Chptr 15 Lidger Village

"It's all over!" The spectators watched with sorrow especially the gamers who personally participated as they saw Ajy being blasted by a beam.

Even Wild Flavour and Wild Berry thought that the mission was a failure upon seeing that scene, they both shook their heads.

[Ding! Last Breath Activated]

That last beam didn't just hit Ajy as it also hit the other naga killing it on the spot. Then Ajy continued attacking his opponent that has only 20 percent health remaining.

"Wait! He didn't die?" A priest asked as she was the only one still watching waiting for some hope as she was inspired and awed by the battle she has just witnessed. The others bowed down, some talk with regret on their face while Wild Flavour, her sister and best friend turned their backs on the battle field.

Hearing that, they all turned around and still saw Ajy fighting with the naga. Then they saw his health bar which has only a point left, "How did this happen?"

"It must be a skill!" Wild Flavour said as she continued watching that was approved by Wild Berry.

"But why isn't he using potions yet?" One of the mage asked.

Nobody answered her as they also didn't have an answer. All of their heartbeats were in a race seeing that Ajy was about to be hit but evaded the attacks in a mere milli second.

They were like watching a horror movie in which they were praying for the protagonist not to be killed despite being nervous and scared.

The scene happened multiple times in which they would scream, some even covering their eyes afraid that they would only see the naga remaining on the battlefield.

Fifteen minutes passed when they finally heaved a sigh of relief as all the participants received the same notifications.

[Ding! Congratulations in completing the Naga Invasion!]

[Congratulations in reaching level 49!]

Since he was the one who killed the two Legendary Nagas, all the experience gained on that was all given to him. The others who participated also enjoyed their reward upon seeing their levels soaring up again once the mission was finished.

Silka then appeared again informing Ajy that Ruby was fine and only needed a week or less to rest. When he heard that, he thanked the Almighty God and sighed a sigh of relief.

Without worrying about Ruby, he instantly looked around the 120 plus loots scattered around to check the items he could take and his eyes saw quite a few. The others also moved towards the battlefield and went beside him.

"I have already taken the items I needed, 5 equipments and a sword, you can divide the rest amongst yourselves." Ajy said as he pocketed the items he just picked up. He didn't dare tell them of the three items he pocketed.

"Why didn't you use potion during the battle? You made us all worried!" Wild Berry got angry at him but she was actually the most concerned one. She was the most hurt when she saw that Ajy was blasted by a hit.

"I didn't carry any potions with me!" Ajy answered a bit embarrassed scratching the back of his head.

"What?" Everyone reacted at the same time. He really is a crazy gamer!

"But, how about Gem? She's also part of the team," The priest who hold a hope of finishing the mission asked.

"Oh yeah! I forgot," Ajy said scratching his head then he messaged Silka who was beside her if she has an idea what Ruby likes in the game. But Silka actually told her to earn money so she could buy a house for us so that they don't need to rent in the apartment.

'She's young but has a mature mind. I wonder what things she has experienced to be that matured?' Ajy thought to himself then looked at the priest who spoke, "Pay by golds! That's what she needed the most!"

"What happened to her anyway?" Wild Flavour asked.

"You want to recruit her don't you?" Ajy laughed seeing the three looking intently at him. They were so embarrassed because they were that obvious.

"You can come back here after a week. That skill she used can put a lot of strain towards the mind so she needed a week to recover," Ajy smiled.

Wild Flavour was about to speak when the Chief of the Reddish Basic Village came, "Greetings, our new Chief. I, Drogod shall offer my loyalty towards you! Thank you for saving our people!"

"Wait! What! You?" Wild Flavour asked in disbelief not even completing what she has to say. She never imagined that the mission they just went through was to acquire a Land Ownership in which a lot of Guilds Desire. Even the corporations in the outside world were willing to pay billions to acquire a land in the game. But Ajy wasn't listening to her as he was busy with the notifications.

[Ding! Congratulations in becoming the Chief of Reddish Basic Village!]

[Do you wish to rename the Basic Village?]



[Ding! Renaming Successful! Lidger Basic Village]

[Ding! Do you want to broadcast to the world for acquiring a Basic Village?]


[World Server Announcement: Congratulations to Unknown for being the fifth player in acquiring a Land Ownership!]

The announcement happened three times and created again another attention from all over the Divided Island Continent. Even the outside world was in an uproar.

Even the gamers who were near Ajy looked at him with respect and amazement.

[Ding! Congratulations in having Drogod, a Commercial Adviser]

[Drogod (Epic)]

[Level: 30]

[Loyalty: 50/100]

[Description: The past Chief of the Reddish Basic Village that was once a commercial adviser of the Red Flag Town.]

Then, a lot of the NPC's bowed to Ajy as they greeted him, "Greetings new Chief for giving us another chance to live!"

Ajy dismissed them and just told Drogod to help the villagers in things they needed. Next, he took out one item from his storage, it was the Land Protector Summoning Scroll.

[Ding! Are you sure you want to use Land Protector Summoning Scroll?]


[Ding! Congratulations in acquiring the Hero Khan]

[Khan (Legendary)]

[Level: 1]

[Loyalty: 0/100]

[Description: An aggressive fighter that won't stop until he avenged his brethrens in battle. He values friendship over money.]

As Khan appeared in front of the gamers, they were stunned when he bowed to Ajy, "Greetings Chief, from now on, I shall be protecting our village with my life!"

Inspecting Khan, Wild Berry and Wild Flavour was again shocked to see that Khan was actually a Legendary land protector.

"What else do we have to learn about you Vamp?" Wild Berry asked.

"Vamp? That's my old me! I'm different now, you can call me Unknown," Ajy smiled as his confidence was overwhelming since his plan has only just begun. "There's more to come!"

Forking out the Guild Token on his storage, Ajy instantly used it.

[Ding! Guild Token Detected!]

[Creating Guild....]

[Please name the Guild..]


[Ding! Congratulations for creating the Guild Forgotten!]

[Do you wish to broadcast this to the world?]


Even though he wanted to be known to the world and be recognized, his guild wasn't strong enough to be recognized by the world yet.

Soon, a building manifested in front of everyone as a banner was written in front of it - Forgotten Guild.

"Seriously? A basic village, a protector and a guild? How much did we miss from you since the last time?" Wild Flavour asked after receiving blows after blows of shock.

"But why Forgotten?" Wild Berry asked curiously. Everyone was also listening.

"Forgotten because people thought that I'm weak and have no capabilities, since then they have long forgotten about me. This guild is only for those people who wanted to stand up because they were abandoned and forgotten. This is for those who experienced the pain of not being recognized and has the desire to be known to the world and be respected by the people!" Ajy answered remembering the promise he gave in front of his son's grave.

[Ding! You have fifteen minutes to acquire 4 more members before your guild could be fully established!]

"Fiery Lotus go and call the others to log in for a while," Ajy ordered Silka.

Not long, Silka came back with Auntie Lave and Erka inviting them to the guild but he was still lacking another member when he heard something.

"Excuse me guild leader, please allow me to leave the guild," One of the priest of the Wild One said to Wild Flavour while bowing her head.

"Why?" Wild Flavour asked bewildered. They have given them benefits once they entered their guild and it's something not other guilds could give so she was wondering why her member still wanted to leave. The others share the same thought.

"Because, I think I found my true home!" The priest said upon looking at the Forgotten Guild building in front of her with longing and passion. She felt like she hasn't been home for a decade that she missed her one true home so much, it was only a game but the feeling was still there.

"Seems you have a story to tell? Let's listen to it," Ajy said with interest. This made the priest hesitate so Ajy said something again, "Why are you hesitating? If you wish to stand up and be recognized then you should have the strength to leave your past behind and focus on the future. If you can't even do something like that then I won't be accepting you in my guild."


Listening to Ajy's words, the priest recollected her thoughts and told her story. She was a student a year ago and was working at a fast food restaurant part time. When their thesis subject was given to them, she and her bestie worked for it with their best effort until it was nearing their defense when she got sicked, was sent to the hospital. She texted her bestie but never received a reply.

Once released from the hospital, she immediately went to her university and learned that she won't be able to graduate because her bestie told them that she never helped in their thesis so she went and confronted her bestie.

But her bestie even asked who was she in front of everyone they knew and people just laughed at her. Her bestie even called her slut because she was sleeping with men so she could just afford her study. What was worst that she told people that she would seduce the dean and be impregnated and ask for compensations before aborting. She was thoroughly stricken with shock and pain by the words of her bestie.

Despite that, she endured and went to their instructors and saw that the awards she has contributed to their department was being put into the trash, her instructors and professors looked at her with disgust.

Soon, her contributions to the school and fame she gave to them was long lost forgotten.

The humiliation, it was something she couldn't accept, even when she went home. Her auntie got angry at her and heard a lot of harsh words but she endured all of it. Then her auntie told her that she should just look for work so she could help her cousins in finishing their studies.

She went abroad and find an opportunity to work as an employee of a popular company. She always send money to her auntie but never received any reply or thanks.

Calling them, her auntie picked up the call but immediately asked her if who she was. She told her she was her niece but her auntie said that she doesn't have any niece and ended the call.

So, even her family has forgotten about her. The next thing she was doing? She was just working nonstop without any designated path to take.
