Chptr 33 Siege

After the little meeting, Unknown told his guild mates to do their own thing as he was now ready to fulfill the consequences of him losing the bets earlier. He didn't even give Girdle a chance to talk as he swiftly moved out. Drizzle Sizzle smirked looking at the scene, "You already lost him once, if only you fought for him that time then you might have another child again right now. A pity, you abandoned him!"

Girdle looked at Drizzle with piercing eyes for a few seconds as she clenched her fists. She then looked down as she realized how true those words were.

During the meeting with his commanders, Unknown received a message from Dark Skull, that they would be waiting for him outside the Lidger Village. And upon meeting them, he simply told them, "If you want me to lead you lots, then you guys can only listen to me and execute my commands. Not even you, the guild leader can't say no to my words."

"Not even a problem," Dark Skull reassuringly told him. He then added Unknown to their group and made him the team leader. He also told his guild mates that Unknown's words are absolute.

Settled, Unknown then told everyone of the Soaring Phoenix guild in the group chat to go to the 120 leveling map called the Lost Forest. He specifically instructed them not to go with more than 5 members. As for the others who had very high levels, he told them to use the [Cloak of Concealment] when entering the area or to go alone. His last instruction was to create two factions, one faction supporting Thorn Lily and the other for Dark Skull, this was to use that map as a battle ground creating a distraction when they were raiding the level 10 palace.

After doing all those things, Unknown created another team with only ten members and gave everyone a contract not to disclose the information he's going to share with them for four hours. Also, they are not allowed to log out of the game during the time period. Lastly, failing to comply with the command of the leader means an intentional breach of contract. The penalty of not complying were: one month ban in game, 1000 golds to be paid, 10% status restriction for two weeks and 50% compensation to the guild when doing quests that are beyond epic.

Out of the ten, two were still deliberating whether they agreed to the terms of the contract or not. Unknown just sneered and kicked them out without even giving a reason. Worst he gave out an order to kill those two.

"Why? One of them was my trusted aide!" Thorn Lily complained while Dark Skull and Drac just attacked them without any hesitations.

"Damn traitors!" Drac was so mad that he wanted to make those two lose more levels to elevate his anger.

"Traitor? What do you mean traitor?" Thorn Lily was seeking an answer.

"Traitors but mostly called spies, they gain your trusts to destroy you," Unknown casually said.

"If they really loved our guild, they would just comply and respect the decision of the leader, " Drac added.

"Then why didn't the others follow the Vamp, I mean the Unknown's order? Wasn't his order absolute?" Thorn Lily was curious.

Doraemon was the one who answered, "Though we didn't comply with the Unknown's words, we haven't disrespected the leader and the manager. The two that they executed were our comrades before so out of respect, only the leader or the people from the higher hierarchy of the guild have the privilege to give out a punishment."

"Here's another lesson for you Lily, I might be the leader in this siege event but I am just temporary. Although your leader told you guys that my words were absolute, he never told you guys to abandon your principles just because of following a certain leader's words. Despite them being traitors, those who didn't attack still gave them the respect they deserved as they still valued them as comrades so they never made a move." Unknown said as he brushed past the vice leader of the Soaring Phoenix guild.

Thorn Lily remained silent. She still couldn't believe that one of her trusted aides was a spy. She now realized why some of her plans in the past were being sabotaged.

Unknown then told the others to equip their own Cloak of Concealment as they travelled. It took them an hour after lots of teleportation and walking. They arrived in a 100 level map that only spawns a dozen monsters so the players had neglected this area. In front of them was a small pond that could only fit three people, "Follow me!"

Leading the team, Unknown dived and the others followed suit. Since it was a game, every player can hold their breath for a minute. And once a minute was gone, twenty five percent of their health would be consumed every three seconds.

After diving, they swam through an entrance that was thoroughly covered by weeds. If one looked at it, they would never have expected it to be hiding a small passageway that only a single person could pass through. Unless they touched it then they would be able to find a secret passage.

Back when he was still Vamp, and being hunted by the Magnifico guild, he went to this 100 level map since there were few monsters respawning and the geographic location was suitable for hiding. He thought he was cornered one time and just dived inside the pond, he saw a lot of weeds inside and decided to use them as covers but he unexpectedly found a passage. Despite discovering the passage, he still died inside drowning. And as a lone gamer who has nothing to do since he was always being hunted, he immediately went to investigate the place. It took him three deaths before he was able to discover the palace that they were going to siege.

Before a minute passed, Unknown led them to a spot where they could take a breath before continuing their journey. They did these three times before they arrived at an illuminated cave. So even if the other players found the passage, they wouldn't be able to survive since they would only drown without knowing these spots of taking a breath. Unless, they were like the Vamp who thoroughly investigated it.

"Whoaw! What a beautiful cave." Thorn Lily gasped in amazement. Even the others were mesmerized by the beauty of it. This was a cave that was being illuminated by crystals and gems.

"Let's continue, this is just the starting dish for your eyes to feast on," Unknown urged as he headed deeper inside the cave.

The group travelled for ten whole minutes when an even more grand scenery emerged in front of them. All of them were flabbergasted as they never expected such scenery. They felt like they were in an underground aquarium as they could see fishes and monsters swimming around them. There was this glass-like cover surrounding them. And in the middle of it was a grand palace made out of ice. This was the palace that they were going to siege.

"How can there be such a beautiful place?"

"Right! It's like a fantasy palace from the movies."

"This was more like a palace in an underground aquarium!"

Letting them enjoy such scenery, Unknown then headed towards the palace after a minute. And as they entered the palace, gloominess suddenly enveloped them and made them shudder. They were all in a high alert.

As they walked on the hallway they could see statues of hydras, basilisks, water dragons and other mythical creatures that could live in water. And they could feel as though they were all staring at them.

At the end of the hallway stood the throne and sitting on it was a woman clad in a frozen armor while holding her weapon - a trident.


[Immortal Ice Mage]

[Level: 300 (1st Rebirth)]

**Note: Rebirth will be later explained in the future chapters.

"This is insane! Can we even defeat this boss?"

Except Unknown, everyone expressed the same feelings. Although they have also experienced their own rebirths and they have higher levels than Trina the Ice Mage, they still thought it was impossible to dominate her.