Chptr 16 Blue Flame Auction Building

When they all heard her story, some sobbed while others were thinking what they should do if they were in her shoes.

After telling her story, Wild Flavour looked at her and saw the longing in her eyes as she has now the idea of what path to take so she instantly kicked her out of the guild and nodded at Ajy with a blank face.

Seeing the signal, Ajy instantly invited her to the guild in which she already accepted. Her in game name was Lost Soul. She was very happy with this result and looked at Wild Flavor, "Thank you so much Guild Leader Flavour for nurturing and helping me, these would be my thank you gifts and you could just terminate our contract!"

[Ding! Minimum members requirement met in guild creation, please go to the nearest Guild Hall to be a fully recognized guild. Failing to do it in 5 hours will be the termination of Guild immediately with no reimbursement.]

The loots she received were the things she was giving to her past guild as a goodbye gift to them. Wild Flavour was about to say keep them when Ajy spoke, "Take it! I don't want my guild nor my members to owe you anything!"

"But we owe you more than you owe us," Wild Berry replied but she was actually talking to herself as she owed him a lot. Lots of things that her Wild One Guild couldn't even fathom.

"As I've said, everything is in the past. You don't have to worry about it!" Ajy replied and saw that Silent was now leaving without saying goodbye.

"Hmmph! He didn't even thank you big brother," Silka harrumphed in which Ajy replied, "His in-game name is who he is!"

As Silent left, they also transferred 100 golds to him. It was the share of Ruby which could be converted to 300 dollars which was enough to survive in the Philippines for a month.

"Then how about we talk business?" Wild Flavour said with her one brow raised up.

"What business?" Ajy asked but he actually knew what they wanted to talk about.

"We will provide you with the resources to upgrade your Basic Village into a City but the income generated by it shall be shared between your guild and ours 50/50," Wild Flavour stated as she looked at Ajy.

"No thanks!" Ajy replied calmly as he waved his hands.

"You don't have to reject it so early, we can even provide you with the blueprints of buildings that can be constructed and..." Before Wild Flavour could continue, Ajy looked at her strangely as he tilted his head, "Have you forgotten who helped you in leveling your guild to level 5?"

It was then that realization hit Wild Flavour. Indeed, leveling up a guild was no easy matter. Ajy was the reason that they were able to conquer W.A.R. when they started and why she was able to create a very powerful guild that was even contending to the very first guilds created.

"Then how about we offer you some blueprints and we can share the profit 30/70?" Wild Flavour needed a lot of funds for the development of her guild since she needed to upgrade it to Level 10. Her guild was only able to be upgraded to 3 levels ever since they last saw Ajy.

"I'm sorry but I have my ways to acquire those blueprints you're talking about," Ajy smiled.

"Then how about leasing us two pieces.. no three pieces of land?" Wild Flavour said as she seems to be talking to a person whom she just met. The Ajy today was different to the Ajy before.

"I think let's better talk about these things when I relocate my land to a new place before you come and talk to me," Ajy calmly spoke as he added her and Wild Berry as friends then he bade goodbye to them as he was in a rush to go to the Blue Flame Empire which needed a week to reach using a basic mount. He then instructed Drogod to take care of the village for a while before leaving. He also told Silka and Lost Soul to do their things while they would wait for him. Then he rushed back to Red Flag Town to use the Teleportation Array there.

Meanwhile, the Wild One Guild led by Wild Flavour decided to stay at the Lidger Basic Village to re-evaluate Ajy because he seemed to have changed a lot, more confident and more mature.

An hour passed when Ajy reached the Red Flag Town and went towards the management area of the teleportation array, "Excuse me sir, I wish to use the teleportation array please!"

The NPC managing the array nodded, "Which empire or town is your destination Sire Novice Mage?"

Telling the NPC his destination, it nodded, "The traveling cost shall be 50 golds!"

Ajy knew that the price was high since Blue Flame Empire was really very far away from the town. And after paying, the NPC then led him to the teleportation array.

[Ding! You wish to teleport to the Blue Flame Empire?"]


[Teleporting to the Blue Flame Empire]

[You have reached your destination]

Opening his eyes, Ajy saw the familiar empire he used to roam. He looked around and felt a very nostalgic feeling.

Since he was there, he meandered for a while remembering some of his memories in every building he passed by.

But because Blue Flame Empire was a very large empire, it would take him two weeks to fully visit every building. So he first went to the Blue Flame Auction Building.

Arriving, he saw many gamers talking about a legendary, divine and immortal item to be auctioned. Despite hearing the rankings of the items, he never truly cared as he just entered the building and went straight to the NPC managing the auction, "Excuse me sire but I wish to auction some items with me."

"Please bring it out and let me appraise it," The NPC told him.

Bringing two items out, he then handed it to the NPC while waiting for the result based on the NPC's appraisal.

"These two items are authentic. There will be 25 percent of deduction to the auctioned price, are you sure you're willing?" The NPC asked him.

"I'm willing!" Ajy replied with a resolution. Although 25 percent was a high tax compared to guilds or corporations who organize auctions and only deduct 10 percent of the original price, he has no other choice as he needed it immediately for upgrading his village and guild.

After doing that, he went towards the auction area. He found a seat and just waited before the auction began. Not long enough, the place became dim as the stage was the only place lighted, a beautiful NPC walked on the stage and introduced herself.

When the introduction was done, the whole place was once again lighted up and the auction began.

Items after items were being auctioned until his first item appeared. It was the legendary sword he acquired at the Beginner's Forest.

The sword's information was displayed in front of the gamers that made them excited. Some even called their friends telling them about the item.

[Sword of the Spirit]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Legend]

[Class: Heavy]

[Level: 20 (Upgradable)]

[Description: The Sword of the Spirit was once used by a hero who gathered every soul of evil spirits and imprinted it inside the sword creating a terrifying weapon.]

[Description: Permanently Increases Strength to 100 every 10 levels of the sword.]

[Description: Upgradable by five levels with the requirements of 1 legendary weapon and 3 epic equipment or weapons through dismantling.]

It was even posted at the world chat that made others claim that it was a fraud item but the others told them that the Blue Flame Auction House doesn't allow any fraud items.

Soon, more gamers were arriving one by one. Even some higher ups of some guilds came and bid for the sword.

From the starting price of 5,000 golds, the price soared up until it reached 20, 000 golds but the bidding was still on going not until the Magnifico Guild bid 35,000 golds. Then nobody tried to bid again as they knew that once they provoked the guild, the whole guild would be mobilized just to hunt them.

Sighing, Ajy wanted to bid on his item but he knew that today isn't the right time yet to provoke them. So he could only accept the price of the item.