Chapter 40: Poison


There was silence all around as someone shouted 'stop the wedding.' not just one, not just two shouted but three.

They are Cleopatra, Von and Van. We Vaughns and I saw Van like a withered vegetable. He's at the door but his hands were supported on the door so that he would not fall. His lips are black and he is very pale. I can see his veins and his eyes are yellow. I was worried about his condition because he was obviously complaining of pain. He stepped one foot next to the other. He slowly walked towards the center but even before he could reach the center he fell down. We all just looked at him. He tries to stand up but he seems to be losing strength.

"I... stop the Marriage." Van's tears could not escape as he looked ahead.

"Van ..." I looked at Cleopatra who was also crying while looking at Van.

"Please ..lets .. talk, stop the marriage .... I can't stand seeing .... The woman I love is getting married .... To my twin." Van said so I swallowed. Why am I crying? Cleopatra took off the sandals she was wearing and even the veil on her head and then ran closer to Van.

Cleopatra POV

I ran closer to Van. I hugged him as soon as I could get close to him. He is very cold.

"Please ... Stop the wedding ..." he whispered as I hugged him. He slowly hugged me and stroked my hair.

"Listen .... to me ... BB ... Let's talk first ... Let's ... fix .. this." he finds it difficult to say. I don't know what to say.

"You are the ... one .. I love and ... I-I can't .... I can't -hurt you." He has a hard time saying.

"Shhh don't say a word Van." I was crying in a whisper.

"I-I can't ... Fool you." He whispered and let go of my hug. He stared at me and smiled. "You're the .... Most ... G-good thing happened ... In my whole life." His tears flowed as he turned to look at me. I saw how he endured the pain he was feeling. I don't know what's wrong with him, what's with him but I only know one thing. Black alpha does this. Earlier as I was walking I remembered what Leana had told me. I remember what she said with a tattoo like a dog with a sword, I also remember yesterday when Van went home. When he turned around I saw the tattooed dog with a sword around his neck. A member of the black alpha has such a tattoo.

"If i ... Had two hearts .... I w-would ... Fall for you ... Twice." Van smiled when he said that, it made me cry. He approached me and kissed me on the forehead. When he finished, he coughed and became nauseous. My tears flowed when I saw the blood he had vomited so I was alarmed. Some Vaughns also approached us when they saw Van vomiting Blood.

"What the fuck is happening to Van!" Leana asked confused.

"Who can treat this?" Fin asked but no one answered.

"What will weaken you then." Fin said annoyed and approached us. He closed his eyes and activated his power but that did not work. We stopped when we heard applause from outside the door. We looked there and saw what Van and Aphrodite looked like. In a twinkle they changed their appearance. They return to their true form. I clenched my fist when I saw Pheonex, the standing leader of the Black alpha behind the two imitators Van and Aphrodite.

"Nice view." He said and smiled.

"By the way let me introduce ourselves to all of you. I am Pheonex Alegre, the New leader of Black Alpha, and this is Ivy and Nash." He smiled and bowed. He grinned as he turned to look at Van who had lost consciousness.

"Ivy, did you poison the prince charming of our white wolf?" Pheonex asked the woman who imitated Aphrodite with a laugh. That's how she kissed Van. I'll crash her lips later, i swear!

"I said just kiss him I didn't tell you to poison." Pheonex said shaking his head to the one he called Ivy then looked at me.

"I'm sorry about what Ivy did to your prince charming." Pheonex said with a smile.

"I think we can still treat him if you are going to agree with the conditions I will give." He says. I stood up and looked at him. I know that my blood is what they are after.

"If my blood is what you want, you can be stubborn." I said. He laughed.

"Your prince won't die." He said so I looked at Van.

"How many days have passed since Ivy kissed him?" He asked and counted.

"I'm sure it's only your prince until tonight. Without blood, there's no poison." He simply said so I clenched my fist even more and looked at Van. He can't die.

"We only need half your blood, Cleopatra, why are you so mean?" Ivy asked with a laugh.

"Shut up!" I shout.

"Calm down Cleopatra, you're becoming a werewolf. What a waste of a gown." Laughing it says.

"It's just like that. Whether you agree or not, we'll still take your blood." Said Pheonex and later on all the Black Alphas around came out. They surround us all who are here.

"They're too many." Freddrick whispered to me.

"Where's the other White Alpha?" I asked as I turned to look around.

"I can't contact them."

"Now Cleopatra. You will come to save the one you love the most, or you will come so that there will be no more trouble. You can choose both, I'm kind." Pheonex said while turning to smile. I looked at Van unconsciously.

"The weakness of his heart beat." Von said while holding his twin. I looked at Pheonex.

"You can't go with them Cleo. They will resurrect their most leader when you go with them." Freddrick said annoyed.

"Time is running." Pheonex said with a smile. I saw the black alphas come out of the gun. We lost. Apart from the fact that only a few know how to fight against us, we also do not have weapons.

"Tik tak tik tak." I took a deep breath and bowed.

"I'm coming."

"What ?!"

"Very well."

"Heal Van first." I said. Pheonex smiled. I approached Pheonex's direction but also stopped because I was opposite Ivy. I gave her a loud slap before going next to Pheonex.

"Good choice." Pheonex said with a smile and motioned for Ivy to treat Van. I saw Ivy swallow the poison she gave Van. Little by little, Van returned to his old color so I smiled.

"Let's go." After Pheonex said no I was pulled away from that place.