Ajy knew that Gem already lost her consciousness in the real world, only a part of her mind was still working. He knew how the first user of Thousand Slashes achieved this skill as they collaborated once in a mission.

The first user forced his way in using this skill that he nearly lost his mentality because of too much mental pressure when using it. Ajy was afraid that Ruby could suffer this kind of thing. He won't have a face to see Erka in the eye.

Knowing this, as Ajy was going to intercept Ruby, the naga that he was facing released another beam that blasted him away. The distance he was blasted off was now a distance away from Ruby, he was angry but his concern was on a higher level so he tried to speak to Ruby, "Ruby! Gem! Can you hear me?!"

"Not receiving any answer," Ajy immediately called Erka as he shouted that everyone around her heard, "Log out of the game and check on your daughter! Call a doctor if you need to!"

He wasn't yet done as he also called Silka, "Log out too and come back after five minutes to inform me of the situation."

But before they could log out, they saw Ruby complete the Thousand Slashes with only 10 percent of the naga left. Her opponent then attacked her with a beam, then it also cast the Thunderstorm skill.

Ruby was now limping on the ground and had no way to evade so she was instantly killed by the attack of her opponent. This made Ajy angry that he wanted to use his saved Stat points to get atleast a skill but he didn't. He maintained his cool headedness.

On the spectators view, three people instantly logged out of the game while Wild Berry and Wild Flavor looked at each other.

"They actually knew his real identity?" Wild Flavor asked as she looked at Wild Berry.

Knowing what Wild Flavour was thinking, "It's no use! I was already engaged the first time I played with him! Besides, I'm getting married soon."

Wild Flavour knew that she was actually in pain. Vamp was the ideal man of Wild Berry ever since interacting with him a few times in the game. She knew that the marriage was actually a forced marriage. She could only sigh at her best friend's future.

Silent on the other hand was in so much shock upon witnessing the Thousand Slashes. He was downhearted upon seeing the difference in skills between a real assassin and him.