Chptr 34 We Failed

"Scared?" Unknown asked while smirking.

"You think this is a child's game? She is an immortal ranked monster for Christ's sake and their are only 8 of us! And every level drop matters to us!" Doraemon yelled as he hated being looked down on. The others also agreed with him. As they were some of the players who have high levels, one loss of level would let them earn it back in a day of grinding.

"Alright! Alright you sissies." Unknown just ignored their concern.

Hearing that, even Dark Skull and Drac felt insulted. You can see some veins appearing on their foreheads. Despite that, they controlled themselves and Thorn Lily asked him, "So what's the plan then."

Unknown smiled at them and took out a thousand of items that were all similar, these were the Stone of Imba. They were all flabbergasted as they saw these items.

[Stone of Imba]

[Rank: Can be Ordinary or Immortal depending on the usage.]

"These stones? Are you planning on capturing that Ice Mage?" Drac asked not knowing what's on the mind of Unknown since they all knew that the [Stone of Imba] could only be used when capturing mounts, pets or guardians.

"Then how can we get the loots if we capture that b*tch?" Unknown asked. "Just line them all up from the hallway to the throne."

Although they were still curious, they still followed his order. When they were done, Unknown gave them each three pieces of another item - [Scroll of Hell Flame].

[Scroll of Hell Flame]

[Level: 200]

[Rank: Rare]

"If you have summoning scrolls above level 200, better use it all now else, sieging this palace will be futile," Unknown gave another order.

Dark Skull was the first to use his summoning scroll, he summoned a level 300 Legendary Firebird. He also summoned another level 300 Legendary Dark Wolves. That wasn't yet the end as he again summoned a flock of level 280 Legendary Thunder Crows. Thorn Lily followed suit as she summoned two level 300 Legendary Earth Golems. Seeing their leaders brought out their strongest summoning scrolls, the others removed their hesitations in their hearts as they also brought out theirs. One by one, monsters after monsters appeared inside the palace ranging from level 230 to 300. Their ranks vary from Rare to Legendary.

Meanwhile, while Dark Skull and the others were summoning monsters, the two former members of the Soaring Phoenix Guild that were kicked out by the Unknown have already contacted their true guilds and gave them the information regarding the siege. Magnifico, Pinoys, Maharlika and other strong guilds mobilized all their members to search for the Unknown and the top members of the Soaring Phoenix Guild. They even gave a bounty to who could gave an information to the whereabouts of the above mentioned.

Unfortunately, all the efforts of these big guilds were futile since Unknown covered up their tracks by coordinating with his guild members. He gave each his guild members [Cloak of Concealment] and ordered each of them to hire seven members who own a [Cloak of Concealment]. So before the Unknown and the others started travelling, his guild members have already hired seven members each and they all traveled from the Lidger Village to who knows where.

Members of these strong guilds pursued every group of players who were wearing [Cloak of Concealment]. The innocents who were affected by this incident cursed Unknown and the Soaring Phoenix Guild, some even posted it in the game platform. There were also some who were degrading them in the world, region and local chats in game. But there were only a few of them so who would care about their rants?

These big guilds were getting impatient as they're envious of the Soaring Phoenix Guild and they wanted to pull them down and to avoid them of reaching greater heights. Such was one of the negative traits of some Filipinos, they would rather pull you down than to see you be on top of them. They would rather be on top of you or be at the same level as you.

Going back to the Unknown and the Soaring Phoenix Guild, every preparation has been made, they were only waiting for further instructions of the Unknown. "Here's the plan, make all your summons release their highest damage skill output, just let them deal with the boss for the meantime. The second thing you need to do was to release the [Scroll of Hell Flame] at the same time. And lastly, everyone of you shall go all out with your attacks. And that's it!"

"That's it??!!!!" Everyone asked him with dumbfounded faces.

"Now, everything's up to you guys, I'll await for your good news!" Unknown shouted as he ran outside the palace.

"D*mn that asshole!" Drac cursed.

"Is his plan really reliable?" Doraemon asked Drac.

"I don't know! But since we are here and have already wasted our summoning scrolls, we might as well try!" Drac replied that were agreed by everyone.

Led by Dark Skull, the Soaring Phoenix top members made their summons attack Trina. Trina who was seating on her throne with her eyes closed instantly opened them when she felt an aggression towards her. "Who dares to disturb this empress' sleep?"

Loads of summoned monsters attacked Trina and she retaliated with her magic spells. One by one, summoned monsters disappear one after another until only three left and on their verge of collapsing. Trina who have been attacked by different kind of monsters has only fifty percent of her life remaining, this triggered the statues of the monsters they saw at the hallway to move but the [Stone of Imba] took its effect suppressing the monsters and even her. Also, those statues were unable to attack the Soaring Phoenix Guild because the stone also created a see through barrier.

Seeing this, the top members of the Soaring Phoenix Guild sighed a relief but the aura of those statues still made them shudder in fear and their performance were affected. But since they were one of the top players, they immediately adjusted. Their guild leader Dark Skull immediately gave an order, "Everyone, use all the Scroll of Hell Flame with you!"

As soon as they heard the order, they all took their [Scroll of Hell Flame] and activated it. Soon, the ice palace was starting to melt including the ice armor of Trina the Ice Mage. Not even satisfied, some of them brought out their own flame spell scrolls and activated it. And in the next moment, the owner of the palace went berserk and went all out with her attacks.

"Go all out!" Thorn Lily screamed on top of her lungs as she casted every spells on her arsenal. The others also didn't backed down as they also shown their might. Everyone suddenly realized that their movements were a little bit sluggish. It was because of Trina's ice halo effect that causes freezing. But since they are called experts, this little effect didn't hinder them from attacking and continuously barraged Trina.

Only two percent of her health remained and the chance of winning was slim to zero. They were still trying their best to attack but they felt like their effort would be futile. Little by little, they were still chipping Trina's health but also they were decreasing in number, from seven to five until only three remained. They were on despair and was still thinking of a way to salvage the situation.

"One percent!" Dark Skull sighed and accepted their fate that they lost a lot today. He stared at Trina as his health bar was emptied out. Thorn Lily on the other hand felt bitter and unconvinced. She can't accept the fact that they wasted their time, money and resources this event. Drac was so depressed that only a percent of the boss' health was remaining and yet they were unable to finish it.

"We failed!" Drac message his friend Unknown.

Receiving the message, Unknown already knew that they would fail but still, he went inside the palace and stared at an old lady standing in front of the throne. She was still Trina but the might, arrogance and beauty were gone as she was as weak as a level 1 monster that any casual attack would end her life. Walking towards her, Unknown brushed pass Trina and casually sat down at the throne.

[Ding! Congratulations for ending the reign of the Ice Empress Trina!]