Chapter 41: Cleopatra


I smiled when I saw Van return to his old color. But he is still unconscious since he vomited blood earlier.

"Cleopatra shouldn't have come with them." Freddrick said so I really looked at him. It was only a few minutes before they could leave with Cleopatra. All the guests at the wedding were upset but Fin calmed them down and sent them home. Cleopatra's parents and Papa are included.

"Everyone's home." Said Fin. I rolled my eyes. My siblings and I are the only ones here with Freddrick, Aphrodite and Xanth who is said to be Leana's boyfriend.

"I also sent Clementine and Rizden home to watch over Ozix." Fin added then looked at Van.

"We need to get Cleopatra back." We all looked at Freddrick.

"Once they get Cleopatra's blood, they'll resurrect their greatest leader. When their greatest leader survives, it's a big problem." Said Freddrick.

"We need to plan." Creed said.

"Then we can't just start there." Leona groaned

"I've called the troops, they're coming here." Aphrodite groaned.

"I can't be with you." I said, they could look at me.

"I'll watch Van until he's okay. When I'm sure he's okay, I'll follow." I said. They nodded.

"If you need help from our mermaid, I will send my disciples here immediately to help you." Xanth interjected.

Freddrick laughed so hard that Fin was upset.

"Are you sure you can help? You might die in less than a minute because you're not in the water." Freddrick said.

"You're stupid." Fin groaned so Freddrick's eyebrows were very high.

"I've seen Xanth here before so you can say he's dead in less than a few minutes. Look at him, he has legs. Probably when he calls his disciples they will drink a potion so they can have legs." Fin defended Xanth.

"You stupid mermaids shouldn't float in the air." Fin said annoyed. He's really boiling blood in that Freddrick.

"Please talk, don't fight. We need to help now to get that young lady back." Xanth said.

"We haven't changed our minds, we won't help that stupid creature. He's too cool to think he's handsome." Fin whispered.

"Get organized, you can still beat women if you fight." I said so they fell silent.

"Freddrick, if you want to get your sister back to life, reduce your coolness. And you, Fin--"

"Yes, yes, I know I've been handsome since birth. Now can we plan while I'm still calm?" Fin interrupted me.

"Xanth, join Von in keeping an eye on Van. And if you can, call on the strongest serenades among you to help us." Creed said. Xanth smiled and looked at me.

"I think it would be better if we bring your twin to your house so that he can lie down more comfortably." Xanth told me. I nodded and looked at them.

"We're going home." I said goodbye before Xanth and I picked up Van.

Cleopatra POV

Dark place even at noon straight away, quiet and old. Here we are now in the stronghold of black alphas. As expected, the black alphas greeted us to see what would happen to their leader. I was stunned when Pheonex pushed me right inside their fort.

"Take her upstairs. We will wait for the full moon before we start the ceremony." He ordered one of his staff. His staff pulled me violently to the top. I remember, it's full moon now, the werewolves get stronger when it's full moon, by the time they take my blood and do the ceremony later. The leader of them will wake up and because it is a full moon, it will be even stronger.

They shouldn't get my blood. I still have plenty of time to get out of here. Pheonex's staff pushed me into a room. He tied my hands and feet to a chair and then turned his back on me. He was about to close the door when I called him.

"Wait." I said that's why he looks at me. "Can I ask for food and water? I've been hungry before" I said. He nodded then closed the door. I looked around the room where he had taken me. Big, wide but no windows. Only the door he entered and exited was there. There are some uses but they are obviously old. A few minutes later the person who brought me here with food arrived. I smiled at him. He laid it down on the table in front of me and looked at me.

"Maybe you want to feed me?" I asked.

He just frowned and shot me. I just smiled at him while chewing. He was sitting close to me. I slowly untied the rope from my hand then smiled at him again.

"Nice outfit ah." I said while looking his outfit.

"Can I borrow it?" I asked. He frowned. He was about to speak when I took the fork near me and stabbed him in the head. I was still not satisfied because I took another slice of cake and stabbed it in his eye.

I untied my leg and took off the gown I was wearing. I also took off what the Pheonex staff was wearing and that's what I was wearing. I touched her body to copy her appearance and before I left I put the gown I was wearing on Pheonex's staff and then closed the door.

"Shesh, keep a close eye on what Master is keeping a close eye on you." I was almost surprised when a Pheonex staff suddenly appeared. I just nodded in response then stood up straight. The man left in front of me so I could breathe easily. Now, all I have to do is leave this place before it gets dark. I walked down the stairs. I even stopped to see Pheonex talking to his three staff.

"Take Van and kill him. We won't have any Vaaughn left." He said so I clenched my fist. I might kill you.

"Shesh, what are you doing here?" I look at the one who's calling me. Ivy. I wanted to slap him but because I was pretending to be Pheonex's staff I restrained myself.

"When Master asked for water. I would have taken it to the kitchen." I said.

"I'll take it, go back to your work." She said and passed me. She stopped and looked at my hand.

"Wait a minute, when did you wear a ring on your hand?" I looked at my hand and saw the ring Van had given me. I picked it up when I drove him to their house. It was in his car so I took it. I looked at her. Her eyes narrowed, In an instant she was in front of me and choking me.

"Cleopatra is running away!" She shouted as he choked me. I can see the way Pheonex looked at us. I immediately kicked Ivy and transformed into a werewolf when she released me. I saw Pheonex's staff running towards me. I immediately mutilated one Pheonex staff and bit the next one. I even saw some of his men transform into wolves so I ran out of their fort but the net that fell on me also stopped me, causing me to return to my human form. Pheonex laughed as he turned to look at me.

"Your deceit, Cleopatra, after I healed your Van." He said and put his hand on his forehead.

"Put that to sleep." Pheonex's authoritative command. I looked behind me and saw one of his staff holding an electric remote. He stuck it on my back so that I could feel the flow of electricity throughout my system that page all over my body. He repeated that until my body completely weakened and gave up. I even saw Ivy smile before taking the ring on my finger and then she hit me hard on the head causing me to lose consciousness.